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Angels of the Battlefield Award


The Angels of the Battlefield Award, sponsored by the Armed Services YMCA of the United States, is an annual award that recognizes one enlisted medical professional from each branch of the Armed Forces.  The Coast Guard nominates one Health Service Technician (HS) or Aviation Survival Technician (AST) in paygrades E4 through E7.  The nominee must have been a Coast Guard HS or AST who directly provides hands-on actions or performs a direct, life-saving intervention that results in saving a life & exemplifies professional excellence in medical care management in the line of duty within a clinical setting, Emergency-Search & Rescue (SAR) mission, or an AMIO-IDHS environment.

Application Information

Criteria for the award can be found at the link below:


Program Manager

Any questions regarding the Annual AOTBF Awards Program shall be directed to CWO Luis Muniz AT LUIS.A.MUNIZ@USCG.MIL.