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We are currently experiencing a significant backlog of password reset requests resulting in longer-than-normal processing times. We understand the urgency of accessing Direct Access and appreciate your patience as we work diligently to address each request as quickly as possible.

To help us process requests more efficiently we kindly ask that you do not submit duplicate tickets if you have already submitted a request and have not received a response. This also includes submitting on behalf of someone that has submitted for themselves. Submitting multiple tickets for the same issue slows down the process and increases the overall backlog.

We are currently working tickets received on 07FEB – present. If you have clicked on the ‘Forgot Password’, please note that this function has been reported to take up to three hours to send directions on how to reset your password.

Your patience while we work through our backlog is appreciated.


The Pay and Personnel Center (PPC) Customer Care Branch is receiving a high volume of phone calls and email inquiries from customers indicating Direct Access is down, timing out, or not accessible. If you or your members are experiencing any of the below error codes, please submit your concerns to C5ISC via CGFIXIT Ticket with a screenshot of the error code along with the IP Address you are attempting to log into DA from. PPC is unable to resolve Direct Access connectivity and system issues. Anyone outside of the CG network may call CGFIXIT for assistance at (855) 243-4948.

Errors identified:

  • Spinning circle
  • DA Link is timing out
  • 404 Error code
  • Authorization Error – Contact your Security Administrator
  • Hmmm… Can’t reach this page


At present, for temporary, permanent, VA offset, AEW’s, CRDP, and CRSC disability, we are encountering a processing delay due to systematic issues and a shortage of personnel. You remain our primary concern. We want to assure you that we are fully committed to resolving these issues promptly and handling your cases with utmost proficiency.

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Enlisted Advancement Authorization (EPAA)


All Coast Guard Enlisted (ALCGENL) message 156/23 announces enlisted advancements effective 01 August 2023.  There is a spreadsheet available on PPC's Advancement CG SharePoint Online site that you can sort by unit or SPO for your convenience.

R 201247Z JUL 23 MID120000311910U
ALCGENL 156/23
A. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINST M1000.2(series)
C. Body Composition Standards Program, COMDTINST 1020.8 (series)
1. The following personnel may be advanced to the rating/paygrade
indicated effective 01 August 2023 provided the requirements of Refs
A through C are met:
AETCS Timothy Garfield 000289 041675
AETC Dylan Welter 000657 041675
AETC Jacob Mullis 000614 042898
AET1 Robin Phinizy 000211 042191
AET1 Devin Szymanski 000121 042256
AET1 Richard Stewart 000012 041675
AET1 Nikolai Kovalev 000568 045431
AET1 Joseph Sheppleman 000768 006420
AET1 John Dougherty 046623 042822
AET1 Amanda Perham 000518 042898
AET1 Nicholas Moryl 005748 046604
AET1 Anthony Arbesu 000657 041675
AET2 Tresen Arakaki 000657 041675
AET2 Randy Aguirre 045398 002420
AET2 Tanner Moore-Sanford 000561 046017
AET2 Nathanael Olsen 000657 041675
AET2 Kyle Gamble 000121 042256
AET2 Wilfredo Gomez Rios 000289 041675
AET2 George Lane 000568 045431
AET2 Matthew Reeves 000768 006420
AET2 Nathan Tripp 000768 006420
AET2 Ethan Bowling 000568 045431
AET2 Reimundo Garcia 000614 042898
AET2 Colton Ashkettle 009422 046017
AET2 Ephraim Wilson-Diaz 000121 042256
AET2 Jeremiah Turner 000289 041675
AMTCM Aaron Bastien 000614 042898
AMTCS Jacob Barnett 048306 046017
AMTCS Roberto Berrios 000289 041675
AMTC Guy Walkner 000121 042256
AMTC Julio Guillermo 000614 042898
AMTC Howard Black 000768 006420
AMTC Kyle Forster 000768 006420
AMTC James Caliendo 000121 042256
AMT1 Christopher Lindquist 045402 002420
AMT1 Dylan Melton 002629 046604
AMT1 Dalton Felthoff 000614 042898
AMT1 Jakob Faulk 005748 046604
AMT1 Cameron Harps 000568 045431
AMT1 Matthew Prater 000289 041675
AMT2 Charles Mckinnon 045400 002420
AMT2 Richard Slaght 000121 042256
AMT2 Luis Santiago Montesino 000121 042256
AMT2 Samuel Hoppe 000568 045431
AMT2 Shad Johnson 000768 006420
AMT2 Andrew Mcbride 045680 046017
AMT2 Andrew Hooper 000614 042898
AMT2 Edward Midgett 005748 046604
AMT2 Kyle Kalinec 000248 042311
AST2 Robert Womble 000561 046017
BMCS James Ford 008087 042312
BMCS Christopher Ouellette 000132 038079
BMC Robert Lietaert 007705 041675
BMC James Green 002190 042822
BMC Eric Ceallaigh 000043 038079
BMC Miguel Torres 048318 046017
BMC Rene Maldonado 038498 042030
BMC Kira Patino 006086 045431
BMC Jordan Bickford 000344 002667
BMC Daniel Mcgrath 000375 045431
BMC Douglas Duryea 007785 038079
BMC Thomas Moen 000352 045431
BM1 Brett Lawson 000011 041675
BM1 Stephen Binion 006154 042632
BM1 Daniel Velez 046467 006420
BM1 Amanda Eads 000358 002667
BM1 Tyler Biggs 046990 042256
BM1 Collin Perez 000239 042311
BM1 Nathan Wygand 000205 042191
BM1 Augustus Huddleston 000709 042312
BM1 Calab Conner 006600 042191
BM1 Michael Rice 000630 042256
BM1 Anthony Conda 048272 007416
BM1 Courtney Swink 000423 046017
BM1 Kristopher Vanaman 045284 046604
BM1 Matthew Mote 000409 042191
BM1 Matthew Miller 000335 042030
BM1 Jeffrey Wideman 000089 046604
BM2 Joshua Muller 038551 042311
BM2 Austin Leeser 000008 045431
BM2 David Rind 000028 038079
BM2 Pablo Medrano-Perez 000648 042632
BM2 Cody Poiencot 000537 042191
BM2 Jeffrey Graves 006413 042898
BM2 Joshua Bondeson 006737 038079
BM2 Jakob Friedrichs 000314 006420
BM2 Beckett Hafer 000314 006420
BM2 Andrew Dias 007705 041675
BM2 Damis Roman Hernandez 000365 045431
BM2 Charles Havner 000142 038079
BM2 Zachary Sweeney 000540 042311
BM2 Fischer Pearson 000315 042822
BM2 Grace Seeley 006884 042599
BM2 Jarid El Beyrouti 000400 042898
BM2 Brandon Johnson 000492 042191
BM2 Layton Fralick 000508 038079
BM2 Dyllan Lightfoot-Covingto 000622 046604
BM2 Katya Fons 005756 046017
BM2 Raul Martinez 000306 042822
BM2 Michael Vert 000139 038079
BM2 Nathan Asp 000466 042311
BM2 Michael Montalvo 006737 038079
BM2 Bryce Twiford 046994 046017
BM2 Phillip Hauser 000762 042632
BM2 Tyler Brumis-Morozumi 000278 046604
BM2 Jacob Soos 000242 002420
CSCS Eric Toler 049009 042822
CSCS Jarod Williams 007214 042632
CSCS Steven Dupree 036084 042030
CSCS Jesse Schuler 042036 042030
CSC Robert Coontz 008071 041675
CSC Darren Mesler 000545 002420
CSC Spencer High 008578 042599
CSC Joshua Del Valle 009165 002371
CSC Richard Pedersen 000769 038079
CS1 Timothy Gilkerson 000472 042191
CS1 Jacob Brown 046993 046017
CS1 Brett Pierce 048791 046017
CS1 Alejandra Evans-Nunez 007497 041675
CS2 Kyle Flinn 000725 046604
CS2 Noah Degreef 048790 046017
CS2 Hunter Zahm 006374 042632
CS2 Caroline Ramirez 043918 041675
CS2 Mark Moffett 000286 046604
CS2 Justin Jones 000538 042191
CS2 Jayden Lee 038163 041675
CS2 Haley Rose 000045 002667
CS2 Andrew Dodd 000140 038079
CS2 Meghan Jackson 046990 042256
CS2 Michael Seyl 000467 041675
CS2 Douglas Drummond 048318 046017
DC2 Evan Lipscomb 000515 042030
DC2 Tylen Preston 000780 042898
DC2 Matthew Nielson 045284 046604
DC2 Shawn New 046234 045431
DC2 Christian Espiritu 006819 007416
EM1 Paul Kaufman 007864 042191
EM1 Alexander Welch 000099 041675
EM1 Alberto Hernandez Rivera 000454 002420
EM1 Braden Wheeler 044223 042030
EM1 Brandon Dorsey 048130 042632
EM1 Evan Whitlock 048238 041675
EM1 Paul Frantz 000112 042898
EM1 Ryan Tork 047737 042632
EM1 Corey Parker 006413 042898
EM2 Jack Treat 000095 042030
EM2 Blake Porter 000319 042822
EM2 Omar Jimenez 000726 042599
EM2 Mitchell Epperly 000514 042030
EM2 Robert Domino 044753 041675
EM2 Joseph Trowell 000091 042030
EM2 Austin Satterfield 000093 042030
EM2 Jude Henry 038549 042311
EM2 Sean Kane 008367 045431
EM2 Joseph Veneri 000098 045431
EM2 Joshua Ramos 049034 045431
EM2 Nicholas Silvers 044223 042030
ETC Joseph Ready 003494 002371
ETC Noland Priester 006884 042599
ET1 Zachary Johnston 044183 042898
ET2 Daniel Wahl 047735 042632
ET2 Wilfredo Vergara 004519 042632
GMC Robert Cusworth 046021 038079
GMC Raymond Negroni 000095 042030
GM1 Travis Wiggers 047967 046734
HSC Jennifer Chmiel 010316 002371
HS1 Shawntae Guerrier 008093 042312
HS1 Christine Ngo 042835 045431
ISC Dean Penewit 009018 042311
ISC Erika Schneller 009016 042822
ISC Brenda Tejada 009892 042822
ISC Christopher Bertini 049081 042822
ISC Brandon Frostick 009020 042822
IT2 Julius Severs 036291 042599
IT2 Phillip Sutton 047588 042822
IT2 Adam Greenlaw 004578 002667
IT2 Kyle Jarboe 004567 041675
IT2 Dennis Mispireta 004536 046017
IT2 Rebekah Bruce 004536 046017
IT2 Nathanael Edwards 036291 042599
MECS Matthew Wenk 038499 042030
MEC Evan Roy 000026 042311
MEC Kyle Jones 038243 046604
ME1 Preston Walker 007034 046604
ME2 David Smith 038436 041675
ME2 Scott Fullerton 045284 046604
ME2 Tristen Lowery 038566 042632
ME2 Charles Brown 042022 042030
ME2 Abbey Tokay 007593 042030
ME2 Matthew Adair 038499 042030
MKCS Dennis Desario 010603 045431
MKC Steven Newsom 000372 045431
MKC William Burns 006154 042632
MKC Zachery Mize 000727 045431
MKC Robert Elliott 009764 042822
MKC Carleton Kleinschrodt 048273 007416
MKC Justin Cravens 008847 046604
MKC Garth Hadwin 006363 046604
MKC Joshua Blacketer 042032 042030
MKC John Dilorenzo 006156 042311
MKC Joshua Forsyth 044800 041675
MKC Michael Forbes 000784 002420
MK1 Krysteen Guerra 044223 042030
MK1 Wyatt Ellefson 000218 042191
MK1 Albert Labonte 000173 042191
MK1 Benjamin Laguana 048273 007416
MK1 Dallas Siok 000791 041675
MK1 David Patnaude 038566 042632
MK1 Cedric Glover 042299 042311
MK1 Bradley Fox 000723 041675
MK1 Julio Swindle 038363 046604
MK1 Seth Bergman 000228 002420
MK1 Ty Sword 000797 042030
MK1 John Tucker 000197 042191
MK1 Colin Jones 000319 042822
MK1 Brian Hanlon 000796 038079
MK1 Daniel Schoonover 000268 046604
MK2 Nicholas Sopko 000641 045431
MK2 Dawson Martin 000761 042599
MK2 Scott Gordon 000402 038079
MK2 Tafatafa Sataua 000018 042191
MK2 Jacob Flowers 006167 002420
MK2 Cody Fry 043802 046017
MK2 Evan Woodward 000272 041675
MK2 Andre Alves 049036 045431
MK2 Jared Morris 000190 042191
MK2 Jacques Cassidy 000446 042030
MK2 Ashlyne Healey 046506 042898
MK2 Caleb Malpica 000586 042311
MK2 Isaiah O'Mara 048272 007416
MK2 Andrew Miles 000246 002420
MK2 Jacob Watkins 000321 046017
MK2 Joseph Sciortino 048319 046017
MK2 Lucca Modelli 000283 041675
MK2 Gabriel Window 000286 046604
MK2 Jordan Jasmin 000449 045431
MK2 Charles Epps 000776 045431
MK2 Edward Sanchez 008887 042599
MK2 Michael Glassman 044228 045431
MK2 Joshua Efferson 000109 042898
MK2 Colton Finch 000466 042311
MK2 Annah Fair 000754 042898
MK2 Noah James 000095 042030
MK2 Karl Liwanag 048788 046017
MK2 Clifton James 000622 046604
MSTC Roderick Bawar 007419 007416
MSTC Antonio Carrillo 007217 042632
MSTC Daniel Kerr 007103 038079
MSTC Cody Mclaughlin 038312 042599
MSTC Robin Branch 007499 041675
MSTC Alysha Nagel 007184 041675
MSTC Clarence Rivera 007232 042256
MST1 Garrett Lane 008988 042312
MST1 Samuel Evans 005863 041675
MST1 Mark Paget 007169 002667
MST1 Abigail Caudill 007289 045431
MST1 Alex Christensen 043931 042191
MST1 Matthew Norman 049376 046017
MST1 Emmanuel Ibarra 007904 042311
MST1 Christopher Deaustin 007615 046604
MST1 Justin Selan 007270 045431
MST1 Justin Knox 007103 038079
MST1 Corbin Spies 007641 042191
MST1 Brandon Nidiffer 008551 042822
MST1 Steven Lupa 006272 042311
MST1 Eric Prufer 048067 046734
MST1 Danielle Montez 007755 042311
MST1 Zaid Filleul 010380 042191
MST1 Jocelyn Myers 048676 045431
MST2 Noah Hedin 007435 042191
MST2 Nolan Labonne 048676 045431
MST2 Andrew Prioleau 007388 041675
MST2 Tyler Jackson 007483 045431
MST2 Erik Nadal 007572 042599
MST2 Charles Hubbard 007219 042632
MST2 Sarkis Karapetyan 007337 042632
MST2 Eduardo Villarreal 007723 042311
MST2 Saralyn Young 007608 046604
MST2 Jason Bernz 007286 045431
MST2 Dallas Dillard 007538 046604
MST2 Mikeal Clark-Pelletier 005041 042312
MST2 Luana-Misileti Wolfe 007767 042312
MST2 Connor Owens 007759 042311
MST2 Kyle Landry 008374 045431
MST2 Harrison Naton 007723 042311
MST2 Ryan Mackenzie 008352 042898
MST2 Blake Metcalf 007388 041675
MST2 Cameron Simington 007575 042599
MST2 Cameron Gundlock 007451 042191
MST2 Bradley Harms 007641 042191
MST2 Andrew Schmit 007482 045431
MST2 Iliana Ramirez 007726 042311
MST2 Gabe Yasenchack 007302 042822
OSCS Sarah Martinez 007176 041675
OSC Jonathan Hood 007780 042311
OSC Christopher Noto 004706 042822
OSC Robert Maddox 008551 042822
OSC Travis Watnem 038596 042599
OSC Eddie Berrios 007208 042632
OSC Chase Carey 044444 046604
OS1 Peter Bentum 007262 045431
OS1 Carla Evans 000099 041675
OS1 Blake Mann 007530 046604
OS1 Krysten Kasprzyk 007104 038079
OS1 Antonio Miranda 007731 042312
OS1 Kirstin Barrett 007581 042030
OS1 Xiomara Gonzalez 046987 042256
OS2 Michael Kern 008088 042312
OS2 Tyler Langley 048427 042822
OS2 Elizabeth Brooks 007287 045431
OS2 Sasha Prather 045284 046604
OS2 William Roettger 036427 038079
OS2 Alyssa Constantinou 038492 042030
OS2 Ryan Tedin 007329 042632
OS2 David Fleschner 007443 042191
OS2 Jacob Bounds 007890 042311
OS2 Randy Ley Garcia 007411 007416
OS2 Darien Freeman 046582 042030
OS2 Devon Brooks 000003 046604
OS2 Wesley Varney 008360 045431
OS2 Patrick Covaleski 007514 042191
PA1 Lara Davis 038458 046017
PA2 Diolanda Caballero 002471 045431
SKCM Joseph Sweetland 045427 045431
SKCS Anthony Camacho 004680 042822
SKCS Saul Bustamante 000162 042599
SKCS Daniel Warren 002360 002667
SKCS Earnest Jackson 042052 046017
SKCS Mark Ebli 041664 041675
SKC Samuel Salerno 042813 042822
SK1 Danielle Devore 004700 042822
SK1 Jeremy Rushok 038484 002420
SK1 Terry Brady 046494 042898
SK1 Collin Nunez 000806 046604
SK1 Ariel Arnold-Garcia 000803 006420
SK1 Daniel Olivo 009525 042599
SK1 Martin Ramirez 007006 046017
SK1 Jeremy Lundberg 007896 042311
SK1 Joseph Crummer 007433 042191
SK1 Samantha Tober 045403 002420
SK1 Rebekah Collins 005748 046604
SK1 Kristopher Jackson 004693 042822
SK1 Janelle Mccourtney 042047 046017
SK1 Christopher Zales 007721 042311
YNC Hiram Maldonado 046734 046734
YNC Martha Viloria 000796 038079
YNC Megan Martin 007181 041675
YNC Jovany Delanuez 048220 041675
YNC Olena Rusalova 049542 042822
YNC Jessica Tedesco 000515 042030
YNC Vernon Chavis 004689 042822
YNC Daniel Gray 007736 042312
YN1 Nikolas Torres 009164 002371
YN1 Tiffany Pope 006517 042312
YN1 Melissa Devore 007730 042312
YN1 Simeon Ramos 007283 045431
YN1 Colin Patchell 045228 042822
YN1 Margaret Halpert 006409 045431
YN1 Kassidy Shield 000568 045431
YN1 Megan Kisluk 046987 042256
YN1 Ginacia Dusatko 048220 041675
YN1 Keyla Vega 007229 042256
YN1 Lucille Hutson 000561 046017
YN1 Brandon Bryan 042631 042632
YN2 Diana Diaz 008137 041675
YN2 Abner Colmenares 007181 041675
YN2 Marcus Samuel 046604 046604
YN2 Jaylen Ward-Hatfield 007631 046017
YN2 Samiah Miller 010306 042599
YN2 Andrew Armstrong 000026 042311
YN2 Daniel Jones 042821 042822
YN2 Joseph Pugliese 002361 002361
YN2 Eric Castro 007889 042311
YN2 A'Miracle Evans 008559 038079
YN2 Thomas Mainiero 042821 042822
YN2 James Foley 002421 002420
YN2 Deangelo Friends 048838 042311
YN2 Elizabeth Randall 038502 042030
YN2 Julian Gray 042822 042822
YN2 Cody Dmochowski 042050 046017
2. The Commanding Officer's (CO's) recommendation for advancement (Ready)
must be maintained for the period from recommendation to advancement.
In addition, E-7, E-8, and E-9 candidates must not have an unsatisfactory
conduct mark on an enlisted evaluation for 24 months prior to the
terminal eligibility date. Personnel failing to maintain the CO's
recommendation (Ready) for this period shall be invalidated from the
Service Wide Exam (SWE) and Master Chief Advancement Panel (MCAP) in
which they participated. Personnel who have been invalidated must be
recommended and qualify again through a new SWE or MCAP competition.
3. COs shall determine if advancement eligibility requirements for the
authorized grade have been met. Per Ref B, specific changes and
instructions for EPQs and RPQs are now captured in a semi-annual memo
approved by FORCECOM Training Division at http://cglink.uscg.mil/
320dcb99. If appropriate, a CO shall withhold or cancel the advancement
of ineligible personnel per Article 3.A.21, 3.A.27.f or 4.D.3 of Ref A.
When advancement is to be withheld or cancelled, the CO shall advise
PPC (ADV) by e-mail via AOIX at CMD-SMB-CG-PPC with CG PSC as
information addressee at CMD-SMB-CG-PSC. Please note C2OIX does not
transfer to AOIX. See CG PSC-EPM's SharePoint site at
for additional guidance.
4. Per Ref D, the requirement for all E-6 members to attend the Chief
Petty Officer Academy (CPOACAD) prior to advancement to Chief Petty
Officer is temporarily suspended. Members must attend CPOACAD prior to
advancement to Senior Chief Petty Officer. Members must have
successfully completed the Senior Enlisted Leadership Course (SELC)
prior to advancement to Master Chief Petty Officer. COMDT (CG-128) is
the Program Manager for the enlisted leadership continuum and the
single point of contact for all requests for CPOACAD and SELC waivers
from advancement policy.
5. Per Article 3.A.10 of Ref A, personnel in certain ratings must meet
security clearance requirements for advancement.
6. COs shall ensure personnel advancing to pay grades E-7 thru E-9
obligate required service prior to advancement per Article 3.A.21.c of
Ref A.
7. The rank order number for each individual identified for advancement
in the EPAA is no longer indicated. The original rank order number may
be found at the Pay and Personnel Center SharePoint site
20Service%20Validation%20and%20Data%20Corrections.aspx but is subject to change.
This EPAA, to include unit designations, will be available on PPC's Sharepoint
8. Upon approved advancement, members are authorized to change their
RANK as it appears in the Global Address List (GAL) from the Self
Service portal at https://EDMS.uscg.mil/SelfService. This can be done
as a standard user without requiring admin-privileges, does not require
a call to CGFIXIT, and does not require a CGFIXIT Ticket.
9. CAPT E. B. Samms, Acting, Chief, Enlisted Personnel Management Division, CG
Personnel Service Center, sends.
10. Internet release authorized.

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