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U.S. Coast Guard 
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Latest Pay Rates and Benefits


Welcome to PPC's MAS Latest Pay Rates & Benefits page! 

We hope you find the new format easier to navigate and the historical information better assembled for all your research needs. On this RATES & BENEFITS OVERVIEW tab, you will find the most common requested tools and within the menu (three lines top right), all the resources about that named category.

Additional and separate MAS pages are available for some of the topics included in this library and can be found using the links below.

Military Bonus & Incentive Programs

Special Duty Pay & Assignment Pay

Uniform and Clothing Allowances: 

Directives & References:

Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29 (series)

Personnel & Pay Procedures Manual (3PM)

Procedures & Development YN Kit Page 


CG-3307's - Administrative Remarks Entries

CG Forms & Worksheets


Please visit our main DA User Guide page for all instructional resources: DA User Guides 


Assignment Incentive Pay (AIP)

Please refer to SDP/AP for details of all categories inclusive of Assignment Incentive Pay. 


Assignment Incentive Pay for Cutters Undergoing Maintenance Periods (AIP-CMP) Effective October 1, 2022, the monthly rate of AIP-CMP is $200.00

Assignment Incentive Pay - Pre-commissioning Cutter Crews (AIP-PCC) Effective September 1, 2022, the monthly rate of AIP-PCC is $200.00

Assignment Incentive Pay - Remote & Austere Conditions (AIP-RAC) Effective March 1, 2022, the following designated units and associated monthly rates of AIP-RAC are authorized for permanently assigned personnel who reside within the Military Housing Area (MHA) for their unit:

Designated Unit

 Rate (With Dependents) 

  Rate (Without Dependents)

STA Brant Point       



STA Menemsha 



Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP)

See Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP) and Bonus (AvB) Program, COMDTINST 7220.20, for more information.
FY 2019: 
ALCOAST Commandant Change Notice (ACN) 089/18 announced rate increases to AvIP.

Monthly AvIP Rates Effective 1 Oct 2018

AvIP is payable on a monthly basis in the amounts described in Table 1 of COMDTINST 7220.20 not to exceed $1000.00 per month to aviators while serving in a DIFOPS, DIFPRO, or AvIP-authorized DIFDEN assignment.

Monthly Maximum AvIP Rates YAS

Monthly Maximum Amount

2 or less


Over 2


Over 6


Over 10


Over 22


Over 24




Monthly Avip Rates 1 Jan to 30 Sep 2018

AvIP is payable on a monthly basis in the amounts described in Table 1 of COMDTINST 7220.20 not to exceed
$840.00 per month to aviators while serving in a DIFOPS, DIFPRO, or AvIP-authorized DIFDEN assignment.

Monthly Maximum AvIP Rates YAS

Monthly Maximum Amount

2 or less


Over 2


Over 3


Over 4


Over 6


Over 14


Over 22


Over 23


Over 24


Over 25



Aviation Career Incentive Pay (ACIP) (Terminated 31 Dec 2017)

Monthly ACIP Rates

Years of Aviation Service (including flight training) as an Officer

2 or less


Over 2


Over 3


Over 4


Over 6


Over 14


Over 22


Over 23


Over 24


Over 25



BAH/OHA Housing Allowances:

Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH)

Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA)

BAH Reserve Component/Transit, BAH-Partial, and BAH-Differential (Non-Locality Rates)

Critical Housing Areas: There are many areas within the Continental United States (CONUS) where military and community family housing are in critical short supply. In these areas members may experience difficulty locating suitable family housing. Members in receipt of Permanent Change of Station (PCS) to an area designated as a CHA may request to leave their primary dependent at a previous location or relocate them to an area outside the vicinity of their new PDS. If approved members will receive Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) and if applicable, Cost of Living Allowance in the Continental Unites States (CONUS COLA) for their primary dependent's location.







See Critical Housing Areas (COMDTINST 11101.15A) and 2022 Annual Review of Critical Housing Areas (ALCGPSC 024/22) for policy and procedures.

Effective 08 June 2022 per ALCGPSC 091/22 

Effective 15 August 2022 per ALCGPSC 109/22)

Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) and Government Meal Rates


To see all previous years please click here: Previous years BAS rates.

2025 BAS and BAS II Rates



BAS II (Note 1)




1.  BAS II is the monthly rate that may be payable to enlisted members on duty at a permanent station and assigned to single (unaccompanied) Government quarters, which do not have adequate food storage or preparation facilities, and where a Government mess is not available, and the Government cannot otherwise make meals available.  The BAS II rate is twice the rate of standard enlisted BAS and must be authorized the Secretary of the Military Department concern.

2025 Enlisted Daily Standard Meal Rate (CGSMR) deduction: $14.50/day.
2025 Food Service Meal Rates













Midnight Rations




2025 Reserve IDT Subsistence Allowance:








2025 Cadet COMRATS.

The subsistence allowance is applicable when in a leave or temporary duty status and is equal to the daily rate for an enlisted member receiving Basic Allowance for Subsistence (ENL-BAS). Daily Rate $15.525

Current Enlisted Rate $465.77/30=$15.525.

2024 BAS and BAS II Rates



BAS II (Note 1)






1.BAS II is the monthly rate that may be payable to enlisted members on duty at a permanent station and assigned to single (unaccompanied) Government quarters, which do not have adequate food   storage or preparation facilities, and where a Government mess is not available, and the Government cannot otherwise make meals available.  The BAS II rate is twice the rate of standard enlisted BAS and must be authorized the Secretary of the Military Department concern.

2024 Enlisted Daily Standard Meal Rate (CGSMR) deduction: $14.25/day.

2024 Reserve IDT Subsistence Allowance:








2024 Cadet COMRATS.

The subsistence allowance is applicable when in a leave or temporary duty status and is equal to the daily rate for an enlisted member receiving Basic Allowance for Subsistence (ENL-BAS). Daily Rate $15.341

Current Enlisted Rate $460.25/30=$15.341.

2024 Food Service Meal Rates













Midnight Rations




2023 BAS and BAS II Rates



BAS II (Note 1)





2023 Enlisted Daily Standard Meal Rate (CGSMR) deduction: $11.85/day.

2023 Food Service Meal Rates Ref: ALCGFINANCE 059/22

(unchanged from CY2022)













Midnight Rations




2023 Reserve IDT Subsistence Allowance:








2023 Cadet COMRATS.

The subsistence allowance is applicable when in a leave or temporary duty status and is equal to the daily rate for an enlisted member receiving Basic Allowance for Subsistence (ENL-BAS). Daily Rate $15.085 

Current Enlisted Rate $456.56/30=$15.085.

To see all previous years please click here: Previous years BAS rates.

Basic Needs Allowance (BNA)

ALCOAST 247/23
SSIC 7220


B. 37 U.S.C. Section 402b - Basic Needs Allowance
C. FY23 National Defense Authorization Act (Public Law No. 117-263)
D. Basic Needs Allowance, DoDI 1341.15
E. Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29D
F. Personnel and Pay Procedures TTP, PPCINST M1000.2

1. This ALCOAST announces implementation of a change to the Federal Poverty Guideline (FPG) eligibility threshold for Basic Needs Allowance (BNA) effective on 1 July 2023. REF (A) announced implementation of BNA, pursuant to REF (B). As implemented, BNA is a monthly allowance for active duty members (including reservists on active duty for other than training (ADOT)) with dependents enrolled in the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS), who have completed initial entry training (IET), and whose gross household income (GHI) and household size place them below 130 percent of the FPG for the geographical location of their permanent duty station (PDS).

2. In an effort to expand eligibility for BNA, increasing the number of servicemembers and families who will be positively impacted by the allowance, REF (C) authorizes an increase in the FPG threshold from 130 percent to 150 percent. The FPGs are periodically updated and can be found on the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), Poverty and Economic Mobility, Poverty Guidelines site at: (Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser) https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines

3. Policy. REF (D) applies to the Coast Guard, establishing overarching policy for all armed forces, and has been updated with Change 1 effective on 1 July 2023. Other than the increased FPG threshold, there are no changes to Coast Guard-specific policy, as promulgated by REF (A), which will be incorporated into the next revision of REF (E). REF (D) can be found on the Washington Headquarters Services, Directives site at: (Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser) https://www.esd.whs.mil/DD/

4. Forms. The Basic Needs Allowance Eligibility Screening Worksheet, CG Form 7431A, and the Basic Needs Allowance (BNA) Worksheet, CG Form 7431, are being updated to reflect the change to the FPG threshold and the updated forms are expected to be available on 1 July 2023. The forms can be found on the COMDT (CG-612) Directives and Publications, CG Authorized Forms Portal site at: (Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser) https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/forms

5. Procedures. Members who were screened for eligibility earlier this year will not have to rescreen upon implementation of the increased threshold.  Members who previously screened ineligible based upon their household income are encouraged to rescreen and apply, as appropriate. To rescreen, use CG-7431A and follow Coast Guard-specific procedures promulgated in Section E of Chapter 8 of REF (F), which can be found on the PPC, Procedures & Development site at: (Copy and Paste URL Below into Browser) https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/ppc/pd/3pm/

6. Questions regarding this ALCOAST or BNA should initially be directed to the servicing P&A Office. Questions that cannot be addressed by the P&A Office may be directed to COMDT (CG-1332) at mailto:COMPENSATION@USCG.MIL.

7. COs and OICs shall bring the contents of this ALCOAST to the attention of all personnel.

8. This message will be cancelled on 29 JUN 2024.

9. Dr. D. M. Navarro, Acting Assistant Commandant for Human
Resources (CG-1), sends.

10. Internet release is authorized.

ALCOAST 524/22 Basic Needs Allowance 

Career Sea Pay Premium (CSPP) Start Date Calculator

This spreadsheet MS Excel Icon has dates fields on the second tab that will help you determine the correct date to use when starting Career Sea Pay Premium.

Basic Rules from CG Pay Manual, Chapter 4, Section C:

  1. Payable to members E-4 through O-6.

    (Note: While Career Sea Pay Premium isn't payable to members in pay grades E-3 and below, Sea Time accumulated while in pay grades E-3 or below counts towards Career Sea Pay Premium entitlement start date.)

  2. Career Sea Pay Premium begins on DAY 1 of the 37th MONTH of Consecutive Sea Duty.
  3. The rate of pay is $100 per month, based on a 30-day month. (Prorated for periods less than 30 days.)
  4. The 31st day is not counted for "Pay" purposes. However, for determination of entitlement termination while "TDY", the 31st day is counted. (e.g. When determining the last day of entitlement, the 31st day of the month is counted.)
  5. Career Sea Pay Premium is subject to Federal and State Income Tax - it NOT subject to FICA Tax.
  6. Career Sea Time counts for Premium when:
    1. Permanently assigned to a Career Sea Pay eligible vessel.
    2. Temporarily or Permanently assigned to a mobile unit other than for administrative duties.
    3. Temporarily or Permanently assigned to ship-based aviation unit or ship-based staff embarked on a Career Sea Pay eligible vessel
    4. Temporarily or Permanently assigned to a mobile unit to perform administrative duties and is embarked on a Career Sea Pay eligible vessel.

    Note: Sea Time counts even if the member wasn't entitled to Sea Pay as in the case of a member E-1 to E-3 or O-1 to O-3 who served on a vessel prior to October 2001 and had less than 3 years cumulative sea duty and were not eligible for career sea pay.

  7. Neutral Time for Career Sea Pay Premium:
    1. Permanently assigned to a ship-based staff and is not embarked on a Career Sea Pay eligible vessel.
    2. Temporarily or Permanently assigned to a mobile unit and is not entitled to Career Sea Pay.
    3. Normal delay en route on PCS transfer from on Career Sea Pay eligible vessel to another to include: Leave, Proceed Time, Travel Time, TDY. **This includes transfer to a pre-commissioning unit preparing a Career Sea Pay eligible vessel for placement in an active status and transfer to a decommissioning unit preparing a vessel for deactivation.
    4. TDY away from a Career Sea Pay eligible vessel greater than 30 days and not otherwise entitled.
    5. Temporarily assigned ashore due to: Limited Duty, HUMS, Hospitalization, or Sick Leave.
    6. Incurs deductible time due to: UA, Confinement, Non-Performance of Duty (i.e. Civil Arrest), or Absence due to Misconduct.
    7. Is on one or more PCS school assignments with a total duration less than one year AND is between permanent assignments of two Career Sea Pay eligible vessels IF the training is necessary for the follow-on sea duty assignment. For example: A-School, C-School, and OCS. Personal profession development schools do not count. For example: Undergraduate and Post-graduate school, Staff or War College. A request for determination will be sent to CG-1332 when qualifying training / schooling exceeds one year.

NOTE: When using February 29th in your sea pay premium calculations, it may be necessary to compute the correct sea pay premium start date by hand. The reference for computing sea time can be found in Chapter 8M of the 3PM.

Career Sea Pay Premium Start Date CalculatorMS Excel Icon

Career Sea Pay Tables 

Fiscal Year 2021 (Effective 1 October 2020) Changes to Career Sea Pay (CSP) Tables
Effective 1 October 2020: $55 per month permanent increase of the Sea Pay tables across all categories. Additionally, all WMEC-270 will be placed in the Level 5 Sea Pay table.

FY21 Tables

View or print the FY 2021 Career Sea Pay Tablesadobe acrobat file format

2017 Change to Career Sea Pay (CSP) Tables

Effective 01 Jan 2017, the policy concerning Monthly Career Sea Duty Pay Rates is:

1. The Monthly Career Sea Duty Pay Rates according to a three-level CSP rate table, is replaced by a five-level CSP rate table.

2. New CSP Rates are effective 01 Jan 2017.

3. No "grandfathering" or rate protection is authorized. For example, a member who is receiving CSP under the current three-level CSP tables while assigned to a CSP-eligible vessel in December 2016, will receive the CSP IAW the new five-level tables, regardless, if it is higher or lower than the previous rate, effective 01 Jan 2017.

Temporary Duty (TDY) (Except Aviation Detachments)

U. S. Coast Guard members serving TDY aboard U.S. Coast Guard cutters will receive sea pay commensurate to the sea-time and level of that cutter.

Aviation Detachments (AVDETS)

AVDETs receive Level 1 CSP on all cutters.

Afloat Training Organizations (ATOs)

ATOs receive Level 1 CSP on all cutters.

Tactical Law Enforcement Teams (TACLET)

TACLET members receive Level 3 CSP on all vessels.

CY 2017 Tables

View or print the 2017 Career Sea Pay Tables


2. WTGB, 87' WPB, 110' WPB, WLIC, WLR, WLM

3. WLBB, WLB, WPC, TDY aboard non-USCG CSP-Eligible Vessels, TACLET

4. EAGLE WIX, WMEC, WHEC (except AK homeported WMEC & WHEC), WMSM (except AK homeported WMSM), PATFORSWA WPB & Cutter Support Team, Permanent Duty on CSP-Eligible vessels ICW USN Exchange & Foreign Navy Assignment Programs.

5. WAGB, WMSL, Kodiak, AK homeported: WHEC, WMEC, WMSM

CY 2016 and Prior Tables

View or print the 2016 and prior Career Sea Pay Tables


Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

CONUS Cost of Living Allowance (COLA)

CONUS COLA compensates for a portion of excess non-housing costs incurred by uniformed Service members in CONUS locations, where non-housing costs are at least 8 percent above the CONUS average. CONUS COLA varies by pay grade, years of service (YOS), and whether the member has dependents. An average E-6, with dependents and 10 years of service, receives $40 per month for each COLA index point. Index points currently range from one to six. To calculate the amount of CONUS COLA that will be paid for a specific location by rank and number of years of service visit the CONUS COLA Calculator

Overseas Cost of Living Allowances (OUTCONUS COLA)

The Overseas Cost of Living Allowance (OUTCONUS COLA) is a non-taxable allowance designed to offset the higher overseas prices of non-housing goods and services. It affects approximately 250,000 Service members at 600 locations overseas, including Alaska and Hawaii. Approximately $2 billion is paid in Overseas Cost of Living Allowances annually. To calculate the amount of Overseas COLA that will be paid for a specific location by rank and number of years of service visit the Overseas COLA Calculator

Diving Duty Pay 

Special pay for diving duty is payable to members who qualify and who are issued orders for duty involving diving under the provisions of Coast Guard Diving Policies and Procedures Manual, COMDTINST M3150.1D(series). These members are entitled to receive this special pay, provided they maintain their status as qualified divers.


Monthly Rate


Ship Salvage Diving Officer/Basic Dive Officer (SSDO)


Diver Second Class (DV-2)


Officer with SCUBA training only (DV)


Officer performing diving duty at school under instructions in a course above "Diver Second Class" (DUI)



Master Diver (MDV)


Diver First Class (DV-1)

Effective 4/27/2023

Rate $315.00

Previous $215.00

Diver Second Class (DV-2)

Effective 4/27/2023

Rate $215.00

Previous $150.00

SCUBA Diver (DV)


Medical deep-sea diving technician (DV-M)


Enlisted member performing diving duty under instruction unless entitled to higher rate (DUI)



Family Separation Allowance (FSA)

Members with dependents who are separated from their dependents for a continuous period of 31 or more days are entitled to FSA, provided the separation is pursuant to military orders. FSA is paid at a monthly rate of $250.00 effective 10/01/2002

There are three types of FSA:

  1. FSA-R, paid to members transferred to a new permanent duty station and dependents are not authorized to accompany the member. 
  2. FSA-S, paid to members assigned to a ship away from its home port continuously for 31 or more days.
  3. FSA-T, paid to members assigned TDY away from their permanent duty station continuously for 31 or more days. 

Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP)

Note: Per ALCOAST ACN 009/18, FLPP rate changes effective 1 January 2018 have been rescinded. The following rates are authorized. Effective 01 October 2011, the monthly rates for Foreign Language Proficiency Pay (FLPP) increased and the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) score levels for which FLPP is paid expanded. The rates and FLPP levels WERE as follows:




01 OCT 2011 - 31 DECEMBER 2017







1+/2 OR 2/1 +




2/2 OR 2+/2 OR 2/2+




3/2 OR 2/3 OR 2 +/2+




3/2+ OR 2+/3







Foreign Language Proficiency Pay Allocations 
The below documents outline the interpreter and linguist allocations available to specific Coast Guard units.

FLPP Interpreter Allocations & FLPP Linguist Allocations (Note: CG Online Portal CAC required)

Hardship Duty Pay

Hardship Duty Pay for Mission Assignment (HDP-M). The Coast Guard does not presently utilize HDP-M at any duty location.

Hardship Duty Location Pay for Designated Areas (HDP-L(DA)). HDP-L(DA) is payable at $50, $100 or $150, payable to both officer and enlisted members under the conditions set forth in CG Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29(series), Figure 4-1, when assigned to duty in the locations designated in:

DoD Financial Management Regulation, 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 17, Figure 17-1. 

DFAS HDP-L Charthttps://www.dfas.mil/militarymembers/payentitlements/Pay-Tables/HDP_L.html   


Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (Crew and Non-Crew Flight Pay)

UPDATE – 7/9/2024

Please refer to ALCOAST 265/24 SUBJ: TRANSITION OF FLIGHT PAY FOR AIR CREW MEMBERS for all new requirements and qualifications!

 Pay Grade 

 Monthly Amount 

 Pay Grade 

 Monthly Amount 

 Pay Grade 

 Monthly Amount 






























































Non-crew Members (Officer and Enlisted): $150.00

Crew Member Flying Incentive Pay:

Flight Deck Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (FDHDIP): Officer & Enlisted - $150.00 (monthly amount)

High-Pressure Chamber Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay (HDIP): Officer and Enlisted - $150.00 (monthly amount)

Hazardous Duty Incentive Pay for Visit, Board, Search and Seizure Boarding Teams (HDIP-VBSS): $150.00 (monthly amount)

Special Pay - Duty Subject to Hostile Fire or Imminent Danger

CAC Required for Document Access

$225 per month (See DoD Financial Management Regulation, 7000.14-R, Volume 7A, Chapter 10, Figure 10-1 for locations)

Note: On 1 January 2012 Hostile Fire/Imminent Danger Pay changed from a monthly entitlement to a prorated day-for-day entitlement. Members who performed qualifying service in designated areas prior to this change are entitled to the full monthly amount, $225, for service during any part of a month (i.e. 1 day in a designated area = $225). Members who perform qualifying service for less than a full month, on after 1 January 2012, will receive a daily prorated amount (i.e. 1 day in a designated area = $7.50).


Military Bonus & Incentive Programs

Please refer to the Military Bonus & Incentive Programs page found under the MAS menu. 

Physician Assistants Board Certified Pay

Officers of the Coast Guard or Coast Guard Reserve on Active Duty for Training (ADT) or active duty for another purpose, who are designated by Commandant (CG-112) as Physician Assistants are entitled to Board Certified Pay (BCP) for Physician Assistants in equal monthly amounts when entitled to Basic Pay.

The BCP monthly rate payable is $500.00 to all qualified Physician Assistants, not to exceed $6,000 annually.

The monthly rate must be prorated for eligible periods of active duty of less than one month.

Reserve Designated Unit Pay (DUP)

Direct Access (DA) is programmed to pay DUP automatically when a member drills at a designated unit.

No member/unit action is necessary beyond scheduling, approving, and finalization of the drill information in DA. 

ALCOAST 411/22 FY23 Select Reserve (SELRES) Bonus and Designated Unit Pay (DUP)


Responsibility Pay


Responsibility Pay is authorized for commanding officers of Coast Guard vessels.

Responsibility Pay is paid at the following monthly rates effective 1 MAY 2024:



LCDR (O4) and below


CDR (O5)










Responsibility Pay is authorized for commanding officers of Coast Guard vessels.

Responsibility Pay is paid at the following monthly rates:



LCDR (O4) and below


CDR (O5)






Retirement Pay

Please refer to the following pages for complete information and requirements related to retirement pay and processing. 



Additional tools and resources can be found below:

Blended Retirement System (BRS)

Retired Pay Calculator

Survivor Benefit Plan Cost Calculator


U.S. Coast Guard sent this bulletin at 01/08/2020 10:16 AM EST

R 081004 JAN 20
ALCOAST 004/20
1. This ALCOAST announces BRS continuation pay (CP) multiples, timing, and obligated
service for Calendar Year (CY) 2020.
2. To encourage retention at critical longevity points, the BRS offers CP as part of
a service member’s retirement. CP is a onetime payment determined by multiplying a
member's monthly basic pay by an established multiple (between 2.5 and 13 for active
duty), and for reserve members multiplying the monthly basic pay of a member of the
same grade and years of service (YOS) on active duty by an established multiple
(between 0.5 and 6). In exchange for CP active and reserve members must agree to
obligate for additional service which, unless specifically prohibited, can run
concurrently with any other service obligation. Members choosing to remain in the current
“high-3” retirement system are not eligible for CP. CP is payable in addition to any other
career incentives or retention bonuses.
3. The active component (AC) CP for CY 2020 is 2.5 times the monthly basic pay for a
member of that grade, paid at 12 YOS. Members incur an additional four years of obligated
service in the component they were serving at the time of agreement.
4. The reserve component (RC) CP for CY 2020 is 0.5 times the monthly basic pay of a
member of the same grade and years of service (YOS) on active duty, paid at 12 YOS.
Members incur an additional four years of obligated service in the component they were
serving at the time of agreement.
5. The Pay and Personnel Center will contact members approaching 12 YOS with additional
information and instructions.
6. Questions regarding the BRS or related items should be directed to COMDT (CG-1332)
at Compensation@uscg.mil. For a list of CP FAQs and a CP infographic visit the BRS website
at: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/brs.
7. RADM Joanna M. Nunan, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources, sends.
8. Internet release is authorized.



Saved Pay

The purpose of Saved Pay is to ensure that a member is not unduly penalized with a reduction in pay for accepting an appointment as either a chief warrant officer or as an officer. (Ref: Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29D (series), Chap 2 Sec H.).

PPC will determine whether the pay and allowances of the grade to which appointed equals or exceeds the pay and allowances of the former grade. In cases where the pay and allowances for the former grade exceed the pay and allowances of the new grade, the member is placed into a saved pay status. When the member is transferred to or from sea or overseas duty, completes an additional period of service, is affected by a statutory pay increase or other change which affects pay and allowances (*), pay will be recomputed and, if required, saved pay changes to the pay for the member’s current grade.

(*) When ANY change takes place affecting a Saved Pay member’s pay and allowances, the SPO/Admin will notify PPC via trouble ticket, and PPC MAS will re-compute member’s pay. This is very important for PCS transfers and promotions or demotions for members in a saved pay status.


Savings Deposit Program

Please refer to the 3PM Procedures (Chap 8.F, Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual) to learn more about the Savings Deposit Program and note the below directives that apply:

(a) Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29 (series), Chap 6-F

(b) DoD Financial Management Regulation, Volume 7a, Chapter 51: "Savings Programs"

(c) 10 U.S.C. § 1035


Special Duty Pay (SDP) and Assignment Pay (AP)

Please refer to the dropdown menu item located under MAS for current year and historical listings.

Latest Pay Rates and Benefits - Special Duty Pay (SDP) and Assignment Pay (AP)


Taxes (Combat, Federal, FICA, State)

Combat Tax Exclusion (DOD PAYMAN, Chap 44, Par 440103.A - Combat Zone Defined and Figure 44-2 Combat Zone Tax Relief Areas)

For an officer (O-1 and above), the amount of the maximum Combat Tax Exclusion in effect for a qualifying month equals the sum of the highest rate of enlisted basic pay payable and the amount of hostile fire/imminent danger pay actually payable to the officer for the qualifying month ($225.00).
DFAS Combat Zone Tax Exclusion Table
(Tables are linked near the bottom of the page under "Pay Information Reference").

Federal Income Tax Withholding (FITW): Please see Percentage Method Tables for Automated Payroll Systems for current FITW rates.  

FICA: Please see FICA Percentages, Maximum Taxable Wages, and Maximum Tax and DoD FMR Vol. 7A, Chapter 45

State Tax Withholding Changes:

2025: State Tax Changes Taking Effect January 1, 2025 

2024: State Individual Income Tax Rates and Brackets


Thrift Savings Plan

As a member of the uniformed services, you have the opportunity to participate in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a retirement savings plan similar to 401(k) plans offered to private sector employees. The purpose of the TSP is to give you the ability to participate in a long-term retirement savings and investment plan. Saving for your retirement through the TSP provides many advantages. To learn more about the TSP see "Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan", a comprehensive booklet explaining the TSP, its features, benefits, and generally how it works. (PDF 1.2MB). Also, visit the Blended Retirement System (BRS) web page to learn more about how the TSP will work with the new retirement system.

TSP Procedures

Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) is a voluntary retirement savings and investment plan. Once enrolled there are only two options to withdraw money while in the service: Financial hardship and reaching age 59 1/2 or older. See: Thrift Savings Plan Overview User Guide

Enrollment - Before You Begin - Thrift Savings Plan Mailing Address Now Required

A new address type has been added to Direct Access. All Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) participants must add a TSP mailing address to the system. The address must be added before you can enroll in the TSP, or if already participating, before you can change any contributions. The TSP mailing address may be the same as your home and/or mailing address. However, the address line (number and street for example) cannot exceed 25 characters.

Self-Service PPC Assisted

Coast Guard Military personnel, using DA Self Service, have the ability to enroll in the Thrift Savings Plan and manage "Catch-Up" contributions. Members can fully manage their TSP elections in DA Self Service as well as make changes to contribution amounts. 

* Coast Guard Academy cadets and non-prior service CG Naval Academy Preparatory School (NAPS) cadets are not eligible to participate in TSP until they are commissioned or reverted to enlisted status.

At enrollment (or re enrollment), a TSP-U-1 Election Form must be filled out. This form may be obtained through https://www.tsp.gov under Forms and Publications from the Uniformed Services section

Fax the completed form to PPC (MAS-TSP) at (785) 339-3760 or mail it to:

Commanding Officer (MAS-TSP)
Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center
444 SE Quincy Street
Topeka, KS 66683-3591

TSP-U-3 Designation of Beneficiary Form must be mailed to the TSP Service office regardless of the enrollment method used:
Thrift Savings Plan Service Office
P.O. Box 385021
Birmingham, AL 35238


TSP Address Changes:

For Active Duty and Reserve members: TSP will automatically receive new address information from the U. S. Coast Guard on the first of the month following the month in which you update your address in Direct Access Self-Service.

Separated and former members: Please follow the procedures on form TSP-9, Change in Address for Separated Participant to update your address.

TSP Questions:

For questions on enrollment, re enrollment, dis enrollment, or form completion, contact PPC Customer Care via phone 866-PPC-USCG (772-8724) or e-mail Customer Care

All pay related TSP questions should be directed to the P&A office.  If the P&A office cannot resolve the issue, the P&A office is to contact the servicing SPO.  If the SPO cannot resolve the issues, the SPO will contact PPC Customer Service.

For questions on TSP investments, loans, and PINS, contact TSP Thrift Line via phone (1-877-968-3778).

Roth 401(k) Feature

The Thrift Savings Plan Enhancement Act of 2009, Public Law 111-31, authorized the TSP to add a Roth feature to the plan. This benefit allows participants to contribute on an after tax basis to their TSP accounts and receive tax free earnings when the funds are withdrawn, as long as they are at least age 59 and a half and the withdrawal is made at least five years after the beginning of the year in which their first Roth contribution was made. Traditional TSP contributions are made on a pretax basis and are taxed when withdrawn. The Roth TSP option is similar to private sector Roth 401 (K) plans.

Roth contributions may be made in addition to or in lieu of traditional contributions. They are subject to the same IRS elective deferral limit and must be combined with any traditional TSP contributions to determine if the limit has been met.

Participants who will turn 50 or older in the calendar year may elect to make Roth catch up contributions in addition to or in lieu of traditional catch-up contributions. All traditional catch-up contributions and Roth catch up contributions are contributed from Basic pay, Bonus Pay, Special Pay and Incentive Pay. The total must not exceed the catch-up contribution limit. Participants will continue to be required to certify that they expect to reach the elective deferral limit for the year.

Participants may designate any whole percentage of Basic pay, Bonus Pay, Special Pay and Incentive Pay as Roth contributions. This election may be in addition to, or in lieu of, an election to make traditional contributions. For example, a participant could elect to contribute 5 percent of basic pay as a Roth contribution and 10% basic pay as a traditional contribution (or vice versa).

Participants will be able to take loans, in service withdrawals and partial withdrawals from their accounts as before. Money will be disbursed on a pro rata basis with a proportional amount from the participants traditional and Roth balances.

Money already in employees TSP accounts when they begin making Roth contributions will remain part of the traditional balance. Participants will not be able to convert it to Roth.

Self-Service PPC Assisted

Coast Guard Military personnel, using DA Self Service, have the ability to enroll in the Thrift Savings Plan and manage "Catch-Up" contributions. Members can fully manage their TSP elections in DA Self Service as well as make changes to contribution amounts. 

To make a Roth TSP contribution election or Roth Catch-up contribution election, members must submit a TSP-U-1 Election form (5/2012) or TSP-U-1C Catch-up Contribution form (5/2012) to PPC for processing. The forms can be found at the TSP website:


Fax the completed forms to PPC (MAS-TSP) at (785) 339-3760 or mail it to:

Commanding Officer (MAS-TSP)
Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center
444 SE Quincy Street
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


TSP Catch-Up Contribution Program:

Members aged 50 or older are allowed to contribute an additional amount to TSP (beyond the IRS Elective Deferral Limit). See "Current Limits and Rates" for the amount you can contribute.

Catch-up program applies to members turning age 50 prior to the end of the calendar year.

Starting in January 2021, we will make the catch-up process easier: if you’re turning 50 or older, you’ll no longer need to make two separate elections each year in order to take advantage of catch-up contributions. Instead, your contributions will automatically count toward the IRS catch-up limit if you meet the elective deferral limit and keep saving. If you’re eligible for an agency or service match, contributions spilling over toward the catch-up limit will qualify for the match on up to 5% of your salary. Your election will carry over each year unless you submit a new election.

Quarterly Participant Statements

The Account Access section of the TSP Web site is your only source for quarterly participant statements, unless you elected to receive your statements in the mail (you can make this election using the Account Access web page).  New statements are posted on the Web site after the end of each calendar quarter (i.e., March 31, June 30, September 30, and December 31). The statement shows your account balance and a detailed summary of the activity in your account during the previous reporting period. If you have a loan, your quarterly loan information will also be included on your participant statement.

The best source of information about your TSP account is the Account Access section of the TSP Web site. You will need your SSN and your PIN to access your account.  Once you access your account, you can find out your daily account balance, check on your loan, see the status of a loan or withdrawal request, see what your current contribution allocation is, etc. You can also use this Web site to perform a number of transactions, such as making interfund transfers or contribution allocations, requesting a new computer-generated or custom PIN, requesting that quarterly participant statements be mailed to you, or initiating a loan or withdrawal.

Procedure governing TSP:

Policy governing TSP

Detailed information on TSP:

Blended Retirement system (BRS)


Travel Entitlements

Please refer to PPC Travel page for all news, updates, and system guidance as it relates to all travel requirements. 


Transfer Season - Options for Shipment of Household Goods

Dislocation Allowance

Household Goods Weight Allowance Table and Weight Estimator

Per Diem (CONUS and OCONUS) Overview

Government Travel Charge Card Program 

Privately Owned Conveyance (POC) Mileage Rates

Current and previous PCS & TDY mileage rates are posted at https://www.travel.dod.mil/Travel-Transportation-Rates/Mileage-Rates/

Procedures for Requesting Travel Authorizations (TONOs) for Emergency Leave Travel and Medical Travel

Calculators / Spreadsheets


USCG, USPHS, NOAA Retirees & Annuitants

New TRICARE East and West Regions and New West Region Contractor Effective January 1st, 2025

You can confirm your DEERS information and get answers to related questions by phone and at the following websites: 

Uniform and Clothing Allowances

Please refer to the MAS dropdown menu of each category for current rates and historical data:




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For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.