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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             


Direct Access is currently operational. Given the recent upgrades, the C5I Service Center is actively monitoring for residual access issues following the implementation of Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) as announced in ALCOAST 105/25. PPC advises users who are experiencing login issues to delay submitting a help ticket or contacting product support at this time. To help the C5I Service Center address any issues that may develop, we recommend waiting 24 hours before contacting the C5I Service Center Product Support Service Desk.

DA’s status will be updated accordingly on the logon screen once services are fully restored. 

  • Coast Guard users with CGOne Network Accounts must NOW log in via Common Access Card (CAC).  
  • Non-CAC holders (Retirees, Annuitants and those without a CGOne account) will perform a password reset prior to attempting to log in. The C5I Service Center is sending emails with pre-generated passwords and guidance to Non-CAC users with email addresses on file within DA. Non-CAC holders who do not receive this email by 24 March 2025 are advised to contact the Product Support Service Desk for assistance. 

Product Support Service Desk can be reached by phone at 800-821-7081 (Mon-Fri, 6:30AM-6:30PM, EST) or via email at SMB-USCG-KerWV-ProductSupportSD@uscg.mil for assistance with password resets, logon assistance or other DA technical issues.  

All other personnel requests (not related to DA technical issues) will continue to be handled by the Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) Customer Care Help Desk who can reached via email at PPC-DG-CustomerCare@uscg.mil or by phone at 866-772-8724.

NOTE: At 0600 EDT, Monday, March 31, 2025, availability to Direct Access will be limited to only those users performing tasks associated with implementing the 2025 basic pay increases. Direct Access will be reactivated at 0600 EDT, Thursday, April 3, 2025.


PPC is addressing a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. This is causing a delay in response efforts for VA offsets, AEWs, CRDP, and CRSC disability. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency. 

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Mailing Address:
Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591

(866) 772-8724
0730-1600 (Central time) M-F


Web Content Manager 

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PPC Travel brings you the latest news/updates!!!


Please visit (mLINQS PCS travel applicationbefore processing any PCS travel claims using the mLINQS LIVE system. This website will provide essential information to help avoid overpayments, duplicate claim processing, and also provide other news and updates about mLINQS processes as we continue to transition to FULL mLINQS PCS live capabilities.

Reminder to AO’s…… 

If a PCS claim is started in the mLINQS “Legacy Process Calculator” drop down, it should end in the “Legacy Process Calculator” drop down (using the legacy process (mLINQS PCS travel application) to avoid duplicate claim submissions.

If a PCS claim starts in the mLINQS “US Coast Guard Uniformed Employee PCS” (this is the LIVE PCS mLINQS connection) drop down, it should end in the “US Coast Guard Uniformed Employee PCS” drop down.


  • Obligations created in DA that require an amendment or need to be cancelled will be updated manually in FSMS by a USCG Funds Manager.
  • If the relocation is created in Direct Access, claims will be submitted on SharePoint portal and FINCEN will enter vouchers manually.  ETS vouchering will continue for claims created under DA.



The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.