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Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724
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Direct Access Functional Roles


Functional roles have been created to assist members with requesting user roles.  For example, instead of having to know which specific roles you need, you will select a “Functional Role”.  Examples:  CG SPO Technician, CG SPO Auditor, CG CGIS Investigator.

For a complete listing of available FUNCTIONAL ROLES please visit the table now located in the Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2 (series) Chapter 2 Section G

Functional roles are approved based on the position you are filling.  If selecting CG Admin Supervisor you must be a YNC to PERS member assigned to an ADMIN (P&A) unit. CG Admin Technician is for YN assigned to an ADMIN (P&A) unit. If you do not fit this criteria, your request will be denied. For example, if you are a SPO Auditor, you would request CG SPO Auditor.  When PPC receives your request, we verify that you are in a SPO Auditor position and ensure any other criteria is met, and if met, approves the request.  If you are not in that position, or the PAL lists your position incorrectly, your request will be denied.  For example, you are a SPO Auditor but the PAL lists you as an Admin Yeoman.  All positions are verified through the PAL.  Do not select multiple functional roles that are related, for example, do NOT select CG SPO Technician and CG SPO Auditor.


Personnel approving DA users roles must be properly designated in accordance with reference (a), specifically authorizing this authority.  Designation memo must be retained at the unit.  PPC will request this memo from the unit for any audits and/or investigations. Reference (b) provides additional information on DA user access.



United States Coast Guard Regulations 1992, COMDTINST M5000.3 (series)


Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2 (series) Chapter 2 Section G

Functional User Roles Guides

To Submit a Direct Access User Access request:

Sign into Direct Access, under Self Service Request, and submit User Access Request. 

Direct Access Notifications 03/13/2024 
Direct Access User Roles and Functions (Requesting, Removing, and Withdrawing)  01/09/2024
Recertifying User Roles and Functions 01/11/2024
Recertification Status Report 10/11/2023
Why was my user role request denied? 01/12/2024
Command Approver Procedures
Approving or Denying User Roles 01/10/2024
About the Self-Service for Command (Command User) Role

The Command User role CGSSCMD is a powerful, multipurpose role, intended for use by trusted, mature and responsible members of the command cadre. Command Users must be designated by the unit Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge or Executive Officer/Executive Petty Officer. Each unit must designate at least one Command User. Additional Command Users should be designated based on the need to access the information listed above. E6 and below will not be authorized the CG Self Service Command User access.

Direct Access, based on the Operator ID, allows a Command User access to all command functions.  Any Command User has the ability to enter comments and approve an employee review, enter IDT drills, or view transfer information.  Commanding Officers should clearly define an individual's role when making Command User designations.

When you consider designating Command Users, you should first ask yourself these questions:

Does the individual have your authorization to:

  • View enlisted evaluations?
  • Initiate enlisted evaluations?
  • View pending transfer information?
  • Run reports and rosters?
  • Input reserve drill/ADT information?

Granting full command access may not always be necessary or appropriate.  Consider granting one or more of the above roles in lieu of full command access.

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.