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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             

Procedures & Development (P&D) Branch
Personnel & Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2 (series)
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U.S. Coast Guard 
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Topeka, KS 66683-3591


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Personnel & Pay Procedures Manual TTP Chapters and Sections
Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 3211Collapse List item 3211  Chapter 1: Introduction
Expand List item 3212Collapse List item 3212  Chapter 2: Systems Overview Updated
Expand List item 3213Collapse List item 3213  Chapter 3: Accessions and Separations Updated
Expand List item 3214Collapse List item 3214  Chapter 4: Movement of Personnel Updated
Expand List item 3215Collapse List item 3215  Chapter 5: Career DevelopmentUpdated
Expand List item 3216Collapse List item 3216  Chapter 6: Personnel Administration Updated
Expand List item 3494Collapse List item 3494  Chapter 7: Continuation of Serviceupdated
Expand List item 3780Collapse List item 3780  Chapter 8: Payment of Personnelupdated
Expand List item 3584Collapse List item 3584  Chapter 9: Performance and Disciplineupdated
Expand List item 3217Collapse List item 3217  Chapter 10: Reserve ActivitiesUpdated
Expand List item 3218Collapse List item 3218  Chapter 11: Governance - Audits and Reports Updated