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Office of Operational Medicine and Quality Improvement Division (CG-1K21)

Chemical, Biological and Radiological Defense (CBR-D) Medicine

Mandatory Program
  • All Coast Guard Active Duty and Reservists deployed for 15+ days to CENTCOM or Korea AOR
  • Deployable Operations Group
Voluntary Program
All Coast Guard Active Duty and Reservists who have received one or more Anthrax Vaccinations are authorized to complete the series.

The SVP is a mandatory program for Coast Guard Active Duty and Reservists assigned to the following units/positions:
Activities Europe/Far East Activities Healthcare workers (CG & PHS officers, Health Services Technicians (HS) and Medical Administrative personnel)
Afloat Units Harbor Defense Command Units
Air Stations Loran Stations
Container Inspection Training & Assistance Team NESU/ESU
Deployable Operations Group (DOG) Sectors (including but not limited to: Aids to Navigation Teams, Vessel Traffic Services, Small Boat Stations)
Environmental Health Officers Training Centers ( including but not limited to: Students, Faculty, Cadets, Recruits, OCS students, ROCI students, DCO students, the USCG Band)

The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.