The Command User role CGSSCMD is a powerful, multipurpose role, intended for use by trusted, mature and responsible members of the command cadre. Command Users must be designated by the unit Commanding Officer/Officer in Charge or Executive Officer/Executive Petty Officer. Each unit must designate at least one Command User. Additional Command Users should be designated based on the need to access the information listed above. E6 and below will not be authorized the CG Self Service Command User access.
Direct Access, based on the Operator ID, allows a Command User access to all command functions. Any Command User has the ability to enter comments and approve an employee review, enter IDT drills, or view transfer information. Commanding Officers should clearly define an individual's role when making Command User designations.
When you consider designating Command Users, you should first ask yourself these questions:
Does the individual have your authorization to:
- View enlisted evaluations?
- Initiate enlisted evaluations?
- View pending transfer information?
- Run reports and rosters?
- Input reserve drill/ADT information?
Granting full command access may not always be necessary or appropriate. Consider granting one or more of the above roles in lieu of full command access.