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Office of Operational Medicine and Medical Readiness (CG-1121)

Medical Training

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Expand List item 342Collapse List item 342  Healthcare Provider Training

All physicians, dentists, pharmacists, physician assistants and nurse practitioners assigned to the Coast Guard are required to review the Healthcare Provider Training link and update their training as needed.

Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians Training (USAFP)

The Uniformed Services Academy of Family Physicians (USAFP) represents all uniformed services family physicians, family medicine residents, and medical students nationwide. USAFP sponsors an annual course for military physicians. This one-week long course provides a forum for uniformed providers to learn about best practices and updates on issues affecting family physicians with an emphasis on issues related to military and operational medicine.

Required at least once every three years for CG primary care providers to fulfill the requirement of operational medicine training.

Additional Information:
There are limited quotas available for medical officers to attend the USAFP. Contact the CG-1121 Training Manager for additional information.

An email stating the applicant's desire to attend should be sent the CG-1121 Training Manager. The request must have the applicants Emplid, unit address, supervisor’s name and signature. Also required in your request is an estimate of travel, per diem costs, registration costs and course dates.

US Navy Aeromedical Course (USNAC)

The US Navy Aeromedical Institute (NAMI) hosts the Navy Aeromedical (USNAC) Course at Pensacola, FL. This is an annual refresher in Aviation and Operational Medicine. The conference objectives include:

  • Become familiar with new Aeromedical policies and updates and how they apply to the deployed environment

  • Describe key medical knowledge for practicing in several challenging environments and the impact of telemedicine in these environments.

  • Understand recent medical research from the aviation, space, motorsport, undersea, high altitude and other challenging medical environments.

Required every three years for Coast Guard aviation medicine Attend providers (FSs/AMOs/APAs) in DIFOPs billets. Other FS/AMOs/APAs will be considered on a space available basis.

Additional Information:
There are limited quotas available for medical officers to attend the USNAC. Contact the CG-1121 Training Manager for additional information.

An email stating the applicant's desire to attend should be sent the CG-1121 Training Manager. The request must have the applicants Emplid, unit address, supervisor’s name and signature. Also required in your request is an estimate of travel, per diem costs, registration costs and course dates.

Flight Surgeon/Aeromedical Physician Assistant Training

This training is required for medical officers/physician assistants who want to provide aviation medical care at Coast Guard air stations. Training will be provided by the Army (six week course), or equivalent course, followed by a two week Coast Guard transition course at ATC Mobile.

Required for any medical officer in order to provide aviation medicine care. Priority will be assigned to providers with pending orders to a DIFOPs billet. Must be qualified on a Coast Guard Class 2 aviation candidate physical exam (PE). The initial PE must be forwarded for approval to PSC-psd-med.

Additional Information:
Contact the CG-1121 Training Manager for additional information.

An email stating the applicant's desire to attend should be sent to the CG-1121 Training Manager. The request must have the applicants Emplid, unit address, supervisor’s name and signature. Also required in your request is an estimate of travel, per diem costs, registration costs and course dates.

Dental Officer Training

This training provides continuing education training for Coast Guard Dental Officers in the dental disciplines such as:

  • Operative Dentistry
  • Endodontics
  • Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  • Oral Pathology
  • Periodontics
  • Prosthodontics
  • Dental Infection Control
  • Occupational Health/Safety
  • Orofacial Pain and Temporomandibular Disorders

Every dental officer will receive HQ funded training every other year.

Additional Information:
These are usually 5 day long courses offered at various Military Dental Schools. For more information and application procedures contact the CG-1122 Dental Program Manager.

Pharmacy Training

This annual 5-day training is held in conjunction with the Joint Pharmacy Forces Seminar (JFPS).

Required for all Coast Guard Pharmacy Officers.

Additional Information:
Contact the Pharmacy Program Manager at CG-1122 for more information.

AIT for the provider

See: Immunotherapy Safety for the Primary Care Provider (.pdf)

Physician Assistant Training

The Physician Assistant training program is 29 months in length, is open to E4 to E7 and officers with 5 years or less commissioned service. Enlisted personnel are commissioned as Lieutenant junior grades (Temporary Regular) upon graduation, officers continue to be considered for promotion. All requirements for the program, administrative, prerequisites and commissioning - if applicable, can be found on the Interservice Physician Assistant Program (IPAP) FY 2019 Memo.

Helpful Links for PA Training

Expand List item 343Collapse List item 343  Health Services Technician Training

All health services technicians are required to review the Health Services Technician Training link and update their training as needed.

Health Services Technician (HS) "C" Schools

The following courses are available to HS's. Contact the HS Professional Development Specialist for convening dates and enrollment requirements.

Coast Guard

  • Emergency Medical Technician
  • Emergency Medical Technician Recertification
  • HS Dental “C” School
  • Independent Duty Health Services Technician

Air Force

  • Pharmacy Apprentice Phase I and II


  • Physical Therapy Specialist (Needs of the Service Applies)


  • Advanced Radiographer
  • Advanced Laboratory Technician (Needs of the Service Applies)
  • Aerospace Medicine
  • Medical Deep Sea Diving
  • Pharmacy Technician (Location based needs)
  • Preventive Medicine Technician
  • Surface Force Independent Duty Corpsman

Department of Defense

  • Field Management of Chemical & Biological Casualties
  • Physical Therapy Specialist Phase II


Expand List item 344Collapse List item 344  Leadership Courses

All physicians, dentists, pharmacists, physician assistants, nurse practitioners, and medical administrators assigned to the Coast Guard should review the Leadership Courses to enhance their careers.

Joint Operations Medical Managers Course (JOMMC)

This  is a five-day theater level medical management course designed to prepare Senior Health Care personnel with new or projected assignments as commanders, administrators or department chiefs, to function in management and leadership roles in the operational and humanitarian assistance environment.

Highly recommended for clinic senior health care personnel.

Additional Information:
There are limited quotas available to attend this course. For further information contact the CG-1121 Training Manager.

An email stating the applicant's desire to attend should be sent the CG-1121 Training Manager. The request must have the applicants Emplid, unit address, supervisor’s name and signature. Also required in your request is an estimate of travel, per diem costs, registration costs and course dates. 

USAFP Helpful Links


Homeland Security Medical Professional Course (HLSMPC)

HLSMPC was created to develop CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, High-Yield Explosives) competency requirements to support joint medical readiness training. This one- week course is designed to train Senior Medical Officers (SMOs) (O5 – O6) for command and senior staff positions in support of the National Response Plan (NRP), and to prepare them to meet the challenges and complexities of a CBRNE event or natural disaster in the United States and its territories.

Highly recommended for clinic SMOs, Chief of Health Services Attend Division, HSWL SC and HQ medical officers.

Additional Information:
There are limited quotas available to attend this course. For further information contact the CG-1121 Training Manager.

An email stating the applicant's desire to attend should be sent the CG-1121 Training Manager. The request must have the applicants Emplid, unit address, supervisor’s name and signature. Also required in your request is an estimate of travel, per diem costs, registration costs and course dates.

HLSMPC Helpful Links


Officer Basic Course (OBC)

Officers attending the 14-day OBC will receive an introduction to the U.S. Public Health Service Commissioned Corps. Emphasis is placed on the corps as a Uniformed Service. This course is presented at a faster pace in recognition of the experience and knowledge gained by officers while serving on active duty. Military bearing and courtesy, career development, promotions, leave, compensation, awards, and resource utilization are some of the many topics introduced during this course. Officers successfully completing this course will satisfy the prerequisite for enrollment in the web-based Independent Officer Training Course (IOTC) with Examination Series, thus making them eligible to earn the Commissioned Corps Training Ribbon.

The 14-day OBC program is for those officers on extended active Attend duty with a call to active duty date (CAD) on or prior to 01 October 2008 Officers planning to attend should use the provided email link to request participation (registration). An officer should not consider him/herself enrolled until notified. Registration confirmation will be provided in the form of a reply to the officer's e- mail-registration request.

Additional Information:
For further information contact the PHS Liaison at 202-475-5186.

Expand List item 341Collapse List item 341  CBRNE Training

All medical personnel assigned to the Coast Guard should review the CBRNE training link for Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive Incidents training.

CBRNE Emergency Preparedness and Response Course

This course focuses on the application of principles of mass- casualty management to hospital settings and includes units on legal issues, the National Incident Management System (NIMS), the National Response Plan (NRP), the Hospital Emergency Incident Command System (HEICS), decontamination, detection, and triage in a hospital setting.

Medical Officers should take the "Clinician Course".  Dental Officers, Pharmacists and all other PHS categories should take the "Operator / Responder Course.   Required within 12 months of assignment to duties in the Coast Guard.

Additional Information:
 For further information contact the CG-1121 Training Manager. Please be patient as the online CBRNE training site is being updated.

Medical Management of Chemical/ Biological Casualties (MCBC)

The Medical Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties (MCBC) classroom discussion includes the:

  • History and current threat of chemical and biological agent use
  • Characteristics of threat agents
  • Pathophysiology and treatment of agent exposure
  • Principles of field management of threat agent casualties.

In the field, attendees practice the principles of personal protection, triage, treatment and decontamination of chemical casualties. During this six-day exercise, attendees learn the capabilities and limitations of Mission Oriented Protective Posture (MOPP) when treating casualties in a contaminated environment.

Required for Medical Officers within 3 years of assignment.  Recommended for all Pharmacy, Dental and Environmental Health Officers.  Officers who have previously attended this course through DoD are not required to repeat.

Additional Information:
Contact the CG-1121 Training Manager for additional information.

An email stating the applicant's desire to attend should be sent to the CG-1121 Training Manager. The request must have the applicants Emplid, unit address, supervisor’s name and signature. Also required in your request is an estimate of travel, per diem costs, registration costs and course dates.

Field Management of Chemical and Biological Casualties

FCBC Course (Army)

Combat Casualty Care Course (C-4)

C-4 is a nine-day tri-service continuing medical education program designed to enhance the operational medical readiness skills of physicians, nurses, physician assistants, dentists, administrators and other specialty healthcare providers. Intended for medical professionals with minimal field exposure, C-4 prepares tri-service medical officers with the knowledge critical in conducting Level I & II healthcare operations in an austere, combat or tactical environment. C-4 provides training in leadership skills, field medical knowledge and the practical information needed for direct medical support of tactical units under combat conditions. The course begins with professional programs (eg. ATLS, PHTLS) at the Defense Medical Readiness Training Institute, Fort Sam Houston, and then moves to a five-day field training exercise at Camp Bullis, Texas.

Required for Medical Officers within 3 years of assignment.  This course is recommended for all Dental Officers. Officers who have previously attended this course through DoD are not required to repeat.

Additional Information:
Contact the CG-1121 Training Manager for additional information.

An email stating the applicant's desire to attend should be sent to the CG-1121 Training Manager. The request must have the applicants Emplid, unit address, supervisor’s name and signature. Also required in your request is an estimate of travel, per diem costs, registration costs and course dates.

Expand List item 345Collapse List item 345  Disaster Training

All medical personnel assigned to the Coast Guard should review the Disaster training link for incident command system and disaster life support training.

Incident Command System (ICS)

This web-based training provides education and resources for personnel who require a basic understanding of the ICS.

The ICS 100, 200, 700 and 800 courses are mandatory for all PHS Officers.  ICS course 300 is required for Senior Medical Officers, Chief of Health Services Division, MLC (K) Medical Officers and HQ Medical Officers.

Additional Information:
For further information contact the CG-1121 Training Manager.

ICS  Helpful Links

  • ICS Courses

Basic Disaster Life Support (BDLS)

BDLS is a 1-day orientation for basic medical response in disasters. BDLS provides critical information on the health care professional's role in the public health and incident management systems, community mental health and special needs of vulnerable populations.

The target audience for the course is physicians, physician assistants, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, allied health professionals, public health professionals and veterinarians.

Additional Information:
BDLS is offered by various agencies. Check the American Medical Association website for further details. Local or personal funding should be utilized. There is no central funding available. For further information contact the CG-1121 Training Manager.

Advanced Disaster Life Support (ADLS)

ADLS is a more advanced practicum course for trained BDLS providers. It is an intensive course that trains students in mass casualty decontamination, use of personal protective equipment, essential skills and mass casualty incident information systems and technology applications. The course uses simulated all-hazards scenarios, interactive sessions and drills with high-fidelity mannequins and volunteer patients to gain a true-to-life, practical experience in treatment and response. The course is presented over two days -- day one is primarily didactic and day two consists of hands-on training distributed over four ADLS training stations.

The target audience for the course is physicians, physician assistants, nurses, dentists, pharmacists, allied health professionals, public health professionals and veterinarians.

Additional Information:
ADLS is offered by various agencies. Check the American Medical Association website for further details. Local or personal funding should be utilized. There is no central funding available. For further information contact the CG-1121 Training Manager.

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