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Civilian Clothing Allowance Authorizations


Welcome to PPC's MAS Civilian Clothing Allowance Authorizations page! 

We hope you find the new format easier to navigate and the historical information better assembled for all your research needs. On this CIVILIAN CLOTHING ALLOWANCE AUTHORIZATIONS OVERVIEW tab, you will find the most common requested tools and within the menu (three lines top right), all the resources about that FY.

Civilian Clothing Allowance

Authorized for enlisted members who are required to wear civilian clothing more than 50% of the time in the performance of their duty at their permanent duty station. Members who are merely permitted to wear civilian clothing, rather than required, are not entitled to this allowance. The command will complete and submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332).
a. Coast Guard Activities Europe and Coast Guard Far East Section. Commanding Officers of CG Activities Europe and the CG Activities Far East are authorized to approve and monitor the civilian clothing allowance payment for enlisted members serving under their command who are required to wear civilian clothing (50% or more of the time) in the performance of their official duties.
b. All Other Enlisted Members. Submit the CG-5150 to Commandant (CG-1332) using the submission instructions on the CG-5150.
c. Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS). In accordance with the Investigations Manual, COMDTINST M5527.1 (series) this clothing allowance is authorized to enlisted members assigned to duty as Special Agents with the Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS). CGIS agents are required to wear civilian clothes during their CGIS assignment. See note B on the CG-5150 for submission instructions.

Directives & References:

Coast Guard Pay Manual, COMDTINST M7220.29 (series)

Personnel & Pay Procedures Manual (3PM)


CG Forms & Worksheets



Clothing Allowance - Civilian (CCA)

Please visit our main DA User Guide page for all instructional resources: DA User Guides 

Fiscal Year 2025 - October 1, 2024 - September 30, 2025









When a member

(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station (PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty

(Officers – Note 2)

(CGIS Agent – Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:

a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or

b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS


continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty


Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)




is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a
30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2025 Notes:

1.  When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1M12) for processing.  The email address is: Compensation@uscg.mil.  If authorized, COMDT (CG-1M12) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member’s P&A Email for Direct Access processing.

2.  By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3.  The CG-5150 for Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents may be emailed to Commandant (CG-1M12) at email address:  Compensation@uscg.mil

4.  The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5.  A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty at the TDY location.

6.  A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount.  Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

 Fiscal Year 2024 - October 1, 2023 - September 30, 2024









When a member

(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station (PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty

(Officers – Note 2)

(CGIS Agent – Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:

a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or

b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS


continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty


Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)




is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a
30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2024 Notes:

1.  When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1M12) for processing.  The email address is: Compensation@uscg.mil.  If authorized, COMDT (CG-1M12) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member’s P&A Email for Direct Access processing.

2.  By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3.  The CG-5150 for Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents may be emailed to Commandant (CG-1M12) at email address:  Compensation@uscg.mil

4.  The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5.  A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty at the TDY location.

6.  A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount.  Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2023 - October 1, 2022 - September 30, 2023









When a member

(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station (PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty

(Officers – Note 2)

(CGIS Agent – Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:

a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or

b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS


continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty


Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)




is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a
30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2023 Notes:

1.  When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.  The email address is: Compensation@uscg.mil.  If authorized, COMDT (CG-1332) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member.  A copy of the memo and the member’s CG-5150 is sent to the member’s SPO for Direct Access payment.

2.  By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3.  The CG-5150 for Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents may be emailed to Commandant (CG-1332) at email address:  Compensation@uscg.mil

4.  The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5.  A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty at the TDY location.

6.  A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in Rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2022 - October 1, 2021 - September 30, 2022

When a member
(Note 1)
and the then the member is authorized a in the amount of
1 receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station(PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty
(Officers – Note 2)
(CGIS Agent – Note 3)
tour length assignment is over 30 months Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4) $1,911.60
2 tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months
3 tour length assignment is less than 18 months $1,146.24
4 is ordered:
a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or
b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS

continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty
Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA) $573.12
5 is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA) $382.68
6 is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)
TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a
30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)
7 TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period $764.28

FY 2022 Notes:

1. When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing. The email address is: Compensation@uscg.mil. If authorized, COMDT (CG-1332) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member. A copy of the memo and the member’s CG-5150 is sent to the member’s SPO for Direct Access payment.

2. By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3. The CG-5150 for Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents may be emailed to Commandant (CG-1332) at email address: Compensation@uscg.mil

4. The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5. A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty at the TDY location.

6. A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2021 - October 1, 2020 - September 30, 2021









When a member

(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station(PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty

(Officers – Note 2)

(CGIS Agent – Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:

a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or

b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS


continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty


Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)




is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a
30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2021 Notes:

1.  When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.  The email address is: Compensation@uscg.mil.  If authorized, COMDT (CG-1332) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member.  A copy of the memo and the member’s CG-5150 is sent to the member’s SPO for Direct Access payment.

2.  By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3.  The CG-5150 for Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents may be emailed to Commandant (CG-1332) at email address:  Compensation@uscg.mil

4.  The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5.  A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty at the TDY location.

6.  A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2020 - October 1, 2019 - September 30, 2020









When a member

(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station(PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty

(Officers – Note 2)

(CGIS Agent – Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:

a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or

b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS


continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty


Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)




is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a
30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2020 Notes: 

1.  When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.  The email address is: Compensation@uscg.mil.  If authorized, COMDT (CG-1332) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member.  A copy of the memo and the member’s CG-5150 is sent to the member’s SPO for Direct Access payment. 

2.  By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.  

3.  The CG-5150 for Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents may be emailed to Commandant (CG-1332) at email address:  Compensation@uscg.mil  

4.  The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment. 

5.  A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty at the TDY location. 

6.  A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2019 - October 1, 2018 - September 30, 2019









When a member

(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station (PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty


(Officers – See Note 2)

(CGIS – See Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:

a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or

b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS


continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty


Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)




is at the end of their tour length and is issued a tour extension for 12 months or more, and an ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty

(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a 30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2019 Notes:

1.  When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.  The email address is: Compensation@uscg.mil.  If authorized, COMDT (CG-1332) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member.  A copy of the memo and the member’s CG-5150 is sent to the member’s SPO for Direct Access payment.

2.  By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3.  The CG-5150 for Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents may be emailed to Commandant (CG-1332) at email address:  Compensation@uscg.mil

4.  The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5.  A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty at the TDY location.

6.  A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2018 - October 1, 2017 - September 30, 2018









When a member

(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station(PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty


(Officer – See Note 2)

(CGIS – See Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:

a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or

b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS


continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty


Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)




is at the end of their tour length and is issued a tour extension for 12 months or more, and an ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty

(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a 30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2018 Notes:

  1. When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing. If authorized, COMDT (CG-1332) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member with a copy to their SPO for Direct Access payment action.
  2. By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer's permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.
  3. Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) members will submit the CG-5150 to the CGIS Program Manager for review and signature - Address: Director, Coast Guard Investigative Service, Stop 7140, 4200 Wilson Blvd. Suite 740, Arlington, VA 20598-7140. The CGIS Program Manager will forward the CG-5150 to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.
  4. The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.
  5. A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY, and are required to wear civilian clothing while on duty at the TDY location.
  6. A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2017 - October 1, 2016 - September 30, 2017






When a member
(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station(PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty

(Officer - See Note 2)
(CGIS - See Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:
a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or
b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS

continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty

Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)



is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a 30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2017 Notes:

1. When a civilian clothing allowance may be authorized, the member will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet (CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.  If authorized, COMDT (CG-1332) will email a civilian clothing allowance authorization memo to the member with a copy to their SPO for Direct Access payment action.

2. By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer's permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3. Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) members will email the CG-5150 to the CGIS Program Manager at: Jennifer.D.Votinov@uscg.mil The CGIS Program Manager will review, sign, and forward the CG-5150 to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.

4. The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5. A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY, and are required to wear civilian clothing while on duty at the TDY location.

6. A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

Fiscal Year 2016 - October 1, 2015 - September 30, 2016






When a member
(Note 1)

and the

then the member is authorized a

in the amount of


receives a PCS order to a permanent duty station(PDS) that requires the wearing of civilian clothing in the performance of duty

(Officer – See Note 2)
(CGIS – See Note 3)

tour length assignment is over 30 months

Initial Civilian Clothing Allowance (ICCA) (Note 4)



tour length assignment is
18 to 30 months



tour length assignment is less than 18 months



is ordered:
a. to a consecutive tour (not an extension) at their current PDS and a ICCA was received at their current PDS, or
b. to a new PDS and a ICCA or CCCA was received at their previous PDS

continued wearing of civilian clothing is required on duty

Partial Civilian Clothing Allowance (PCCA)



is at the end of their tour length and is issued an tour extension for 12 months or more, and a ICCA was received at their current PDS

Continuing Civilian Clothing Allowance (CCCA)



is ordered TDY and required to wear civilian clothing on duty
(Notes 2, 5, and 6)

TDY period is at least 15 consecutive days in a 30-day period

Temporary Duty Civilian Clothing Allowance (TDYCCA)



TDY period is at least 30 days in a 36-month period


FY 2016 Notes:

1.  If a civilian clothing allowance is authorized, members will submit the Civilian Clothing Allowance Worksheet
(CG-5150) to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing. If a civilian clothing allowance is authorized, a memo will be issued to the member and a copy sent to the SPO.

2.  By law, an officer is authorized a civilian clothing allowance only if the officer’s permanent duty station (PDS) is outside the United States.

3.  Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) members will submit the CG-5150 to the CGIS Program Manager for review and signature.. The CGIS Program Manager will forward the CG-5150 to Commandant (CG-1332) for processing.

4.  The ICCA is not payable to a member upon reassignment during a period of continuous active duty unless three or more years have elapsed between such assignments, or if the member has been out of a qualifying assignment for less than 12 months and is subsequently assigned to a qualifying assignment.

5.  A member is not authorized a TDYCCA when the member is already required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS for which an ICCA has been authorized. The TDYCCA is payable to members who are not required to wear civilian clothing at their PDS, are ordered TDY, and are required to wear civilian clothing while on duty at the TDY location.

6.  A member who was not authorized the maximum TDYCCA amount due to the length of the first TDY, who later performs additional qualifying TDY, is authorized the lower amount. Over a 36-month period, the total TDYCCA amount a member may be authorized will not exceed the amount in rule 7.

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