Boards and Panels

Upcoming Board and Panel Candidates

Are you a potential candidate for a selection or retention board or are you considering applying to a panel?  If so, you need to review and update your record!  All board and panel decisions are based on matters of record.  If it’s not in your record, the board or panel will not be able to consider it.  Below are some recommendations from RPM to ensure your record accurately reflects your career development, accomplishments, and education in order to put your best foot forward in the boardroom.

  1. Employee Summary Sheet (ESS)
  • INFO: In CGBI, go to the “Personal” tab at the top, select the “Skills” tab, and then click on “Summary Sheet.” Your education, TMT information, Direct Access courses, other training, competencies, Officer Specialty Codes, medals, awards, certifications and licenses should be listed here.
  • UPDATES: Coordinate with your Personnel and Administration (P&A) office to make updates in accordance with the current Officer Specialty Management System.
  1. Transcripts and Education
  • INFO: ACN050/19 announced changes in the procedures for entering degree information in Direct Access.
  • : All official transcripts must include your name, major/minor, level of degree (e.g. BA, MA, JD), and date of degree completion. Transcripts must be transmitted securely directly from the degree-granting institution to ETQC via: or sent in a sealed envelope to:

Commanding Officer
Education Training and Quota Command
ATTN: Registrar Services 
300 East Main Street Suite 1201 
Norfolk, VA 23510

If your degree granting-institution uses as its third-party e-transcript delivery service, please send transcripts to the “U.S. Coast Guard” Parchment account.

  1. Record of Professional Development (CG-4082)
  • INFO: When submitting a new CG-4082, any previous CG-4082s will be removed from your record.  Ensure that you list relevant older information on the new CG-4082 to provide one consolidated document.  Guidance on what is authorized to be documented in a CG-4082 can be found in Chapter 4.c of the Performance, Training, and Education Manual, COMDTINST M1500.10 (series).
  • UPDATES: Submit the completed form via your P&A office to the Personnel Service Center Records Branch (MR) at  Expedited entry requests should have the subject “Urgent Board Entry.” 
  1. Coast Guard Military Human Resource Record (CGMHRR)
  • INFO: All officers being considered are also encouraged to review their official Coast Guard Military Human Resource Record (CGMHRR). To find out more about viewing your Coast Guard Military Human Resource Record via iPERMS, please the PSC-BOPS-mr website.
  • UPDATES: Documents should be submitted to your P&A office for submission to the PSC Records Branch (MR) at Expedited entry requests should have the subject “Urgent Board Entry.” 
  1. Officer Evaluation Report
  • INFO: All OERs should arrive at PSC no later than 45 days after the end of period date to provide ample opportunity for review, correction (when required), validation, and entry into an officer’s official record.
  • UPDATES:  Send IDPL OER submissions to RPM-1 at If on extended active duty (EAD), send OER submissions to OPM-3 at OERs for board or panel candidates should be marked “Urgent: Board/Panel Candidate.” Include the reported-on-officer’s last name and be specific as to which board or panel in the subject line to ensure priority review.
  1. Reserve Point Statements
  • INFO: In Direct Access, go to “Employee,” then “View My Reserve Points Statement.” Ensure that there are no breaks in service (if applicable) and that all dates are correct, including your anniversary date. This is also vital for retirement and early retirement (RET-1).
  • UPDATES: Coordinate with your P&A office to make any corrections via a PPC help ticket.
  1. Communications to Boards and Panels
  • INFO: Individuals appearing before a board or panel may communicate directly with board membership via a letter of communication to the board.  Communication must only address matters of the officer’s record.  Section 3.A.4.f of Officer Accessions, Evaluations, Promotions, COMDTINST M1000.3 (series) provides further detail.  Portions of communication that are outside of policy will be redacted by the RPM or OPM staff prior to presentation to the board.  The communication must be in standard Coast Guard memorandum format, addressed to the president of the specific board. 
  • UPDATES: Submit the signed letter of communication via email to

The list above is a general list of recommendations. Ultimately, we adhere to the latest applicable policy, messages, guidance and directives; refer to those as you update your record.

Volunteering for Reserve Board or Panel Membership Duty

Interested Active Duty and Reserve Officers in paygrades LT and above, as well as those senior enlisted personnel in paygrades E-8 and E-9, may request to serve on Reserve Boards or Panels.

To apply to serve on Reserve Boards and Panels, you may submit a request by utilizing the submission form. Your name will be added to a running list of volunteers to be considered for board & panel membership and will remain current through the end of the current calendar year. 

Please note prior email submission will not be carried over. If you have recently submitted and email request to volunteer for Board/Panel duty you will need to resubmit using the link posted above.  For questions about the form or volunteering, please reach out to the Boards & Panels staff at the following email address:

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For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.