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Office of Operational Medicine and Quality Improvement Division (CG-1K21)

Avian/Pandemic Influenza

Avian & Pandemic Influenza Policy
Protecting the health of the Coast Guard workforce during an Avian Influenza or Pandemic Influenza event is paramount to preserving CG operational missions. This will require dynamic awareness, prevention, and preparedness efforts from all CG personnel.  All Coast Guard personnel have been classified in one of the following risk zones:

  • Very High
  • High
  • Medium
  • Low

Non pharmacological Countermeasures
The non pharmacological countermeasures Coast Guard personnel can use to protect themselves against contracting avian or pandemic influenza are:

  • Social Distancing
  • Hand Hygiene
  • Surface Disinfection
  • Personal Protective Equipment (for mission critical personnel and those in high risk and very high risk zones)

Pharmacological Countermeasures
The pharmacological countermeasures Coast Guard personnel can use to protect themselves against contracting avian or pandemic influenza are:

  • Seasonal Influenza Vaccine
  • Pre-Pandemic Influenza Vaccine
  • Antiviral Medications