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Authorized CG-3307 (Administrative Remarks) Entries


Welcome to the CG-3307 Authorized Administrative Remarks Page!

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We hope you find the new format easier to navigate and the information better assembled for all your needs. On this CG-3307 OVERVIEW tab, you will find basic information about Administrative Remarks and each topic tab the forms required to assist you. This page lists authorized example CG-3307 entries required by Commandant issued directives. Per Administrative Remarks, Form CG-3307, COMDTINST 1000.14 (series), units are prohibited from using the CG-3307 to document events not listed in the examples provided.

Preparation and Distribution

See 9.A.3 to 9.A.8, Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2 (series)

Note: With the implementation of iPERMS, it is no long necessary to send copies of CG-3307 entries to PSC for entry into the eIPDR. Once signed, the unit P&A office will immediately upload the entry to iPERMS. The original paper copy may be retained in the SPO PDR until the record is no longer maintained (e. g. Custody transferred to member following verification of iPERMS contents).


Digital signatures (e-signatures) on CG-3307 entries are authorized. Users can add e-signatures to PDFs they create from MS Word. 

Note: COMDTNIST 1000.14 (series) supersedes previously issued requirements for only COs/OINCs to sign certain entries. PPC issued guidance (linked above) will be updated to reflect the new signature rules.

About the Templates Form CG-3307 Published (Ver. 09/23)

CG-3307 is available in MS Word format. The files listed provide the text of authorized CG-3307 entries. The grey text represents where you should/can edit. Blank versions of the CG-3307 in MS Word file format are below.


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ACC-01 Cape May Check Off
ACC-02 DEP Discharge into USCG
ACC-03 Drug-Free
ACC-04 Pre-Training Physical
ACC-05 Missing Social Security Card
ACC-06 Resident Alien
ACC-07 Not a US Citizen
ACC-08 Color Vision
ACC-09 E-3 Without a Designator
ACC-10 May Be Eligible for Advancement to Pay Grade E-4
ACC-11 Withholding Information is Punishable Under the UCMJ
ACC-12 Reserve Over 40
ACC-13 Reserve Swim Test
ACC-14 Reserve Swim Test Member Not Attending Accession Training
ACC-15 Reserve Direct Deposit Member Not Attend Accession Training
ACC-16 Spouse on Active duty
ACC-17 Scholar Program Service Dates
ACC-18 Scholar Program Leave
ACC-19 Acknowledgement of Recoupment Law and Policy Cadet 2nd Class
ACC-20 Acknowledgement of Recoupment Law and Policy Officer
ACC-21 Acknowledgement of Tattoo Policy 
ACC-22 Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, and Recovery (SAPRR) Program
ACC-23 Reserve Accession IDT TRP Input



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AR-01 Reduction in Rate
AR-02 Obligated Service for Advancement to E-7 E-8 E9
AR-03 Reduction in Rate Observation Period Complete
AR-04 Withdrawal of Advancement Recommendation
AR-05 Voluntary Removal from CWO Eligibility List
AR-06 Voluntary Removal from CWO Eligibility List-Hardship
AR-08 Meritorious Advancement


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Note: SRB Templates Own Tab Category

BON-01 SELRES Reenlistment - Extension Bonus Unit
BON-02 SELRES Enlistment Bonus  10/3/2024
BON-03 SELRES Prior Service Enlistment Bonus  10/3/2024
BON-04 SELRES Affiliation Bonus  10/3/2024
BON-05 SELRES Bonus Absence due to recall
BON-06 SELRES Bonus Authorized a period of non-availability
BON-07 SELRES Bonus with A School Requirement
BON-10 Critical Skills Retention Bonus (Not Eligible)
BON-10 Critical Skills Retention Bonus
(Payment Prorated Based on Newly Obligated Service)


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PD-01 Overweight No Probation Recommend Discharge Sep ISL
PD-01A Weight Probation Period Extension 30 Days
PD-01B Weight Probation Period Abeyance 6 Months
PD-02 Weight Probation Semiannual Officer 
PD-02 Weight Probation Semiannual Enlisted 
PD-02A Weight Probation Non-Semiannual Officer 
PD-02A Weight Probation Non-Semiannual Enlisted 
PD-03 Weight Probation Complete Met Weight Standards
PD-04 Weight Separation Post Probation
PD-05 Missed Vessel Movement
PD-06 General Positive
PD-06A Prior Service Insignia
PD-07 General Negative
PD-07A Driving Privileges Suspended or Restricted
PD-08 UCMJ Code of Conduct Acknowledgement
PD-08A Reserve Telework Acknowledgement
PD-09 Obligation to Provide Continuous and Adequate Support of Dependents
PD-10 Failure to Pay Debts
PD-10A Counseled Government Travel Charge Card Payment 61 Days Late
PD-10B Counseled Government Travel Charge Card Misuse
PD-10C Lapse Waiver for Government Travel Charge Card (CGCC) Use Performing Your Permanent Change of Station (PCS) Move
PD-11 Unsat Conduct of Personal Affairs and Support of Dependents
PD-12 Counseling for Inappropriate Relationships
PD-13 Alcohol Incident
PD-13 Drug Incident
PD-14 Subsequent Alcohol Incident
PD-15 Completed Screening
PD-16 Completed Education
PD-17 Treatment Failure
PD-18 Refusal of Treatment
PD-19 Retained - Waived Rights to Administrative Separation Board 
PD-21 Counseling for Placement on Performance Probation
PD-22 Awarded General Discharge
PD-23 DWO Failed
PD-23 DWO Passed
PD-23A Qualified Permanent Cutterman
PD-23B Failed to Maintain Cutterman Qualification
PD-23C Qualified Temporary Cutterman
PD-23D Qualified to temporarily wear the Coxswain Insignia
PD-23E Qualified to permanently wear the Coxswain Insignia
PD-24 OOD In-port
PD-24 OOD Underway
PD-25 EOIT Certified
PD-26 Completed PQS or Qualified Certified as (Specify Watchstation)
PD-26 Advanced Boat Force Operations Insignia
PD-26 Basic Boat Force Operations Insignia
PD-27 Restraining Order Military Protective Order
PD-28 Conviction for Domestic Violence
PD-29 Return to Flight Status Abstain from Alcohol
PD-30A Qualified Temporary Marine Safety Insignia See CG-741 SharePoint page
PD-30B Qualified Permanent Marine Safety Insignia See CG-741 SharePoint page
PD-31 Administrative LOD determination
PD-35 Tattoo Brand Content
PD-36 Tattoo Brand Location
PD-37 Brand Documentation at time of Accession
PD-39 MLE Incidental Exposure to / handling of Drug Contraband
PD-40 Religious Accommodation Approved
PD-42 SELRES Inactive Duty Training - Travel Reimbursement Program  
PD-43 Harassing Behavior (Sexual Harassment)
PD-43a Harassing Behavior (Non-Sexual) – First Incident
PD-43b Harassing Behavior (Non-Sexual) – Subsequent Incident


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RIB-01 Notice of Eligibility 
RIB-02 Medical Hold Orders 
RIB-03 Active Duty for Health Care Orders 
RIB-04 Voluntary RELAD 
RIB-05 NOE Evaluation Only 
RIB-06 Separation History and Physical Exam or Mental health Assessment Orders 


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SEP-02 Rights Upon Separation
SEP-03 Types of Discharge Certificates
SEP-06 Counseled Regarding the Loss of Entitlement to File for U.S Citizenship
SEP-07A Reenlistment Interview Member Eligible and Recommended 
SEP-07B Reenlistment Interview Member Not Eligible but Recommended 
SEP-07C Reenlistment Interview Member Eligible but Not Recommended 
SEP-07D Reenlistment Interview Member Not Eligible and Not Recommended 
SEP-08 Discharged from Active Duty Without Immediate Reenlistment 
SEP-09 Discharge - Immediate Reenlistment
SEP-10 Released from Active Duty and Transferred to the Reserve to Complete MSO
SEP-11 Retired from Active Duty
SEP-12 Must Reenlist Within 3 Months of SEP
SEP-13 Waiver of Med Treatment Desire to SEP on EAOS
SEP-14 Desire to be Discharged Without Further Hearing and Without Disability
SEP-15 Discharge from USCGR Inactive Duty and Immediate Reenlistment
SEP-16 Discharge from USCGR Inactive Duty Without Immediate Reenlistment
SEP-17 Counseled Upon Assignment to the IRR
SEP-21 Acknowledgement of Separation Pay and Recoupment from Retired Pay
SEP-22 SELRES Obligated Service for the Post 9 11 G I Bill
SEP-24 Montgomery GI Bill Pre-Separation Counseling
SEP-25 Undergoing Medical Treatment or Hospitalization-Desires Separation
SEP-25a Undergoing Medical Treatment or Hospitalization-Desires Separation Follow-up
SEP-26 Retention Beyond Expiration of Enlistment for PDES
SEP-27 Other Than Honorable Discharge and VA Benefits
SEP-28 Conscientious Objector Discharge and VA Benefits
SEP-29 Conscientious Objector Class 1-0 Discharge
SEP-30 Conscientious Objector Class 1-A-0 Noncombatant Duty
SEP-31 Conscientious Objector Application Not Approved
SEP-32 Member Acknowledgement of Receipt of Personnel Data Record
SEP-33 Acknowledgement of Transition Assistance Program (TAP) 
SEP-34 Counseled on Blended Retirement System Continuation Pay (CP)



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