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New Pay Entitlement - Assignment Incentive Pay for Cutters Undergoing Maintenance Periods (AIP-CMP)


R 211505Z OCT 22
ALCOAST 399/22
SSIC 7220

Subj:  Assignment Incentive Pay for Cutters Undergoing Maintenance Periods (AIP-CMP)

  1. 37 U.S.C. Section 352 - Assignment pay or special duty pay
  2. 37 U.S.C. Section 204 - Entitlement
  3. Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29D

1. Under the authority of REF (A), this ALCOAST announces the establishment of Assignment Incentive Pay for Cutters Undergoing Maintenance Periods (AIP-CMP), a special pay. AIP-CMP may be paid to active duty officers and enlisted members entitled to Basic Pay under REF (B), including Reservists on active duty who are permanently assigned to a career sea pay (CSP) eligible cutter, and whose CSP has been stopped in conjunction with a lengthy cutter maintenance period, such as SLEP, MMA, etc. AIP-CMP is authorized effective 01 OCT 2022 in the amount of $200 per month.

2. In relation to other pays, AIP-CMP is:

  1. Not payable for any period for which a member is paid CSP;
  2. Aside from 2.a. above, payable in addition to any pay, allowance, special pay, incentive pay, or any other monetary benefit to which the member might otherwise be entitled;
  3. Taxable income for federal and state tax purposes, but is not subject to Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) Tax; and
  4. Not included in the computation of sale or settlement of unused accrued leave, Retired Pay, reenlistment bonus, Continuation Pay, Separation Pay, or Disability Severance Pay.

3. AIP-CMP starts on the date of the COMDT (CG-1332) decision memo authorizing the designated unit, or the date after the member's CSP has stopped due to absence from the cutter resulting from a cutter maintenance period as designated by COMDT (CG-1332), whichever is later. AIP-CMP may not be paid retroactively.

4. AIP-CMP stops the date prior to the date the member's CSP is restarted, or the date prior to the date a member:

  1. Is discharged or released from active duty;
  2. Is confined as a result of a court-martial sentence;
  3. Is absent without leave, with AIP-CMP restarted upon return from such absence;
  4. Departs on a permanent change of station (PCS) order from an assignment where AIP-CMP is authorized, in which case AIP-CMP stops the day prior to the date of departure from the assignment; or
  5. Departs the vicinity of a unit for which AIP-CMP is authorized, with no expectation of return prior to separation or retirement (e.g., leave or administrative absence).

5. AIP-CMP Governance. AIP-CMP is a special pay intended to encourage active duty military personnel to volunteer for cutter assignments by providing a monetary incentive to compensate members during lengthy cutter maintenance periods when CSP would normally stop. COMDT (CG-1332) designates Coast Guard units for AIP-CMP purposes.

6. Rates Payable. The monthly rate of AIP-CMP is $200. The portion of the month in which AIP-CMP starts or stops will be prorated. The 31st day of a month is not countable under any circumstances. COMDT (CG-1) may adjust payment levels based on Service needs. Authorization and termination of designated units will be communicated via decision memo. Changes to monthly payment rates will be announced via ALCOAST.

7. The contents of this message will be incorporated into the next change to REF (C), which will be released within the next year.

8. POC: Questions regarding this ALCOAST may be directed to Office of Military Personnel Policy, Compensation Division (CG-1332) at: SMB-COMDT-COMPENSATION@uscg.mil.

9. COs and OICs of cutters, as well as the servicing P&As and SPOs must bring the contents of this ALCOAST to the attention of all personnel.

10. This message will be canceled on 20 OCT 2023.

11. RADM B. K. Penoyer, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), sends.

12. Internet release is authorized.

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