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USCG Pay & Personnel Center             

Procedures & Development (P&D) Branch On-Demand

Divisions and Branches
Contact Us

Mailing address:

Commanding Officer (Staff Symbol)
U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
Topeka, KS 66683-3591


(866) 772-8724



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Direct Access https://hcm.direct-access.uscg.mil
Log on to ETS/ETS Logo https://e2.gov.cwtsatotravel.com/




Got Questions? 
     Don’t quite understand? 
          Is a topic a little fuzzy?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, then PPC Procedures and Development (P&D) is here to help!  P&D is now offering On-Demand training to anyone who would like structured training on any Direct Access, HR, Admin, or Pay related topic.  This is great for any member(s) and/or their shop that want more training but may not necessarily have the time to commit to conducting their own. 

Virtual sessions are available for anyone and everyone (not just Yeomen) upon request and can be customized to meet your needs. Sessions will be presented live via TEAMS. In the past, P&D has provided specialized training to units on topics such as:

  • Understanding Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP). This included eligibility, researching and corrections.
  • Advancements. This included the advancement process, including eligibility timelines, importance for verification of the Personal Data Extracts (PDE) and Final Multiple Calculations for both Active Duty and Reserve enlisted members.
  • Understanding Reserve Pay Processing (IDT and Active Duty Orders). This explained how Direct Access is programmed in regards, to Reserve Pay IDT and Active Duty Orders and how to ensure timely and accurate processing of reserve pay transactions.
  • Direct Access Pay Calculations. This explained how to navigate, read and interpret Pay Calculation Results, Element Assignment by Payee (EABP), and One Time Positive Input (OTPI).

Requests are on a first come, first served basis with coordination on dates and times.

If you would like an On-Demand session, please email your request to PPC-SMB-PPC-PD@uscg.mil with the following information:

  1.  Topic of Interest
  2.  Attendees
  3.  Proposed Dates/Times

We look forward to hearing from YOU!