HSI Organizations
There are numerous organizations that employ an HSI approach to the
development of their assets and systems. The list below contains a
sampling of those organizations.
Board on Human Systems Integration (BOHSI)
The Board on Human-Systems Integration has a broad mandate that
includes providing new perspectives on theoretical and methodological issues
concerning the relationship of individuals and organizations to technology
and the environment; identifying critical issues in the design, test,
evaluation, and use of new human-centered technologies; and advising
sponsors on the research needed to expand the scientific and technical bases
for designing technology to support the needs of its users.
Federal Aviation Administration
The FAA's Human Factors
develops and assures implementation of human factors policies, regulations,
programs, and procedures which promote the safety and productivity of the
national airspace system.
Human Factors and Ergonomics Society
The Society's mission is to promote the discovery and exchange of
knowledge concerning the characteristics of human beings that are applicable
to the design of systems and devices of all kinds. The Society furthers serious consideration of knowledge about the assignment
of appropriate functions for humans and machines, whether people serve as
operators, maintainers, or users in the system.
The International System Safety Society
Advance the system safety discipline by creating an international,
interdependent network of system safety professionals dedicated to the
continuous improvement of the art, sciences and technology needed to provide
the best total system safety solutions. Be the recognized international
leader in the system safety discipline.
NASA Ames Research Center Human Factors Site
The Human Systems Integration Division
advances human-centered design and operations of complex aerospace systems
through analysis, experimentation, and modeling of human performance and
human-automation interaction to make dramatic improvements in safety,
efficiency, and mission success. It also offers a human factors 101
training course.
Naval Sea Systems Command
NAVSEA designs, builds, delivers, and maintains ships and systems for the
U.S. Navy.