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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             


The issue preventing ETS emails from being received to USCG email addresses has been resolved. Please re-initialize the accounts that did not have access, and the member should now receive the link to reset the account. Remember to have them check junk mail.

Please note a change with the update- these initialize links are now only active for 24 hours - anything after that will need a new link. Forgot Password button links are only active for 5 minutes

All emails for documents pending approval/status/reservations/etc... - should be coming through to the USCG email addresses.


Following the DEERS incident and cancellation of TRICARE allotments in the past, you are strongly encouraged to verify an active allotment and status. You are not in danger of being dropped due to a 90-day grace for coverage. Any discrepancies can be resolved by submitting a PPC Help Ticket to re-establish the allotment: PPC-DG-CustomerCare@uscg.mil

We are aware of the problem with the TRICARE allotment(s) disappearing from pay slips.  We are working with programmers to correct it.  In the meantime, we encourage you to call TRICARE to ensure that your payment is current, and your coverage is not suspended. 

TRICARE EAST: 1-800-444-5445 / TRICARE WEST: 888-874-9378

We apologize for the inconvenience, and we are doing our best to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.


If your email address is NOT present or is incorrect, you will not be able to use the self-service password reset feature. Your business email address in DIRECT ACCESS must be added to the system or corrected.  Active duty and Reserve members must contact your P&A office or Servicing Pay Office (SPO) for assistance to update. 

Please note: Customer Care will no longer send password resets for active/reserve military members or civilian employees to personal email addresses. All password resets will be sent to USCG.MIL email addresses only. Do not submit multiple requests.  Please allow 5 days upon submission for response. 

Guide: Passwords and Set up/Update Security Questions


At present, for temporary, permanent, VA offset, AEW’s, CRDP, and CRSC disability, we are encountering a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency.

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Mailing Address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central time) M-F



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Tag: TVL

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Nov. 3, 2020

COVID-19: Travel and Leave Policy - Update 3

This ALCOAST cancels REF (A) and provides all Coast Guard (CG) members with travel and leave policy as it relates to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The intent of this ALCOAST is to update procedures for leave and foreign travel. This is in response to the changing force health protection posture in relation to COVID-19.

Default Coast Guard Logo

March 23, 2020

Coast Guard Travel and Leave Policy Updated

ALCOAST 098/20 provides Coast Guard members with updated travel and leave policy guidance as it relates to the 2019 Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19). The intent of this ALCOAST is to assist unit commanders to preserve force readiness and accomplish CG missions. Please see paragraph 4, Domestic Travel, for important guidance regarding local leave.