Sept. 27, 2023 —
R 261719Z SEP 23 MID600053363929U
A. Financial Resource Management Manual (FRMM), COMDTINST M7100.3
1. FSMS will be unavailable from 01OCT22 to OOA 14OCT23 to facilitate FY23 year‐end closing and FY24
start processes. Additionally, it is estimated that funds will not be loaded to the project and task level
in FSMS prior to 18OCT23.
2. Per REF (A), inability to access financial systems does not prevent members from committing funds
and making obligations, provided the following criteria are met:
a. Funding: With the exception of obligations to continue operations authorized by law that are
necessary for safety of human life, protection of property, or national security during a potential lapse in
appropriations, receipt of OMB approved apportionments and corresponding DHS approved allotments
must be made to the Coast Guard prior to committing and obligating funds. CG‐83 will announce the
date funding will be made available and amounts for each allotment code via SEPCOR. Allotment code
holders shall ensure communication of project and task funding levels and maintain funds balance
oversight until funds are loaded to the project and task level in FSMS. In the event of a lapse in
appropriations, separate guidance on funding restrictions will be provided.
b. Recording commitments and obligations outside of FSMS: Commitments and obligations must be
recorded in a manner that accurately captures information to maintain funds control and enable
subsequent recording in the financial system once it becomes available. Units shall ensure a repeatable
method is used to record commitments and obligations and which allows for ease of reference when
FSMS becomes available for use in FY24. CG‐913 will provide specific guidance for processing and
documenting contracting actions while FSMS is not available via
Awards and Modifications Issued During FSMS Shutdown Period Guidance.pdf
units will be able to record zero‐dollar commitments and obligations in FSMS but will be required to
modify those entries once funds are loaded. In many cases a local ledger will be most efficient to
maintain proper documentation and a running tally of available balances. In FSMS, the process for
creating zero‐dollar awards/obligations from zero‐dollar requisitions/commitments is the same as
creating fully‐funded obligations from fully‐funded commitments. When creating zero‐dollar obligations
from zero0dollar commitments, use the following job aid:
?csf=1&web=1&e=alURuE >
c. Recording transactions in PRESS/BOLT: Units currently using PRESS/BOLT should continue to do so in
FY24. Transactions impacting FY24 POETs should be entered in the FY24 version of PRESS/BOLT.
Additional information will be available on the PRESS landing page on the Common Core site. The FY23
version of PRESS/BOLT will continue to be available for receipting and other closeout actions only.
d. Recording commitments and obligations using interfacing systems: Specific guidance will be or has
been released for interfacing systems as needed. In general, if the interface requires a funds check with
FSMS to record a commitment or obligation, the interfacing system will not allow for recording until
funds are loaded in FSMS unless the funds check can be turned off. The following are brief guidelines:
i. ETS Travel ‐ E‐Gov Travel System funds check will be turned off in ETS until funds are loaded in FSMS.
Per Ref (B), starting 01OCT23, travel can be booked in ETS using FY24 POETs. Units must still keep a local
ledger of obligated amounts associated with ETS transactions in order to maintain funds control.
ii. DA – Direct Access will remain available for issuing orders. Depending on the type of orders, different
steps will be followed to create orders. For travel associated with accessions, A & C Schools, members
should follow ETQC guidance for booking travel in ETS following receipt of orders. SEPCOR guidance for
PCS and Short Term ADOS orders is forthcoming.
iii. AMMIS ‐ Asset Maintenance Management Information System will be available to record
commitments and obligations following CG‐83 communications verifying funds availability.
iv: NESSS ‐ Naval and Electronic Supply Support System will be available to record commitments and
obligations following CG‐83 communications verifying funds availability.
v: AUXDATA‐ AUXDATA II will not be fully functional until funds are loaded in FSMS to facilitate the funds
check process. CG‐BSX‐1 has authorized directors to issue verbal orders on a case by case basis for
operational needs. Directors must ensure coordination with funds managers to track funding balances
during this interim period.
vi: G‐Invoicing ‐ The Government Invoicing interface with FSMS is not expected to be live until after
01JUN24. Prior to G‐Invoicing interface go‐live, buyer side reimbursable agreements where the Coast
Guard is purchasing from other government agencies will be entered in the Sharepoint tracker on CG
vii: CANAPS – Ceiling and Number Assignment Processing System will be available to request new
Pollution projects and authorities. Federal On Scene Commanders (FOSCs) should utilize CG‐5136’s to
track costs.
3. Units shall limit purchasing actions until FSMS is available and can support the funds check process
provided no operational impacts exist in doing so. Additionally, it is important to note that payment on
FY24 invoices and travel vouchers cannot be made until FY24 funds are loaded in FSMS.
4. POC: CDR Mario Teixeira (CG‐833), 202‐372‐3575,
5. CAPT W.A. Budovec, Office of Resource Management (CG‐83) sends.
6. Internet release authorized.