U. S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center


Retiree & Annuitant Services (RAS) Branch

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U.S. Coast Guard 
Pay & Personnel Center
444 S. E. Quincy St.
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Survivor Benefit Plan Purpose

Upon your death, retired pay stops. The only way your survivor can continue to receive any monthly annuity payments from the Coast Guard is if you purchased coverage under the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP).

The purpose of the Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) is to establish a benefit program to complement the survivor benefits of social security.

The Plan provides retirees an opportunity to leave a portion of their retired pay to their survivors at a reasonable cost.

  • Without SBP, survivors of deceased retirees would not receive any money from the Coast Guard, with the exception of any final pay that may be paid to designated beneficiary/ies.

Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP)

VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC) Off-Set Phase Out

The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year 2020 changed the way that Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) annuity payments are reduced (off-set) by the receipt of VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (DIC). There is no change in 2020 but beginning in 2021, the off-set will be reduced to 2/3rd's of the DIC amount. In 2022, the off-set will be reduced to 1/3rd of the DIC amount and the off-set will be totally eliminated in 2023.

Related Information from the Department of Defense

SBP/RCSBP Important Reminders

Divorced? Widowed? Remarried? Make Sure Your SBP Election is Current!!!

Reservists who are between 20-years satisfactory service and reaching age 60 please read the article below also.

Customer Support Requests for Life Events

PPC (RAS) often reminds retirees to update their Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) elections within one year of dependent changes such as marriage or remarriage. Ignoring this reminder can result in a retiree or surviving spouse accumulating a substantial debt or, in some cases, losing spouse SBP coverage.

For marriage or remarriage after retirement, there are two spouse SBP scenarios. The first scenario involves a retiree who had spouse SBP coverage, lost that spouse, and remarried. Spouse SBP premiums are suspended when there is no spouse SBP beneficiary. This retiree should contact PPC (RAS) and provide either a divorce decree or death certificate. A retiree who wants to convert spouse SBP to former spouse SBP needs to notify PPC (RAS) within one year of the divorce to change the SBP election to former spouse SBP. If the retiree remarries without changing the spouse SBP election to former spouse, the new spouse becomes an eligible SBP beneficiary on the first anniversary of the remarriage.

The CG 3600 form can be found online at: https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/ppc/pd/forms

The DD 2656-6 form can be found online at: https://www.dfas.mil/retiredmilitary/forms.html

A remarried retiree has three options concerning spouse SBP coverage:

  1. decline SBP coverage for the new spouse and any future spouse;
  2. increase SBP coverage if the previous SBP election was for reduced spouse coverage; or
  3. resume previous spouse SBP coverage.

The retiree must inform PPC (RAS) of the remarriage and choice of spouse SBP coverage by the first anniversary of the remarriage or, by law, the new spouse is automatically enrolled with the previous level of SBP coverage. Since the new spouse is the SBP beneficiary on the first anniversary of the marriage, the retiree owes SBP premiums from that date. If the retiree did not notify PPC (RAS) of the remarriage, a debt will accumulate for spouse SBP premiums retroactive to the first anniversary of the remarriage. This can result in an unexpected debt to the retiree or surviving spouse of several hundred to tens of thousands of dollars depending on the length of time since remarriage.

The second scenario involves a retiree who did not have a spouse at retirement and married after retirement. The spouse SBP category is still open to this retiree. However, the retiree must provide PPC (RAS) an SBP election for the new spouse within one year of the marriage or the category of spouse SBP is closed for that spouse and any future spouse. If the retiree elects SBP for the new spouse, PPC (RAS) will start collecting the premiums from the date of the first anniversary of the marriage.

Retirees can update their SBP elections after marriage or remarriage by submitting a letter and supporting documentation (marriage certificate) to PPC (RAS) within the first year of marriage. Send the letter and supporting documentation to: Commanding Officer (RAS), U. S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center, 444 SE Quincy St., Topeka KS 66683-3591. For answers to questions about the SBP or for assistance in completing elections, please contact PPC (RAS) at 1-866-772-8724 (toll-free).

Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Information for Reserve Personnel

Information for reservists who are between 20-years satisfactory service and reaching age 60.

If you have no spouse or children at the 20-year point, and later acquire a spouse and/or children you may elect to enroll your new beneficiaries in the RCSBP. You must request enrollment by completing a CG-11221, Reserve Component Survivor Benefit Plan (RCSBP) Option - Election Certificate , within one year of obtaining a spouse and/or child. A copy of the marriage and/or birth certificate must accompany request.

If you elect spouse coverage under Option B (deferred annuity) or C (immediate annuity), and your spouse dies, you may suspend your RCSBP spouse coverage. You must notify us and provide a copy of the death certificate. If you elected coverage for both spouse and children, your RCSBP child coverage would continue.

If you elect spouse coverage under Option B (deferred annuity) or C (immediate annuity), and later divorce, you have the following rights:

  • You may suspend your RCSBP spouse coverage by providing a copy of your divorce decree.
  • You may voluntarily elect to cover your former spouse under the RCSBP. Submit a written request, with a copy of your divorce decree.

If you remarry after losing your RCSBP spouse beneficiary, you have the following rights within one year of your remarriage:

  • Provide the same RCSBP coverage you had for your previous spouse.
  • Terminate your RCSBP spouse coverage.
  • Increase your RCSBP Base amount up to full retired pay. (Additional costs will apply.)

NOTE: The opportunity to make any changes to your RCSBP election must be made within one year of your remarriage by written notification to us at the address provided below.

Commanding Officer (SEP)
U.S. Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center
444 SE Quincy St
Topeka KS 66683-3591 

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