Best Practices in HSI - Performance and Training
The goal of training for a new acquisition is to develop and sustain a
skilled member/unit, while giving strong consideration to
options that can reduce life-cycle costs such as organic training or
utilizing existing Service schools.
Continuous training may not be possible due to lack
of resources while deployed.
Training during deployment depends largely on the capability
and the deployment location. While the intent is to deploy fully trained Coast Guard members,
this expectation results in a lack of training resources at deployed
locations. Continuous training, although not always possible, is ideal
during deployment and can be achieved through flexible, organic solutions.
The performance and training domain's goal is to ensure all organic training
options are explored and made a priority.
The operational tempo may not be sufficient to
maintain skill level.
Skill levels may deteriorate if an individual or team goes
for long periods of time without exposure to the types of situations for
which they were trained. These activities may be good candidates for
automation (if still in the design phase) or organic supplemental
performance supports such as job aids, embedded training functions, or
targeted refresher training.
Feedback may be insufficient to provide for efficient
Evaluating the true effectiveness of training in a systematic fashion is
challenging, and requires involvement at multiple echelons of the CG mission
organization and significant time investment. One might ask, for example:
Did the diesel engine maintainer course result in a reduced engineering
casualty reports and improved operational availability for the engine? This
question seems like a simple matter of data analysis but with humans in the
performance loop, a host of factors influence the results of training: the
operational employment of the engines, maintenance philosophy, parts
availability, individual motivation, leadership, state of rest, and team
dynamics all play a part in the answer.
There is frequent overreliance on training to overcome poorly
designed human interfaces.
Too often, deficiencies in system design are addressed through training
workarounds rather than modifying the system design through use of human
factors engineering. In many cases, the human is required to perform actions
to bridge the gap between poorly integrated hardware/software elements. For
example, operation center tasks often require the human to move information
between multiple workstations/software applications because the system is
not integrated.
Training conditions may not reflect the psychological
and environmental conditions experienced while deployed.
Pre-deployment training typically occurs in a traditional classroom
setting. However, while deployed, personnel will be required to respond to real-life situations in
dangerous and austere environments. Personnel may be unprepared to fulfill the requirements of their
position under the stress of these situations and in extreme environments.