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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             

Customer Service Feedback

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Mailing Address:

Commanding Officer (RAS)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central time) M-F



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Separations (SEP) Branch

The Presidential Appreciation Certificate for personnel retiring on or after January 20, 2021 has not been issued to date and is currently unavailable.  Once the certificate has been made available for issuance, PPC will forward to retirees at their listed address in Direct Access. We appreciate your patience and are grateful for your service.

The wording to the certificates is provided below so that it can be read at retirement ceremonies. 

These certificate templates can be used at ceremonies.

Mock Presidential appreciation certificate (Adobe Acrobat Format)

The Pay and Personnel Center Separations  Branch (PPC-SEP) does not pre-mail retirement certificates. 


Retirement certificates must be requested by the member's unit using the memo below. The unit must submit the certificate request memo at least 60 days prior to the date planned for the member's retirement ceremony.

  • PPC (SEP) issues three types of certificates: Retirement, Spousal Appreciation and Presidential. We do NOT issue certificates to significant others, children (use-CG-5673, see below)  or pets. Children's certificates are processed at the unit level.
    •  Children's Certificate of Appreciation  (CG-5673)
  • The information on the Direct Access/Global Pay database is what is used to populate the names on the certificates. PPC (SEP) cannot deviate from this for nicknames or AKA situations.
  • Retirement certificate requests will only be accepted for member's with APPROVED ORDERS. Approved Orders should not be confused with an APPROVED SEPARATION AUTHORIZATION. If Approved Orders are not available, please consult your ADMIN/SPO.
  • These  certificate templates can be used at ceremonies in the event the actual certificates are not received in time:

For information on the Presidential Letter of Appreciation - 30 Years, see below. This is not a service provided by PPC. 

The date of retirement determines which Presidential signature will be used not the ceremony date. NO EXCEPTIONS


Retirement Certificate Order Memo - To be submitted by member's Unit.


Note: This is the process to order retirement certificates issued by PPC.  Presidential Letters of Appreciation for Members Retiring With 30 or More Years of Service must be request via the Personnel Service Center (PSC). See below for the process.

Please fill out the following memo to order retirement certificates. A PPC representative will review the information, print the certificates, and mail to the address provided below as soon as possible.

Please submit requests for certificates to PPC-SEP in memo format.
Here is a template showing all the information we need to process the requestFile in Word Format. (
Note: This is a MS Word file, you'll need to download it (right-click on the link and select "Save link as"), fill it out, sign it, attached it to an e-mail and send it PPC Customer Care.)
Submit memo requests via e-mail to

The following information is required for all retirement certificate requests:


Is this request for replacement certificates?

If yes, explain.


Member’s full name:

First Middle Last


Member’s gender:

Male / Female


Member’s employee ID number:



Member’s Rate/Rank:

Yeoman First Class / Lieutenant Commander


Member’s branch of service:

Active Duty /Reserve

g. Permanent Disability Yes / No


Member’s marital status:

Married / Single


Spouse’s Name:

If married – First MI Last


Spouse’s Gender:

If married – Male /Female



If married – Husband / Wife / Spouse


Date of retirement ceremony:

Enter date. Submit at least 60 days prior to this date.


Retirement date:

Enter date.


Retiree’s total years in service:

Enter total years of service


Active Duty Base Date (ADBD) or Pay Base Date (PBD) (for Reservists)

Enter Date.


Unit name:

Name of unit


Unit mailing address:

Full mailing address
City, State, and zip code.


Unit point of contact (POC) name:

Enter the name of the POC


POC rank/rate/title:

Enter the POC’s title


POC daytime telephone number:

Enter the POC’s phone number with area code.


POC e-mail address:




Enter any additional information.


Per COMDTINST 1800.6A - Presidential Recognition on Retirement from the Coast Guard, service Members who retire with at least 30 years of military service shall receive a standard letter of appreciation upon retirement, prepared by the White House and signed by the President of the United States.

To request a letter for a member at your unit, complete and sign the the memo template - Presidential 30 YR Request Memo - from Chapter 3, Part N, of the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2(series) and send it via email to PSC (OPM-1/EPM-1/or RPM-1) with a copy of the DA Retirement Authorization. You must allow at least 90 days for processing.

Requests MUST be sent to the appropriate PSC email addresses for processing:

If Email Memo to
Active Duty Officer   HQS-SMB-PSC-OPM-1-Separations@uscg.mil
Active Duty Enlisted   HQS-SMB-CGPSC-EPM-1-Retirements@uscg.mil
Reserve Officer or Enlisted   HQS-SMB-CGPSC-RPM-1-Status@uscg.mil

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For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.