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Travel (TVL) Branch

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Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591

(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central time) M-F


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Welcome to ETS


The E-Gov Travel Service (ETS) is a governmentwide, web-based, world-class travel management service. This streamlined service continually applies commercial best practices to realize travel efficiencies and deliver a transparent, accountable, and sustainable service that yields exceptional customer satisfaction.

ETS enables the government to further consolidate travel services, platforms, and channels, improve leverage of government travel spending, reduce waste, and increase transparency for improved accountability. This directly aligns and supports the Office of Management and Budget Memo M-12-12 regarding Promoting Efficient Spending to Support Agency Operations with respect to travel.

ETS’s benefits and features include:

  • Optimized online travel planning enabling informed cost decisions, at the point-of-sale, by identifying the lowest available airfare that is policy compliant.
  • Create and manage travel authorizations, manage the approval process, submit vouchers, and receive reimbursements, all online.
  • Mobile capabilities allow the approval of authorizations and vouchers, receipt capture, and itinerary management.
  • Flexible auditing based on agency business rules, which notify the traveler and the approver when a selection is out of compliance.
  • System is fee based using GSA Master Contract Schedule for booking/vouchering. Cost is directly billed to the traveler and travel funds are allocated to reimburse the traveler at settlement.
ETS2 Types and Roles

Role Name 

Role Description 


E2 provides each system user with access to features and functions appropriate to a specific user type and role. All users are assigned a user type during the initial user configuration process. E2 supports the following user types: 

USCG Traveler 

As a federal traveler, you can create, modify, delete, route, and print travel documents for yourself, as well as for any other travelers who have given you permission to arrange their travel. Any user, regardless of user type or role, can perform traveler or designated travel arranger functions. 

USCG Auditor 

As a federal agency auditor, you can approve or revise a travel voucher or voucher amendment (with comments). If you are performing post-payment audits, action is limited to approval. 

USCG Approver 

As a federal supervisory travel approver, you can approve, revise, route, and print travel documents, including vouchers, local travel claims, advances, and amended documents, with comments and accounting functionality. 


User roles provide users of any type with access to specific features and functions. User roles are assigned to a user of any type during the initial user configuration process. For example, a user with a user type of Approver can also have the role of Arranger. The following user roles can be assigned to a user of any type. 

USCG Arranger 

Travelers can designate any user within their group as someone who can arrange travel for them. If you have the user role of Arranger, however, you can arrange travel for any other user to whom you have access, without having to be designated as a travel arranger by specific travelers. 

Arrangers are identified as any user with an arranger access level of minor customer (or higher). The arranger access level controls the group of users for whom you can arrange travel automatically. For example, if you have an arranger access level of major customer, you can arrange travel for any user within your own workgroup and within any other workgroup associated with your major customer. (The Arranger Access level field is part of your user account settings and is managed by an E2 travel policy manager.) 

As an arranger, you can view a list of all users for whom you can automatically arrange travel by clicking Travel for Others in the E2 task bar. 

USCG Self Registration Validator 

Validators are identified as any user with a Self-Registration Validator access level of minor customer (or higher). As a validator, you validate user requests for E2 user accounts. 

USCG Administrator 

An administrator is an E2 user within an organizational structure who has a specific set of advanced permissions. Administrators can assist you with travel policy questions specific to your agency, as well as with other issues related to E2 features and functions. Administrators may be at SPO and unit levels. 

• Create, delete, and manage user accounts and user profiles 

• Define major and minor customer settings 

• Add notes to, and remove notes from, the customer hierarchy 

• Manage approval routing pools, routing rules, and routing templates 

• Manage financial systems, accounting codes, and funds 

• Customize informational messages and emails, and manage user bulletins 

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.