March 21, 2025 —
211648Z MAR 25 MID180001677058U
ALCGOFF 018/25
A. Coast Guard Officer Evaluation System Procedures Manual,
B. ALCOAST 047/25
1. OVERVIEW. As we conclude the 2024 Officer Evaluation Report
(OER) season, this message outlines information, best practices,
and guidance to assist units and officers with OER administration.
2. OER VALIDATION. OERs are tracked and prioritized for board and
panel candidates. To ensure timely OER validation, above, in, and
below zone candidates for boards and panels shall not delay their
OER and should submit it to OPM‐3 at least 30 days before the
applicable board or panel convenes. Submit OERs to
HQS‐SMB‐PSC‐OPM‐ To expedite OER processing and
validation, the OER file name and email subject line should include
the ROO’s EMPLID, rank, last name, first and middle initials, and
the end of period of the OER
(ie 1234567 LCDR Jones AB 30APR2025 OER).
a. In accordance with Ref B, the Workplace Climate dimension of the
OER is suspended for review. There shall be no mark, including ‘N’
for Not Observed. It shall be left blank on the OER, and no comments
related to this dimension shall be included in the OER. An update on
future use of Workplace Climate dimension will be provided by
31 July 2025.
b. In alignment with upcoming revisions to COMDTINST M1000.3, CG‐1M1
has approved an exemption to policy to allow officers with an
approved retirement authorization to submit a Continuity OER in lieu
of an Annual/Semi‐Annual OER.
c. Unit‐level quality review check. Approximately 77% of all OERs
submitted to OPM contained at least one error and approximately 33%
of all OERs submitted contained multiple errors. These errors
required administrative correction which significantly delayed
the OER validation process. Rating officials are encouraged to
implement local measures to eliminate administrative errors and
improve the timeliness and quality of OERs. Late or missing OERs,
or OERs with errors, may jeopardize an officer's competitiveness at
boards, panels, or assignments. OER Quality Review Check Sheets for
the CG‐5310A, CG‐5310B, and CG‐5310C highlight the most common errors
and are posted on the OPM‐3 SharePoint Page: OPM‐3 (sharepoint‐
d. Recently promoted LTJGs. New LTJGs assume the O2 semi‐annual OER
schedule the day they promote. If more than 92 days have elapsed
since the day after the last regular OER, the 31JAN or 31 JUL
semi‐annual OER becomes a requirement (e.g. LTJG who promoted on
11Nov2024 with a last OER of 30Sep2024 is required to complete the
31Jan2025 OER).
e. Prohibited comments. Per para 4.B.1‐14 of Ref A, prohibited
comments (e.g. references to sex, medical status, or emphasis
on third party demographic, etc.) must be avoided. A general test
for prohibited third party demographic comments is; if you can
identify the specific person, it is probably prohibited.
f. Not Observed OERs. Not Observed performance dimensions within
an OER or even fully Not Observed OERs should be utilized if there
is insufficient observed performance for the rating chain to render
a judgement. A Not Observed mark does not indicate substandard
performance, nor does it cast a derogatory light on an officer’s
record when going before a board or panel. Comments are required
if Not Observed is selected. Rating chains are encouraged to contact
OPM‐3 for assistance in completing a Not Observed OER.
g. RO Comments. ROs must be clear and direct when articulating
whether an officer is ready for promotion and positions of greater
leadership and responsibility. The RO comments must also align with
their marks in block 5. This consistency provides a clear picture of
their intent to the reader.
h. Writing. It is of utmost importance for rating chains to write in
plain language to document Performance, Professionalism, Leadership,
and Education. When articulating the impact of a particular action,
rating chains must remember that the OER will be read by members of
all communities serving on boards and panels.
i. OER procedures. Ref A outlines procedures for completing the CG
Officer Support Form and OER.
j. OER validation status. Members can check the status of their
OER validation through Direct Access. DA OER Status Guide can be
found on the OPM‐3 SharePoint page: OPM‐3 ‐ DA OER Status Guide.pdf
‐ All Documents (sharepoint‐
k. iPERMS. OPM‐3 is not authorized to release copies of OERs or any
documents contained in a member's Coast Guard Official Military
Personnel File (OMPF). Members can check their record in iPERMS or contact Military
with any record specific questions.
4. The OPM‐3 SharePoint page contains an OES virtual presentation
for unit use. Units are highly encouraged to conduct annual OER
training. OPM‐3's virtual roadshow from 06Mar2025 can be accessed
via OPM‐4's SharePoint page OPM‐4 (sharepoint‐ OPM‐3 is also
available for OER training upon unit request.
5. Additional information and OER forms, guides, etc. can be found
on the OPM3 SharePoint page. Opening an OER in an internet browser
may not work, if you encounter the "Please wait..." Adobe message
you should download and locally save the form to your One Drive,
then open the form using the Adobe program. Then click
“Enable All Features.”
6. For Reserve specific OER related questions, refer to the RPM‐1
SharePoint page RPM‐1 Reserve Component Category Management Branch
7. CAPT Joan Snaith, PSC‐OPM sends.
8. Internet release authorized.