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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             

Travel (TVL) Branch


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Customer Service Feedback

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Mailing Address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724



Web Content Manager 

Feedback button


Direct Access https://hcm.direct-access.uscg.mil
Log on to ETS/ETS Logo https://e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.com/

mLINQS Resources


Welcome to the mLINQS page!

We hope you find the new format easier to navigate and the information better assembled for all your research needs. On this mLINQS OVERVIEW tab, you will find basic information and each topic tab the instruction required to assist you.

mLINQS Employee Portal Workaround

Until the auto generated email issue is resolved, technicians will create user accounts by clicking the 'Create User' button. This automatically generates a registration email containing the following link: https://uscg.mypdt.mil/registration. Until then, technicians must send this link manually. Travelers should click the link, accept the Rules of Behavior, enter their USCG email address, and click 'Register Account.' This links their CAC ID to their username, enabling single sign-on (SSO) access to the employee portal.

mLINQS Orders With HHG’s and/or Vehicle Shipments

When booking transportation of HHG’s or vehicle shipments, the transportation office needs the following information:

United States Coast Guard PCS ORDERS 2025 v.1.1

Transportation Account Codes for Permanent Change of Station v.1.1

Annual Recertification

“Per DHS security standards an annual elevated privileges account recertification is required in the USCG travel apps. Elevated privileges now have a one-year shelf life before they expire (1 year after permissions have been granted). After 1 year, those privileges will have to be reinstated after completing the newest travel training (ETS and/or mLINQS), certifying the training completion and sending the PPC Customer Care template, with the AO checklist, from our webpage”.

To simplify, centralize and manage AO/elevated permission requests, please use the Elevated Permissions Checklist, and attach this checklist to the customer care ticket when requesting elevated permissions in the travel systems (E2 and/or mLINQS).

NOTICE: All YNs/ Admin E4 and above who have completed the required mLINQS training may have access to proxy members PCS claims in MLINQS - ONLY AOs E5/GS7 and above may input and/or approve authorizations in mLINQS.  CAC card log on is fully operational.  Please follow the "Single Sign On Guide" for access via CAC card.


LOG IN HERE:  moveLINQ-Login - mLINQS Live Expense Portal

VIDEOS: Video is only accessible via CAC login.

mLINQS Employee Portal Process Review 

Travel Inquiries 

PPC Customer Care Call Technicians do not have the ability to unlock any users accounts.

Travel Approving Officials Support for Travel Claims: Travelers will work directly with their AOs to complete claims, resolve errors, and obtain information regarding claim status, audits, supplemental claims, travel policy, or requests for explanation of travel payments. This change will provide the most rapid resolution of member travel issues, will improve AO/traveler communications and efficiency, will improve AO proficiency and expertise, and will reduce overall claim processing and reimbursement times. If travelers call PPC Customer Care directly for assistance, Customer Care will direct callers to contact their AO.  If an issue cannot be resolved at the AO level, the AO can submit an electronic ticket only that will go to PPC Travel. 


It really helps to include a screenshot or required documents when contacting us by email. This instruction provides how to attach information. 

Adding Supporting Documents to PPC Trouble Tickets
TRAVEL INQUIRY - Use this link to send an email for Travel Inquiries.  Travel Inquiry Template Instructions







Additional TVL Pages

PPC Travel - mLINQS internal SharePoint (CAC required)

E-Gov Travel Service (ETS)

PCSAssistTeam - Seasonal Availability

Directives & References:

Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29 (series)

Department of Defense Financial Management Regulation (DoD FMR)

Federal Travel Regulation (FTR) - Civilian Employees

Joint Travel Regulations (JTR)

Personnel & Pay Procedures Manual (3PM)


CG-3307's - Administrative Remarks Entries

CG Forms & Worksheets

Annual Recertification

“Per DHS security standards an annual elevated privileges account recertification is required in the USCG travel apps. Elevated privileges now have a one-year shelf life before they expire (1 year after permissions have been granted). After 1 year, those privileges will have to be reinstated after completing the newest travel training (ETS and/or mLINQS), certifying the training completion and sending the PPC Customer Care template, with the AO checklist, from our webpage”.

To simplify, centralize and manage AO/elevated permission requests, please use the Elevated Permissions Checklist, and attach this checklist to the customer care ticket when requesting elevated permissions in the travel systems (E2 and/or mLINQS).

AO checklist (elevated permissions) grace period ends March 01, 2025. Starting March 02, 2025, all AO/elevated permissions requests for E2 and/or mLINQS will require the AO checklist to be completed and attached to the customer care ticket.


NOTICE: All YNs/ Admin E4 and above who have completed the required mLINQS training may have access to proxy members PCS claims in MLINQS - ONLY AOs E5/GS7 and above may input and/or approve authorizations in mLINQS.  CAC card log on is fully operational.  Please follow the "Single Sign On Guide" for access via CAC card.


LOG IN HERE:  moveLINQ-Login - mLINQS Live Expense Portal

VIDEOS: Video is only accessible via CAC login.

mLINQS AO Certification Video



It really helps to include a screenshot or required documents when contacting us by email. This instruction provides how to attach information. 

Adding Supporting Documents to PPC Trouble Tickets
TRAVEL INQUIRY - Use this link to send an email for Travel Inquiries.  Travel Inquiry Template Instructions

Known Issues & News

TLA is now being processed mLINQS at the unit level. After completing the mLINQS training please go to page 26 of our “Creating a new PCS authorization” guide for assistance.

Situational use of CBA for PCS Travel:

If the CBA must be use when PCSing, you must utilize the E2 online booking tool for reservations and have an approved E2 travel authorization set to "Agency Billed" for flights, TMC Agent Assisted Fees, and Voucher Transaction Fees only.  This can be a generic travel authorization (same for Alaska Marine Highway System).

If you do not have this, the TMC has been instructed to not authorize the travel. 

Currently: mLINQS does not interface with E2 and the online booking tool.  Therefore, a proper CBA Award cannot be created and sent to FSMS to obligate funds.  Please advise your members that they are required to voucher for the CBA Travel Authorization in E2 as well (only the CBA portion).  This should be the only function in E2 for PCS travel.


mLINQS Orders With HHG’s and/or Vehicle Shipments

When booking transportation of HHG’s or vehicle shipments, the transportation office needs the following information:

United States Coast Guard PCS ORDERS 2025 v.1.1

Transportation Account Codes for Permanent Change of Station v.1.1

mLINQS Employee Portal Workaround

Until the auto generated email issue is resolved, technicians will create user accounts by clicking the 'Create User' button. This automatically generates a registration email containing the following link: https://uscg.mypdt.mil/registration. Until then, technicians must send this link manually. Travelers should click the link, accept the Rules of Behavior, enter their USCG email address, and click 'Register Account.' This links their CAC ID to their username, enabling single sign-on (SSO) access to the employee portal.

Legacy Calculator Drop Down in mLINQS

If an AO/Admin has started a claim using the Legacy process and needs to make adjustments to the claim for calculation purposes, please submit a PPC Help Ticket requesting temporary access to the Legacy Process Calculator, as this drop down in the mLINQS PCS application has been shut off to the fleet. Please use the provided template on our travel page. PPC will handle these claims on a case-by-case basis. All new PCS travel orders should originate from DA which will merge to mLINQS (live) and should be processed that way.  Please visit mLINQS PCS travel application for updated information, guides and tutorials. 

New PCS Travel Claim Process:  Route the DA PCS order (ensure order notes are completed) to get it approved into a “Ready” status.  Funding is no longer added to the DA orders.  Once the order is in “Ready” status, DA will transmit relocation data to mLINQS.  Once data is received by mLINQS, you can begin the PCS travel claim process to include adding the funding amounts.

IAW 087-23 ALCGPSC - ETS created Open Authorizations are no longer authorized for use. This Trip will need to be created using a regular Authorization or under a DA Created Open Authorization if applicable for PCS. Please see https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/ppc/Travel/ETS/Guides/ for job-aids on how to create travel authorizations or ask your AO and /or Admin for assistance. We will be returning this approval in ETS.

For PCS claim information see https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/ppc/travel/mllinqs/

For TDY claim information see E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) (uscg.mil)


  • Obligations created in DA that require an amendment or need to be cancelled will be updated manually in FSMS by a USCG Funds Manager.
  • If the relocation is created in Direct Access, claims will be submitted on SharePoint portal and FINCEN will enter vouchers manually.  ETS vouchering will continue for claims created under DA.

PCS Child Care Pilot Program - NEW!!!

DoD to Reimburse Transportation Costs of Child Care Providers > Defense Travel Management Office > Article

PCS Child Care User Guide

AK to CONUS Temp Workaround

Please find a temporary workaround to balance accounting correctly for AK to CONUS travel until the 13.1 mLINQS update. AK to CONUS Temp Workaround PDF

NOTE: mLINQS Function for Driving to Alaska Per Diem 

A function has been added to MLINQS to ensure the correct Per Diem will be paid out when driving to Alaska. When selecting the location in the travel leg, please select CONUS RATE as the ending location. In the comment box, please specify where the member finished their travel. Please note that this only needs to be done when the member finishes their travel in Alaska by POV.

Pet Transportation Allowance Effective 1 JAN 2024 - JTR 050107 Pet Expenses Due to a PCS (Page 5A-2 of JTR) 

Frequently Asked Questions - Defense Travel Management Office

A. Eligibility. A Service member on a PCS order is authorized reimbursement for mandatory quarantine fees for household pets. A household pet is a cat or a dog.

B. Allowances. Reimbursement for the actual cost of these fees is authorized, limited to $550 per PCS move.

C. Pet Quarantine Information. See Pet Quarantine Information and the DTMO website for more details.

D. Pet Transportation. Transportation for a household pet is not a reimbursable expense unless the transportation is due to an evacuation from a foreign PDS in accordance with par. 060204. 

E. Changes Effective 2024. On January 1, 2024, the following pet transportation allowances will apply:

1. Eligibility. A Service member on a PCS order with an effective date of January 1, 2024 or later, as defined in Appendix A, may be authorized reimbursement for the costs related to the relocation of one household pet that arises from a permanent change of station. A household pet is a cat or a dog, owned for personal companionship. A Service member is responsible for following rules for importing and exporting a pet to and from the United States in order to be eligible for reimbursement. Denial of entry could result in denial of reimbursement. See How to Compute a Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Order’s Effective Date. 

2. CONUS. A Service member may be authorized the reasonable and substantiated cost of mandatory microchipping, boarding fees, hotel service charges, licensing fees at the new PDS, and pet shipping fees if the member flies rather than drives, or the pet is shipped separately from the member. Reimbursement for the actual cost of all expenses is limited to $550 per PCS move.

3. OCONUS. A Service member may be authorized the reasonable and substantiated cost of mandatory microchipping, quarantine fees, boarding fees, hotel service charges, licensing fees at the new PDS, testing titer levels for entry, and pet shipping fees if the member flies rather than drives, or the pet is shipped separately from the member. For transoceanic travel, use of Government or Government [1] procured transportation must be used if available or reimbursement for transportation costs is not authorized. Reimbursement for the actual cost of all necessary expenses described above in connection with the movement of a pet is limited to $2,000 per PCS move.

mLINQS User Guides 

mLINQS Orders With HHG’s and/or Vehicle Shipments

When booking transportation of HHG’s or vehicle shipments, the transportation office needs the following information:

United States Coast Guard PCS ORDERS 2025 v.1.1

Transportation Account Codes for Permanent Change of Station v.1.1

PCS Child Care Pilot Program - NEW!!!

DoD to Reimburse Transportation Costs of Child Care Providers > Defense Travel Management Office > Article

PCS Child Care User Guide



mLINQS Incremental Roll Out FAQ 06/23/2023
Legacy Calculator Overview for PCS Process 03/06/2024
mLINQS Single Sign On  08/28/2023
Creating a New PCS Authorization 10/23/2024
Legacy Calculator Creating a PCS Relocation and Authorization 11/13/2024
PCS En Route Member and Dependents Travel Separately 09/20/2023
PCS En Route Mixed Modes 05/21/2024
PCS En Route Flying   07/26/2023
PCS En Route COT Travel Legacy Calc  02/06/2024
PCS En Route Crossing the International Date Line  07/26/2023
Member to Member Married PCS Travel 09/27/2023
No Cost PCS Relocation 02/26/2025
Pet Expense 10/01/2024
Alaska Marine Highway System PCS Authorization 11/15/2024
Legacy Calculator Creating an Advance 11/13/2024
Creating an Advance for PCS Entitlements  10/31/2024
Legacy Calculator Creating a PCS Amendment 11/13/2024
Creating a PCS Amendment  10/31/2024
Adding Personally Procured Move (PPM) 03/18/2025
View, Add and Edit PCS Expenses 09/27/2023
Legacy Calculator Approving PCS Documents 11/13/2024
Approving a PCS Authorization  10/31/2024
Creating a PCS Voucher (Proxy)  03/03/2023
Updating the Pay Grade of a Traveler 02/11/2025
Creating a New User Account for the Employee Portal 01/28/2025
Opening an Existing PCS Amendment 02/23/2023
Opening an Existing PCS Authorization 02/23/2023
Opening an Existing PCS Voucher 02/23/2023
Searching for an Existing Relocation 02/23/2023
Setting My Assigned Relocations as the Default Screen in mLINQS 02/23/2023
Unlocking an In Use Relocation 01/30/2023
Viewing an Existing Authorization 05/04/2023





























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For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.