BACKGROUND: In 2006, members of the Capital Area CG Retiree Council (CACGRC) established the Coast Guard National Retiree Help Desk (NRHD). It was designed from the outset to provide a 24/7 “hotline” where CG military retirees and their families, annuitants, and survivors can receive help in getting information, assistance, and referral services. While many in the retiree community are self-sufficient a large number have been away from the CG for a long time and have no idea where to go for current information on issues that are extremely important to them, this is where the NHRD provides a critically needed service. Since its establishment, NRHD volunteers have “stood the watch,” responding to thousands of inquiries from the worldwide CG military retiree community. Volunteers stand a 7-Day virtual watch, regularly monitoring and responding to NRHD email and voicemail messages. Watchstanders are not subject matter experts; Their role is to help “connect” people with needed information and official resources.
CURRENT STATE: The NRHD has been formalized as a principal element of the CG Retiree Services Program, COMDTINST 1800.5H. The NRHD watch is administered and operated by the CACGRC and reports directly to the Coast Guard (CG-1M13) Retiree Services Program Manager.
THE NATIONAL RETIREE HELP DESK HOTLINE is available to assist and / or answer any questions from the CG military retiree community regarding benefits (**other than those relating to pay), health care issues, assistance in obtaining important forms and/or papers, etc.
The NRHD can be contacted by phone or email:
- The phone number is 833-224-6743, (833-2CG-NRHD) please leave a message.
- The email address is
PRIVACY: Most requests can be answered with just basic personal information being provided, i.e. Name and Location, etc. Please do not email your social security number, employee ID number or birth date with your initial request. If you must communicate private information to the NRHD, it is best to communicate by phone, leaving a voicemail and waiting for a volunteer to call you back.
** Questions concerning PAY, TAX DOCUMENTS, 1099 FORMS, etc. should be directed to the Pay & Personnel Center's Retiree and Annuitant Services (PPC (RAS)) Branch in lieu of the National Retiree Help Desk. PPC can be reached via phone (866) 772-8724 or email