Welcome to PPC's MAS Military Bonus & Incentive Programs page!
We hope you find the new format easier to navigate and the historical information better assembled for all your research needs. On this BONUS OVERVIEW tab, you will find the most common requested tools and within each FY tab the instruction required during that timeframe.
Please allow 60 business days for bonus processing upon submission. Updates may be obtained by submitting a ticket after 60 business days have passed to
Bonus Waiver Request General Information:
All requests for bonus waivers received at COMDT (CG-1M1) are thoroughly vetted before a final decision is rendered. Please visit CG-1M1 SharePoint site for more information: Military Bonus & Incentive Program (CAC Required)
1) Military Bonus and Incentive Programs, COMDTINST 7220.2A (August 2022)
2) Applicable ALCOAST/ACN
Directives & References:
COMDTINST 7220.2A - Military Bonus and Incentive Programs
Please refer to each FY year tab to find applicable ACN/ALCOAST/UPDATES/DIRECTIVES/INSTRUCTIONS allowable during that period.
CG-3307's - Administrative Remarks Entries
Each FY tab provides the CG-3307 applicable to the Military Bonus and Incentive Program offering for that year. All current year CG-3307's will be located on the general list page and can be found using the link above.
CG Forms & Worksheets
Please refer to CG-5305 series and CG-7220 series for specific forms.
Please refer to each FY tab for all required forms and worksheets specific to a request for payout. In addition to the standard CG Forms and Worksheets, you may also be required to submit a Bonus Checklist. You must include checklists in the bonus payment request package sent via a PPC Customer Care Ticket. The bonus will not be processed until all documentation (including the checklist) is complete and delivered.
NOTE: If there is not a checklist currently associated with your specific bonus request, then a checklist is not required. Please read through the applicable FY tab for all required information.
Bonuses (also available under SPO/P&A Pay guides)
Designated Career Field Bonus (DCFB)
Validating Bonus Paperwork is Correct before Submitting to PPC
Viewing Bonuses and Their Payments
Please visit our main DA User Guide page for all instructional resources: DA User Guides
Fiscal Year (FY) 2025 (1 October 2024 - 30 September 2025)
Please allow 60 business days for bonus processing upon submission. Updates may be obtained by submitting a ticket after 60 business days have passed to
A. Military Bonus and Incentive Programs, COMDTINST 7220.2A
B. Enlistments, Evaluations, and Advancements, COMDTINSTM1000.2C
C. Coast Guard Medical Manual, COMDTINST M6000.1F
D. Performance, Training and Education Manual (PTEM), COMDTINST1500.10D
1.This ALCOAST announces the results of the FY2025 Military Workforce Planning Team (MWPT) deliberations regarding monetary and non-monetary interventions for active duty and reserve personnel. Specifically, this ALCOAST authorizes Enlistment Bonuses (EB), Designated Career Field Bonuses (DCFB), Critical Skills Retention Bonuses (CSRB), Selective Reenlistment Bonuses (SRB), and Aviation Bonuses (AvB), as authorized in accordance with REF (A).
2.The interventions outlined in this ALCOAST are in effect for the duration of FY2025 (1 OCT 2024 through 30 SEP 2025) contingent upon Congress extending the authority for payments. Any modifications or discontinuation of monetary interventions will be communicated via ALCOAST not less than 30 days in advance of the change. These interventions apply to enlisted active duty members, active duty officers, reservists under Extended Active Duty (EAD) orders, and Selected Reserve (SELRES) members. This supersedes Chapter 2.D.1.i.of REF (A).
FY 2025 Monetary & Non-Monetary Interventions
Due to the large number of offerings and categories, the tables have been condensed to a searchable Excel Spreadsheet for historical purposes and your convenience.
FY 2025 Monetary & Non-Monetary Interventions Table
Checklist & CG-3307 Administrative Remarks Entries
You must include checklists in the bonus payment request package sent via a PPC Customer Care Ticket, the bonus will not be processed until all documentation (including the checklist) is complete and delivered.
NOTE: If there is not a checklist listed currently associated with your specific bonus request, then a checklist is not required.
Use the SRB Checklist
Use the CSTB / DCFB Checklist
Find all Cyber Checklists located at the following: Bonus & Incentive Pay Information (
CG-3307, Administrative Remarks, templates for FY 2025 SRBs:
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near EAOS (update 10/3/24)
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near EAOS
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near 6 year AD anniversary (update 10/3/24)
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near 10 year AD anniversary
SRB-03 Counseled on SRB member entering into an extension (update 10/4/24)
SRB-04 Counseled on SRB payments for new rating (update 10/4/24)
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone A SRB (update 10/3/24)
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone B SRB
SRB-05 Counseled Not Eligible for Zone A or B SRB
CG Forms & Worksheets
Please refer to CG-5305 series and CG-7220 series for specific forms.
Fiscal Year (FY) 2024 (1 October 2023 - 30 September 2024)
This ALCOAST announces updates to the approved FY2024 monetary Interventions promulgated in REF (A) for the Electronics Technician (ET) Rating. This update is effective 30 days from release of this message per REF (B) and will supersede the corresponding offer announced in REF (A). All authorized FY2024 interventions offered in REF (A) and this ALCOAST expire on 30 SEP 2024.
a. Per REF (C) the Critical Skills Training Bonus was changed to Designated Career Field Bonus (DCFB). ET Designated Career Field Bonus (DCFB): A $40,000 DCFB is authorized for graduates of ET Class "A" School who agree to an active-duty service obligation of four (4) years upon graduation from ET "A" School.
b. ET Guaranteed "A" School Enlistment Bonus (EB): A $40,000 EB is authorized for new recruits, for their first career enlistment, and who sign an agreement to attend ET "A" School immediately upon graduation from boot camp.
Effective immediately, REF (A) is updated to rename the Critical Skill Training Bonus (CSTB) to Designated Career Field Bonus (DCFB). This change is necessary to align with language in 37 U.S.C. 331, which authorizes a larger payment for this type of bonus. The CSTB is authorized under 14 U.S.C. 2319 and has a limit of $20,000. All reference to CSTB and 14 U.S.C. 2319 in REF (A) will be changed to DCFB and 37 U.S.C. 331 in the next update.
This ALCOAST announces the results of the Military Workforce Planning Team (MWPT) FY 2024 deliberations regarding monetary and non-monetary interventions for enlisted and officer personnel. Specifically, this ALCOAST authorizes Enlistment Bonuses (EB), Critical Skills Training Bonuses (CSTB), Critical Skills Retention Bonuses (CSRB), Selective Reenlistment Bonuses (SRB), and Aviation Bonuses (AvB), as authorized in accordance with REF (A) Military Bonus and Incentive Programs, COMDTINST 7220.2A.
FY 2024 Monetary & Non-Monetary Interventions
Due to the large number of offerings and categories, the tables have been condensed to a readable PDF for historical purposes and your convenience.
FY 2024 Monetary Interventions Table
Checklist & CG-3307 Administrative Remarks Entries
You must include checklists in the bonus payment request package sent via a PPC Customer Care Ticket, the bonus will not be processed until all documentation (including the checklist) is complete and delivered.
NOTE: If there is not a checklist listed currently associated with your specific bonus request, then a checklist is not required.
Use the FY24 SRB Checklist
Use the FY24 CSTB / DCFB Checklist
Find all Cyber Checklists located at the following: Bonus & Incentive Pay Information (
CG-3307, Administrative Remarks, templates for FY 2024 SRBs:
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near EAOS
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near EAOS
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near 6 year AD anniversary
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near 10 year AD anniversary
SRB-03 Counseled on SRB member entering into an extension
SRB-04 Counseled on SRB payments for new rating
SRB-05 Counseled Not Eligible for Zone A or B SRB
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone A SRB
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone B SRB
Fiscal Year (FY) 2023 (1 October 2022 - 30 September 2023)
ALCOAST 403/22, FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Enlisted Monetary Interventions and Update 4 - FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results Enlisted Monetary Interventions announces the results of the Enlisted Workforce Planning Team (EWPT). The first EWPT convened in May, 2022 to deliberate and recommend workforce policy interventions to the Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1). Interventions include non-monetary policy changes, Enlistment Bonuses (EB), Critical Skills Training Bonuses (CSTB), Selective Reenlistment Bonuses (SRB), and Critical Skills Retention Bonuses (CSRB).
The following SRBs are in effect for FY 2023:
Zone A
- A $20,000 Zone A SRB is authorized for BM2 members who reenlist for an additional six (6) years of active duty service obligation
- A $30,000 Zone A SRB is authorized for CS members in paygrades E-4 through E-6 who reenlist for an additional six (6) years of active duty service obligation.
- A $60,000 Zone A SRB is authorized for eligible ET2 members who reenlist for an additional four (4) years of active duty service obligation. See ALCOAST 085/23 for more details.
Zone B
- A $20,000 Zone B SRB is authorized for BM2 members who reenlist for an additional six (6) years of active duty service obligation.
- A $30,000 Zone B SRB is authorized for CS members in the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) who enlist into the Regular Coast Guard under the Open Rate List (ORL).
Members are eligible for a bonus if:
(a) They are in paygrades E4 through E5; and
(b) They reenlist for four (4) years of active service obligation
A $60,000 Zone B SRB is authorized for eligible ET2 members who reenlist for an additional four (4) years of active duty service obligation. See ALCOAST 085/23 for more details.
Checklist & CG-3307 Administrative Remarks Entries
Use the FY23 Eligibility Checklist
You must include the FY23 Eligibility Checklist in the bonus payment request package sent via a PPC Customer Care Ticket, the bonus will not be processed until all documentation (including the checklist) is complete and delivered.
CG-3307, Administrative Remarks, templates for FY 2023 SRBs:
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near EAOS
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near EAOS
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near 6 year AD anniversary_1
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near 10 year AD anniversary
SRB-03 Counseled on SRB member entering into an extension
SRB-04 Counseled on SRB payments for new rating
SRB-05 Counseled Not Eligible for Zone A or B SRB
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone A SRB_1
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone B SRB
More Information
Refer to paragraph 6 of ALCOAST 403/22, FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Enlisted Monetary Interventions, for more information about FY 23 SRBs.
Refer to ALCOAST 085/23 Update 4 - FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Enlisted Monetary Interventions, for more information about ET FY23 SRBs.
ALCOAST 085/23, FY23 Update 4 - Workforce Planning Team Results - Enlisted Monetary Interventions
ALCOAST 084/23, FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Aviator Officer Non-Monetary Interventions
ALCOAST 007/23, FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Judge Advocate Interventions
ALCOAST 411/22, FY23 Selected Reserve (SELRES) Bonus and Designated Unit Pay (DUP)
ALCOAST 410/22, FY23 Military Workforce Planning Team Results - Naval Engineering Officer Interventions
ALCOAST 409/22, FY23 Military Workforce Planning Team Results - Afloat Officer Interventions (Also see ALCOAST 479/22, Update 1 - Military Workforce Planning Team Results - Afloat Officer Intervention)
ALCOAST 407/22, FY23 Military Workforce Planning Team Results - Aviation Officer Interventions
ALCOAST 406/22, FY23 Military Workforce Planning Team Results - Investigating Officer Intervention
ALCOAST 405/22, FY23 Military Workforce Planning Team Results - Cyber Enlisted Interventions
ALCOAST 404/22, FY23 Military Workforce Planning Team Results - Cyber Officer Interventions
ALCOAST 403/22, FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Enlisted Monetary Interventions (Also ALCOAST 501/22, Update 2 - FY23 Military Workforce Planning Team Results - CS Change In Rating Enlistment Bonus)
ALCOAST 402/22, FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Enlisted Non-Monetary Interventions
ALCOAST 401/22, FY23 Workforce Planning Team Results - Overview
Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 (1 October 2021 - 30 September 2022)
A. COMDT (CG-1) memo 1000 dtd 11 FEB 21
1. This ALCOAST announces the efforts and results of the FY22 Military Workforce Planning Team (MWPT). Military and Civilian Workforce Plannings Teams (WPTs) are chartered governing bodies established to analyze recruiting, retention, and specialty management personnel trends. Each WPT uses data driven recommendations to create balanced intervention strategies in order to obtain and retain a mission ready workforce. As WPT sponsor and manager of military and civilian pay accounts, COMDT (CG-1) reviews and approves WPT recommendations on a Fiscal Year (FY) basis; no
interventions are guaranteed beyond a given FY. Approved interventions within an FY may be started or stopped at any point in the year when need is no longer required to manage a particular element of the workforce.
2. WPT members represent a wide array of stakeholders from personnel, program, and specialty management divisions. The WPTs conducted comprehensive reviews of forecasts and intervention strategies to optimize desired outcomes using base resources. Primary inputs are derived from data analytics and program-sponsored business cases. With these references, the WPT identified critical needs and prioritized interventions based on the highest returns on investment.
3. The MWPT objectively identifies monetary and non-monetary options, and recommends focused and aligned bonus offerings to critical enlisted ratings and officer specialties to build talent for planned growth, career retention, and predictable attrition.
4. Active Duty Enlisted interventions:
a. The non-monetary interventions for FY22 include:
(1) Service Wide Exam points for highly skilled and qualified individuals.
(2) Direct and Guaranteed Class A-Schools for critical and stressed rates.
(3) Placing all rates on the Open Rate List (ORL), except DV and MU.
(4) Opening Extended Active Duty (EAD) contracts for reserve members in the following rates: AST, BM, CS, GM, EM, and OS.
b. The monetary interventions for FY22 include:
(1) Enlistment Bonuses (EB) for Recruits.
(2) EBs for OS, CS, EM, and ET.
(3) Selective re-enlistment bonuses (SRB) for BM, EM, CS, and OS.
(4) Critical Skills Training Bonuses (CSTB) for CS, ET, EM, and OS.
(5) Miscellaneous bonuses for Food Service Officers, Cyber personnel, and completion of the BM Apprenticeship program.
5. Active Duty Officer interventions (monetary):
a. O-3/O-4 Operations Officers Afloat and Executive Officers/Department Heads Afloat.
b. Naval Engineering Officers (including Engineer Officers Afloat).
c. Cyber Officers.
6. Reserve Component interventions:
a. The non-monetary interventions for FY22 include:
(1) Establishing work groups to determine the Coast Guard's ability to fund Inactive Duty for Training (IDT) travel for reservists traveling outside their reasonable commuting distance (RCD).
(2) Establishing a work group to determine feasibility of removing rate requirements for assignment to PSUs.
(3) Inclusion of the reserve workforce in the Women's Leadership and Advisory Council.
(4) Establishing a work group to determine the impacts if an officer resigns their commission and wants to revert to an enlisted status in the Reserve Workforce.
b. The monetary interventions for reserve members in FY22 include:
(1) EBs for Recruits.
(2) EBs for PA.
(3) Assignment bonuses for PSUs.
(4) Bonuses for Physician Assistants.
7. Additional information and guidelines on all approved non-monetary and monetary interventions for enlisted members, officers, and reserve members will be outlined in subsequent ALCOASTs.
8. Our dedication to building and maintaining a mission ready work force is apparent through these initiatives, and I am committed to our organization's efforts to preserve our Service's talent now and in the future. Any program manager who feels their workforce or specialty is experiencing personnel challenges is encouraged to submit their business case and recommendations to the WPTs in accordance with REF (A).
9. Questions regarding MWPT policies outlined in this message or other human resource management matters may be directed to Office of Military Personnel Policy (CG-133) at: Additional messages will follow addressing these and future workforce intervention policies.
10. RADM E. C. Jones, Assistant Commandant for Human Resources (CG-1), sends.
11. Internet release is authorized.
Checklist & CG-3307 Administrative Remarks Entries
Use the FY22 Eligibility Checklist
You must include the FY22 Eligibility Checklist in the bonus payment request package sent via a PPC Customer Care Ticket, the bonus will not be processed until all documentation (including the checklist) is complete and delivered.
CG-3307, Administrative Remarks, templates for FY 2022 SRBs:
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near EAOS
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near EAOS
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near 6 year AD anniversary
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near 10 year AD anniversary
SRB-05 Counseled Not Eligible for Zone A or B SRB
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone A SRB
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone B SRB
SRB-05a Counseled on FSO Kicker SRB
Fiscal Year (FY) 2021 (1 October 2020 - 30 September 2021)
Change in policy allows cancelling extensions if eligible for SRB
By MyCG Staff
The Coast Guard has updated its Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) offering policy, to execute a reenlistment anytime within the fiscal year, prior to the end of the enlistment contract.
If your rating is offered a Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB)
If your rating is offering a bonus for reenlistment and you already signed an extension, you may be able to cancel your extension to qualify for the SRB, as long as you have not commenced that extension. Rates that qualify for enlistment bonuses are included in section eight of Workforce Planning Team Results – Enlisted Interventions, ACN 101/20.
Members who previously extended their enlistment period due to obligated service requirements for transfer, training, or advancement, can cancel those extensions prior to their operative date (when your extension officially begins) in order to enact an immediate reenlistment and entitlement to an SRB.
Members who were previously denied SRB eligibility or were improperly informed and did not apply for an applicable SRB, may apply for eligibility determination and entitlement.
If you’ve already started an extension
Members who have already begun the extension of their enlistment, but otherwise would have been eligible prior to the operative date of that extension, may apply for SRB eligibility determination. This exception is valid through the end of this fiscal year (October 2020 to Sept. 30, 2021).
Once all necessary SRB actions have been completed, SPO requests for SRB payment must be submitted to PPC via a Customer Care Trouble Ticket.
Include member’s applicable SRB administrative remarks, form CG-3307, and PPC's “US Coast Guard SRB Eligibility Checklist.”
Attach, as applicable, PCS orders, EPM-1 Approval Memos, and CG-1331 waivers if utilized.
Questions regarding the above policies or other human resource management matters may be emailed to the Office of Military Personnel Policy (CG-133)
Checklist & CG-3307 Administrative Remarks Entries
You must include the FY21 Eligibility Checklist in the bonus payment request package sent via a PPC Customer Care Ticket, the bonus will not be processed until all documentation (including the checklist) is complete and delivered.
FY21 SRB Eligibility Checklist
CG-3307, Administrative Remarks, templates for FY 2021 SRBs:
SRB-01 Counseled on SRB member near EAOS
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near EAOS
SRB-01 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near EAOS
SRB-02 Counseled on SRB member near 6 or 10 year AD anniversary
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone A SRB member near 6 year AD anniversary
SRB-02 Counseled on Zone B SRB member near 10 year AD anniversary
SRB-03 Counseled on SRB member entering into an extension
SRB-04 Counseled on SRB payments for new rating
SRB-05 Counseled Not Eligible for Zone A or B SRB
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone A SRB
SRB-05 Counseled on Zone B SRB
SRB-05a Counseled on FSO Kicker SRB
More Information
Reenlistment eligibility for selective reenlistment bonus information is now available: Reenlistment Eligibility for Selective Reenlistment Bonus ALCOAST 142/21 provides information regarding selective reenlistment bonus (SRB). In summary, members who previously extended their enlistment period due to obligated service requirements for transfer, training or advancement can cancel such extensions prior to their operative date in order to enact an immediate reenlistment are entitled to an SRB. Members who were previously denied SRB eligibility or who were improperly counseled and therefore did not apply for an applicable SRB may apply for eligibility determination and SRB entitlement. Members who have already commenced the extension of their enlistment, but otherwise would have been eligible prior to the operative date of that extension, may also apply for SRB eligibility determination. Questions about these policies or other human resource management matters may email Office of Military Personnel Policy (CG-133). Read this MyCG article.
Authority for the Career Status Bonus ended on 31 December 2017 with the implementation of the Blended Retirement System. Service members who have completed 15 years of creditable active duty and have elected to receive the CSB prior to January 1, 2018, may continue to receive any elected payment installments so long as they remain eligible and have executed an agreement to remain continuously on active duty until they have completed 20 years of active duty service.
Career Status Bonuses (CSB) are available to personnel who entered uniformed service on or after 1 August 1986. The CSB gives personnel the option to receive at the 15-year active duty point, a $30,000 lump sum payment and in return agree to remain on active duty for 20 years and become subject to the REDUX retirement plan (Retired Pay multiplier reduced by one percentage point for each year less than 30 years retirement and lifetime reduction in annual Retired Pay COLA increases). Those members who do not elect to take the CSB lump sum payment remain in the full high 36-month Basic Pay average system (known as the High-3) retirement plan currently available to personnel who entered a uniformed service on or after 8 September 1980. The CSB is governed by U.S. Code, Title 37, Section 322. Active duty personnel who first entered a uniformed service prior to 8 September 1980 are not eligible for either of the aforementioned retirement plans. Reservists eligible for non-regular (Reserve) retirement are not eligible for the CSB/REDUX retirement plan.
CSB Determination
Each individual's unique circumstance will determine which retirement option is better. The CSB/REDUX option should be carefully considered for individuals who are planning longer careers. The multiplier under CSB/REDUX comes closer to the High-3 percent retirement plan multiplier the longer the individual stays in beyond 20 years, and finally the multipliers become equal at 30 years. Also, everyone that invests the bonus would have 5 to 15 years of compounded savings accumulated at their retirement point. Personnel must decide on making a CSB election between 14 years, 6 months and 15 years of active service. Another consideration concerning CSB/REDUX election is that the annual COLA for the REDUX retirement method is reduced by one percentage point below the increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) with a one-time rate correction at age 62; under the High-3 retirement system the Retired Pay COLA is equal to the annual CPI percentage.
CSB $30,000 Lump Sum Tax Rates
The CSB is taxed at your federal and, if applicable, state tax rate. Upon receipt, the portion not placed into the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP) will be subject to normal withholding rules. Should this exceed your tax rate, you would have excess returned in your federal tax refund. You also may shelter up to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) maximum by placing the lump sum into a TSP account. Other rules and limits may apply to those in receipt of non-taxable pays in a Combat Zone or Qualified Hazardous Duty Area. For more information, go online to the Thrift Savings Plan web site.
CSB Cancelation
You cannot change your CSB election, even if you return the career status bonus money. Your election is not considered a final decision until you complete your 15th year of active service.
Separation after CSB
Generally speaking, if you fail to complete 20 years, by law, you are required to return a pro-rated share (unearned portion) of the CSB for the time you did not complete the agreed upon service. The pro-rated amount would be forgiven in cases of death, disability retirement, or separation under a service program where you requested to separate or retire early under a special voluntary strength reduction program such as Temporary Early Retirement Authority (TERA). Other involuntary separations, such as failure to meet weight standards, alcohol rehabilitation failure, non-medical behavioral disorders, disciplinary or conduct action, or failure to make high-year tenure promotion points will result in recoupment of the unearned portion of the CSB.
CSB Application -- This was the process prior to 1/1/2018. ACN 011/17 discontinued the CSB. MAS no longer sends any CSB information to members.
PPC (MAS) sends the CSB Election Form, CG-2426 for Eligible Career Status Bonus members to an active duty member's unit six months prior to the member's fifteenth active duty anniversary. Complete the application and return it to PPC for processing. Reservists who happen to have 15 years active duty and are on an ADOS contract that will not let them complete at least 20 years active duty are not eligible for CSB/REDUX and if they receive an application by mistake should not submit it.
OSD CSB Information
Information on CSB can be found on the Office of the Secretary of Defense Military Compensation CSB/REDUX Costs and Benefits.