U. S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center

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Travel (TVL) Branch

ETS Hotline 1-866-800-8724


Travel Assist Teams hotline: 1-866-800-USCG (8724). Due to the fees associated with troubleshooting issues directly with CWTSATO’s Customer Care Line, members are strongly discouraged to call CWTSATO directly but instead to work with their Authorizing Official and or Funds Manager. Authorizing Officials/Funds Managers should contact the Travel Assist Teams hotline: 1-866-800-USCG (8724) during the business hours of 8 a.m. to 7 p.m., (EDT), Monday-Friday. Once they have called the hotline, they will be prompted to select a geographic region (west, central, or east time zones) for regional customer care; AOs/Commands stationed out of the continental U.S. (OCONUS) can select any region to be connected to a team member. If AOs/Funds Managers call PPC directly for assistance, the PPC Customer Care Team will direct callers to the Travel Assist Team hotline. 

  • Only approving officials or fund approvers should contact TAT.  

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Subscribers to this list will receive notices and information on Coast Guard travel policy and procedures. Subscribers will also be notified of both scheduled and unscheduled outages affecting the E-Gov travel claim system. Additionally, subscribers will be updated when important information is posted to the Pay and Personnel Center's web site.

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PPC Travel News Updates

Feb. 15, 2018

Military Member Appeal of Travel Claim Determinations

Claimants have the responsibility to prove by clear and convincing evidence that the Coast Guard is liable to the claimant for the amount claimed.

Feb. 15, 2018

Civilian Employee Appeal of Travel claim Determinations

Civilian employee travel and relocation expenses claims must first be filed with PPC (TVL).

Feb. 2, 2018

New Features of the TRICARE Website

The TRICARE website is your first stop when you have questions about your benefit. At the start of the New Year, we introduced some redesigned features on the TRICARE website that make it easier for you to take command of your health. Beyond the new look and feel of the website, new features and tools will now help you find what you're looking for quicker.

May 10, 2017

Civilian exemption for required use of the Travel Management Center (TMC) for conference lodging

Per recent changes, civilian employees are no longer required to use our TMC (ADTRAV) to make lodging reservations for conferences when the conference sponsor has negotiated and set aside rooms at one or more lodging facilities. This exemption already existed for military personnel.

Contact Us

Mailing address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724
(785) 339-2200
For E-Gov Travel Sys (ETS) Call the 
hotline: 1-866-800-USCG (8724)


Customer CarePPC-DG-CustomerCare@uscg.mil

Web Content Manager - PPC-SMB-PPC-PD@uscg.mil


Direct Access https://hcm.direct-access.uscg.mil
Log on to ETS/ETS Logo https://e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.com/

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Guidance for FY22 Closeout and Early FY23 Travel Orders

ALCGFINANCE 040/22, Entering and Recoding Commitments and Obligations During Early FY23 FSMS Downtime. This message provides guidance for creating and tracking financial obligations during the upcoming FSMS outage.

Fiscal Year 2023 Reserve Order Guidance.  All Coast Guard Finance (ALCGFINANCE) message 039/22 provides guidance for reserve orders starting in early FY23.

ALCOAST 360/22, E-Gov Travel System (ETS) Implementation Update Four. This ALCOAST provides guidance for ETS use in preparation for FY23 and required actions for users and approvers.

Government Travel Charge Card - Financial and Travel System Transition Guidance. This message cancels ALCGPSC 128/22. Restrictions on the use of the Centrally Billed Account (CBA) remain. The expanded use of the Government Travel Charge Card (GTCC) Individually Billed Accounts (IBA) to support travel until the Financial Systems Modernization Solution (FSMS) Incident Management Team (IMT) objectives are met as indicated in reference ALCOAST 096/22 are extended as well.

ETQC Training Advisory 008-22, Processing FY23 C School, A School and Accession Course TDY Orders. The successful implementation of practices discussed in reference (a), eliminated the challenges members were experiencing with Direct Access (DA) generated training administration system (TAS) orders. Due to this success, FORCECOM will continue the practice of permitting local units to manage the administration of FY23 "C" school TDY orders to include initiation of the authorization, funds certification, and AO approval. Maintaining uniformity in FORCECOM business processes, at the start of FY23, these instructions will also apply to both Accession (e.g. DCO, OCS, DEPOT) and “A” school TDY orders. These instructions do not apply to PCS orders to the subject schools.

ALCGFINANCE 035/22 provides guidance for temporary duty travel crossing fiscal years (FY). Specifically, it applies to cases where advanced preparation in FY22 is required to effectively facilitate FY23 travel. FY22 is 30 September 2022 and prior. FY23 is 01 October 2022 through 30 September 2023. PPC (P&D) has also prepared a user guide for the process - Processing Cross Fiscal Year Travelpdf.

Fiscal Year 2022 Closeout Guidance  ALCGFINANCE 034/22 provides important information for closing out FY 22 financial data.

E-Gov Travel System

Information on ETS, to include the FAQ page and training opportunities is located at https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/ppc/travel/ets/. Should units have direct questions regarding ETS workforce training, members should email the Travel Management Office at HQS-SMB-CG-1332-TravelManagementOffice@uscg.mil

Note: E-Gov Travel System (ETS) Implementation Update FourNew, provides guidance for ETS use in preparation for FY23 and required actions for users and approvers.

PCS Advances & PCS Claims: Until a new system is in place for PCS claims, we're using a combination of TPAX and ETS to calculate, approve and payout PCS advances and claims. Follow this procedure to submit PCS advances or claimsUpdated(June 23, 2022) 

ETS Webinars - Recordings of training webinars are posted on the ETS Training page . There are new courses for Financial Approvers and AOs. The course descriptions and slide decks are new as well. 

ETS Walkthroughsnew - These guides are annotated screenshots that walk users through various tasks in ETS. They are available on the ETS User Guides Page.

​Action Required: Preparing ETS Profiles Prior to Hurricane and Wildfire Season:  ALCOAST 199/22 requires all personnel (active duty, reservists, and civilians) to ensure their ETS accounts are active, and their profiles are up to date with all dependent information added, by 01 June. This is critical to enabling processing of dependent claims in ETS and reimbursement payments via FSMS.​

General Travel and Contact Information
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Did you know FINCEN disburses travel claim payments for PPC?

Note:  If you traveled under Aircraft Repair and Supply Center (ARSC) travel/training orders funded by AFC-41 and/or AC&I funds, please contact the ARSC Personnel Resources Division (PRD) Travel Administrator for assistance in determining the status of your claim.

With the FINCEN toll free number, your travel payment status can be obtained by simply entering your SSN.  You'll receive the payment status of your last five travel claims.

INCONUS CG Travelers


Travel Authorizing /Approving Official (AO) Course Offline

The AO Course contains Adobe FLASH Media and has been temporarily removed as Adobe FLASH Media is no longer supported and deemed a cyber-vulnerability by CG-6. Please submit your CG-7421a without any attachments and permissions will be granted. As soon as the course comes back online, we will update our website and require proof of completion of the AO course for new AO's or proof the tests have been completed for renewing AO permissions.

Visit our Travel AO Training and Designation Procedures page for AO designation procedures and requirements.

Preparedness for the hurricane season requires a review of evacuation entitlement as well as the evacuation manual claim submission process. This overview is intended to summarize the important points but not to replace guidance provided by the references listed. 


There have been multiple members this assignment season who received erroneous counseling in regards to being reimbursed the costs to ship a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) within the Continental Unitized States (CONUS) incident to a Permanent Change of Station (PCS).  There are normally only two situations when members are authorized to ship a POV within CONUS.


First Situation which DOES NOT REQUIRE Authorization by COMDT (CG-1332) but must be annotated on the member’s PCS Order:

In accordance with the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), par. 052902 and the Coast Guard Supplement to the JTR (CGS-JFTR) COMDTINST M4600.17 (series), par. 5414, a member with dependents relocating incident to a PCS within CONUS, may be reimbursed for personally procured transportation of one POV provided all of the following apply:

  • The household possesses more than one POV to be relocated to the new PDS;
  • The household then travels at one time in one POV, this would include members married to members;
  • Commercial transportation is not used by member or any dependents;
  • Member personally procures POV transportation, NOT through Government contract;
  • Member is financially responsible for all excess cost/additional expenses associated with POV transportation;
  • PCS orders must be annotated to authorize transportation to include the maximum reimbursement computation.  Computation examples are available on DTMO’s website https://www.defensetravel.dod.mil/Docs/CE-MPDT-13.pdf.

Refer to the Personnel & Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2 (series), Section 2.A.11, for additional procedural guidance to include how to file a claim for a member who personally procures a POV shipment within CONUS.

Second Situation which REQUIRES Prior Authorization by COMDT (CG-1332):

In accordance with the JTR, par. 052901 and CGS-JFTR, par. 5416, a member who is physically unable to drive or has insufficient time to drive and report to the new PDS may be authorized to ship a POV by COMDT (CG-1332).

One of the conditions must be met before requesting authorization from COMDT (CG-1332):

  1. The member is physically unable to drive as documented by a competent medical authority (i.e., a licensed medical practitioner); or
  2. There is insufficient time for the member to drive and report to the new PDS as ordered.  An endorsement is required from the departing and reporting commands stating that the member is unable to take the applicable travel time to safely travel by POV because of operational reasons.

Note: A dependent’s inability to drive does not satisfy this criterion.

The command from which the member is departing shall submit the request with the endorsement from the reporting command (if applicable) or medical documents (if applicable) for authorization to Commandant (CG-1332) well in advance of the members planned departure date.  There is no authority within the JTR to approve requests after the fact. Reimbursement for Personally Procured transportation of a POV is not authorized under this situation, shipment of a POV must be contracted through the Government with the Transportation Officer.

Requests must be submitted by memo to hqs-dg-lst-cg-1332-travel@uscg.mil.

Mail Travel Claims To:

Commanding Officer (TVL)
Pay & Personnel Center 
Topeka, KS 66683-3591

Mail Claims for Personally Procured Moves (PPM) ("DITY Moves") to the Coast Guard Finance Center (FINCEN):

USCG Finance Center
PO Box 4102
Chesapeake, VA 23327-4102

Note:  If you traveled under Aircraft Repair and Supply Center (ARSC) travel/training orders funded by AFC-41 and/or AC&I funds, please contact the ARSC Personnel Resources Division (PRD) Travel Administrator for assistance in determining the status of your claim.



Using WEB TPAX Manage Images to attach required TDY travel documents to claims greatly streamlines the audit process. When a claim is selected for a post-payment audit, PPC sends the traveler a courtesy impending-audit notice email with no action required. Once the audit commences, if the traveler did not attach required documents to the original claim or additional documents are needed, PPC will send the traveler an email notice (a kick back email) of what is required and will give 30 business days to scan and attach (or mail) required documents. If the traveler does not attach/submit required documents, PPC will send a final email notice informing the traveler that a debt is being created to collect all or a portion of the claim based on missing documents. In all cases, PPC will no longer send Second, Third, or Final Audit Requests. Travelers may request an audit suspension if unable to comply with documentation requests due to operational commitments. Submit audit suspension requests to PPC Customer Care, providing the claim number and the estimated end date of suspension. Submit requests via PPC Customer Care.

Guide: Travel Audit Process OverviewFile in pdf format

The mailing address for sending claims for TPAX audits is:

Commanding Officer (TVL/TPAX Audits)
U. S. Coast Guard
Pay & Personnel Center
444 SE Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591

The Audit Travel Claim package will consist of:

  • Copy of signed orders (authorization).
  • Copy of all signed amendments.
  • Copy of travel claim (DD-1351-2 electronically signed).
  • Copy of itemized receipt(s) for all hotel/motel lodging (even if less than $75) that reflects all occupants and single daily lodging rate (Express Check-out receipts are not acceptable).
  • Copy of signed Long-Term or month to month lease agreement(s)
  • Copy of signed monthly rental receipt (proof of payment includes but is not limited to copy of money order or front and back of cancelled check)
  • Copy of airfare itinerary(s) (must reflect cost of airfare).
  • Copy of transportation receipts (even if less than $75) (including Rental Car receipts; estimated receipts are not acceptable).
  • Copy of receipts for all reimbursable expenses of $75 or more.

    Note: (1) Receipts: Credit card statements are not authorized to be used as a receipt.
    (2) Excess Baggage Charges: Please be sure the orders (or amendment) indicate authorization for 2 or more checked bags.

If the traveler is audited on multiple claims, a complete individual audit package is required for each claim requested for audit. Multiple audit packages may be sent in the same envelope to PPC Travel-Audit however each claim package must be separated by placing each audit in their own individual package that distinguishes them apart from each other. Incomplete/improperly prepared packages will be returned to the member to be separated into the individual audit packages. Additionally, Please send only copies of the required documents.

Also see pages 2-B-16 through 2-B-20 of the Personnel & Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2A (PDF), for records maintenance instructions and audit policies and procedures.

Primary DLA Rates (Effective October 1, 2022) (PDF)

FY 2023 Per Diem Highlights

The standard CONUS lodging rate will increase from $96 to $98. All current NSAs will have lodging rates at or above FY 2022 rates. The M&IE per diem tiers for FY 2023 are unchanged at $59-$79, with the standard M&IE rate unchanged at $59.

There are no new NSA locations this year. The following locations that were NSAs (or part of an established NSA) in FY 2022 will move into the standard CONUS rate category:

  • Cromwell/Old Saybrook, CT (Middlesex County)
  • El Paso, TX (El Paso County)
  • Rock Springs, WY (Sweetwater County)

Visit https://www.travel.dod.mil/Travel-Transportation-Rates/Per-Diem/Per-Diem-Rate-Lookup/ or  https://www.gsa.gov/travel/plan-book/per-diem-rates to look up FY 2023 per diem rates.

Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23) Standard CONUS Per Diem Rate Announced

The FY23 Standard CONUS per diem rate is  $157 and is applicable for all official travel performed on or after 1 October 2022 to 30 September 2023.

98 54 35 5 157 10/01/2022

PCS Mileage (MALT) and TDY Mileage Rates

10 June 2022:   The IRS just announced increases to the standard mileage rates that will go into effect on 01 July 2022. These increases will directly affect the mileage reimbursement rate for PCS and TDY travel for military members and civilian employees alike. The mileage rate for PCS travel will increase from $0.18 to $0.22 per mile, and the mileage rate for TDY travel will increase from $0.585 to $0.625 per mile. 

Effective 1 July 2022, the MALT (monetary allowance in lieu of transportation) rate per authorized POC (privately owned conveyance) is $0.22 (twenty-two cents) per mile. This rate is effective for all PCS travel that commences on or after 1 July 2022 (i.e., the initial travel is started).

TDY mileage rates changed on 01 July 2022. The new TDY rates are:

$0.625 - Automobile (if no GOV is available)
$0.22 - POC use instead of a government-furnished vehicle (if a GOV is available) when the use of a government-furnished vehicle is to the government's advantage.
$0.605 - Motorcycle
$1.81 - Airplane

Current and previous PCS & TDY mileage rates are posted at https://www.travel.dod.mil/Travel-Transportation-Rates/Mileage-Rates/



Commercial airfare cost plus the TMC fee make up the commercial transportation cost (JTR, par. 020207 & FTR §301-10.109). This cost may refer to the actual cost paid for travel or a constructed cost used as a cap on reimbursement. The policy constructed cost cap is used when the traveler personally procures commercial airfare between official locations on a travel leg, commercial air is authorized and a traveler does not utilize an available TMC (ADTRAV). The cap may also be used when commercial air is authorized but another mode of transportation is used such as POV. The airfare cap is limited to an available YCA City Pair Fare plus TMC fee or if the YCA fare is unavailable the Lowest Economy Fare as determined by the AO (JTR, APP. A & FTR §301-10.106). The YCA fare includes specific taxes, charges and fees depending on whether a domestic or international flight (GSA City Pair Program). The Lowest Economy Fare would include the same costs. Please refer to the optional Airfare Cap Worksheet for assistance. Civilian employees may be authorized exception to use of a contract City Pair Fare on orders under FTR §301-10.7 & FTR §301-10.8.

Airfare Cap Worksheet file in MS Excel format(Amounts in the form are examples)

In order to determine a cost comparison between airfare and POV use enter the lowest of either the actual cost or the constructed cost of airfare then compare with the POV computed cost. If POV use is considered advantageous then the POV computed cost is reimbursable (JTR, par. 020203 & FTR §301-10.5). If POV use is not advantageous then reimbursement cannot exceed the constructed cost. TDY travel orders may authorize POV not to exceed (NTE) the cost of government procured transportation by stating “POV travel NTE the constructed cost $XXX.XX” (actual dollar amount replacing the “X’s”).

Constructive Cost of worksheetFile in Excel Format

Note: See the TPAX Constructed Cost Tutorial to learn how to input your claim when travel via POC not to exceed the policy constructed cost is authorized.

Also see Guidance and examples for Constructed Cost Computation worksheetFile in PDF format

Available City Pair Fare: https://cpsearch.fas.gsa.gov/cpsearch/search.do?method=enter

TMC Fee: /Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/Personnel-Service-Center-PSC/BOPS/PSC-BOPS-R/GOVTrvl/ADTRAV/#GetThere%20Fees

Lowest Economy Fare (recommended but not an official site): http://matrix.itasoftware.com/


See Guidance for Lost, Damaged, or Missing ReceiptsAdobe Acrobat Required

The following statements must accompany any claim (including audit requests) that does not include required receipts or original orders:

The statements must be completed by the traveler and signed by both the traveler and the Approving Official (AO).

Procedural Updates and Known Issues

This is a running list of known issues and procedural highlights. 

Also, be sure to visit our branch news page for travel-related news updates.




August 2022:

July 2022:

June 2022

  • 2022 PCS Season Resource Updates

  • Temporary Lodging Allowance (TLA) Advances and Claims CG Portal Site

    • Coast Guard Finance Center, Chesapeake, VA — The link to access the new Sharepoint platform is https://cg.portal.uscg.mil/units/fincen/SitePages/TLAClaims.aspx. Within the platform, users will have access to view the user guide to assist with processing claims as well as the ability to view the FINCEN Review workbench to see where claims are in the process.
  • Processing Advances for Personally Procured Moves (PPM)

    • Coast Guard Finance Center, Chesapeake, VA — PPM Advances are emailed to the PPM Advance Shared mailbox. That email address is: FIN-SMB-PPMADVANCE@USCG.MIL.
  • Standard Mileage Rates for Official Travel (Flag Voice 579)

    • The IRS just announced increases to the standard mileage rates that will go into effect on 01 July 2022.  These increases will directly affect the mileage reimbursement rate for PCS and TDY travel for military members and civilian employees alike.  The mileage rate for PCS travel will increase from $0.18 to $0.22 per mile, and the mileage rate for TDY travel will increase from $0.585 to $0.625 per mile.

May 2022

(*)  YN2 Steinbach, Airstation San Francisco, created and provided these guides.

April, 2022

March, 2022

February, 2022

  • The Travel Assist Team (TAT) is available through March 31. Only approving officials or fund approvers should contact TAT.  

  • DHS FSM Periodically sends FSMS System Status announcements to inform users of both planned and unplanned system outages.  To ensure wide distribution of this information we post these announcements to a System Status Announcement Board  and forward them to the HQ-FMPS-System-Status Distribution Group.  To subscribe to receive FSMS System Status Announcements (Click Here ); To view FSMS System Status Announcements (Click Here).

December, 2021:

  • Discontinued Mandatory Use of CG Form 2070 after 05 Jan 2022ETS streamlines the process for Coast Guard travelers. Members are required to update their profiles with their supervisor's information in the notification portion to confirm entry of travel into ETS. Travelers must receive their command's permission to travel prior to ETS entries. Commands should assist travelers with understanding the appropriate supervisory level to approve travel. Units seeking greater control of member travel may elect to continue to use CG Form 2070. (Ref: Paragraph 4, ALCOAST 456/21, E-Gov Travel System (ETS) Implementation Update Two).