Feb. 11, 2025 —
111502Z FEB 25 MID180001601407U
ALCGOFF 009/25
1. Officer Personnel Management (OPM) is announcing virtual Q&A sessions and wardroom
engagement opportunities.
2. The Career Management Branch (OPM-4) will host hour long sessions. These virtual
Q&A Sessions will start with a brief synopsis of relevant topics, updates to
policies, trends and best practices, and then move to a Q&A.
3. The virtual Q&A session schedule is noted below:
a. 26 February 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-1) Promotions/Post Graduate School
b. 05 March 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-3) Officer Evaluations/OSMS 2.0
c. 12 March 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-4) Officer Career Management
d. 02 April 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-2) Response Assignments
e. 10 April 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-2) Support/Special Assignments
f. 16 April 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-2) Afloat Assignments
g. 30 April 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-2) Aviation Assignments
h. 14 May 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-2) Intel/DCMS and Cyberspace Assignments
i. 21 May 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-2) Prevention Assignments
j. 28 May 2025, 1400EST: (OPM-2) Chief Warrant Officer Assignments
4. OPM recommends officers within a command attend virtual roadshows from
consolidated locations to the maximum extent possible. This should generate robust
wardroom conversation and maximize opportunities for professional development.
5. Wardrooms are encouraged to meet prior to the scheduled session to review
information provided on the relevant OPM SharePoint page.
6. Roadshow Access: All event links for scheduled sessions will be posted on the
Career Management Branch (OPM-4) SharePoint page to ensure widest dissemination:
Please note that the links posted take you directly to the Teams event. If you are
unable to access the SharePoint page, please contact OPM-4 at HQS-SMB-CGPSC-OPM4@uscg.mil with the specific Q&A session name/date you are interested in as the
subject line.
7. The information presented during the 2025 roadshows will be made available on
SharePoint. Recording titles will match the session titles and can be accessed easily
on OPM-4’s SharePoint site.
8. Requesting a Unit Virtual Roadshow: In addition to the above virtual Q&A sessions,
wardrooms may request tailored virtual sessions with unit-selected topics and
presenters. To request a tailored virtual wardroom session for your unit (or for a
collection of wardrooms), please email the OPM-4 inbox at HQS-SMB-CGPSC-OPM4@uscg.mil. The request should include the following: Subject: Virtual Session
Request. Email Body: Unit(s)/Date requested/Requested topics. Common topics include:
officer specialty progression, community-specific briefs, promotion boards, eResumes,
career management, advanced education panels, OERs, and temporary separation.
9.. While these roadshows are virtual to ensure widest dissemination, we are
available for in-person opportunities as well. If your unit is interested in funding
members from OPM to travel for an in-person presentation, please email the OPM-4
inbox at HQS-SMB-CGPSC-OPM-4@uscg.mil and include the following: Subject: In Person
Session Request. Email Body: Unit(s)/Date requested/OPM representation requested and
structure of event.
10. CAPT J. Snaith, Chief, PSC-OPM, sends.
11. Internet release is authorized.