HSI Educational Opportunities

If you are interested in furthering your knowledge of HSI, there are many avenues available to you. The links below provide options ranging from introductory classes to advanced degrees.

Air Force Institute of Technology
The Air Force offers an Introduction to Human Systems Integration course through its training website. Log in using the CAC option and you can view the catalog of courses. https://www.atrrs.army.mil/channels/afitnow/

Defense Acquisition University (DAU)
The Defense Acquisition University is your principle resource for meeting all your acquisition-related training and continuous learning needs. This includes those associated with your core certification training standards, unique position training standards, and all assignment-specific requirements. https://learn.dau.mil/Atlas2/faces/page/atlasSE/login/Login.seam

Federal Acquisition Institute Training Application System (FAITAS)

FAITAS is a web-based system used to register for various acquisition training, including the Department of Homeland Security Introduction to Acquisition. Understanding the acquisition process is an important component of implementing HSI strategies. https://www.atrrs.army.mil/faitas/External/Login

Federal Aviation Administration Human Factors Awareness Web Course
The FAA Human Factors Awareness course was developed to introduce FAA personnel with backgrounds in various disciplines to the science and methods of Human Factors. While the course was tailored for Integrated Product Team (IPT) members to foster an understanding of the role and contribution of Human Factors in FAA system development, it may also be of interest and use to all FAA employees, students of Human Factors, and the general public. http://www.hf.faa.gov/Webtraining/index.htm

Naval Postgraduate School (NPS)
The NPS is currently the only school in the nation that grants a degree in HSI. The HSI program at NPS advocates a human-centered approach in the design, acquisition, testing, and operation of human-machine interfaces. More information is available at http://www.nps.edu/Academics/Schools/GSOIS/Departments/OR/HSI/index.html

System Safety Training, APT Research, Huntsville
Each year since 2004, APT has offered training for Safety & Mission Assurance professionals. Approximately 200 professionals obtain continuing education credits each year. http://www.hcrq.com/courses.html

Weapons System Explosives Safety Review Board (WSESRB) Training
The Web-Based Interactive Safety Environment (WISE) represents a safety knowledge management tool for training practitioners and the execution of system safety programs. It provides more than 40 hours of safety training with safety overviews and policy references. https://nossa.nmci.navy.mil/extensions/wise/WISE_home.aspx

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