
The Coast Guard is investing more than $1 billion annually in major and non-major acquisition programs that purchase and modernize the service’s ships, boats, aircraft, and command, control, communication, computers, intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. This process of “recapitalizing” older and difficult-to-maintain assets is essential in order to carry out the Coast Guard’s missions, which help ensure our nation’s maritime security.
The Coast Guard’s mission capabilities–saving lives, interdicting smugglers and illegal migrants, enforcing our nation’s laws and treaties, and protecting our ports and natural resources–derive from the readiness of our fleets of cutters, boats, aircraft, and the C4ISR systems that link them together. During the last few decades, the Coast Guard’s readiness has been challenged by its reliance on outdated assets and shore infrastructure. The cost of sustaining these assets continues to rise, while their reliability declines. The Coast Guard must replace these with state-of-the-market assets that will continue to deliver high-quality service to the American people.
What We Do – Recapitalization
The Acquisition Directorate has responsibility for carrying out the service’s recapitalization program.
The Coast Guard will be a model of acquisition excellence in government.
Efficiently and effectively deliver the capabilities needed to execute the full range of Coast Guard missions.
Unify efforts throughout CG-9 to achieve mission execution.
Improve and sustain workforce excellence to enable mission execution.
Deliver capabilities within established parameters.
Working closely with Coast Guard headquarters partners, such as the Assistant Commandant for Engineering and Logistics (CG-4) and the Assistant Commandant for C4IT (CG-6), the Acquisition Directorate develops acquisition strategies that deliver affordable assets that meet mission requirements, as defined by the Deputy Commandant for Operations, and sponsored by the Assistant Commandant for Capability (CG-7).
By working together with our partners at headquarters, The Acquisition Directorate plays a vital role in contributing to the Coast Guard’s ability to execute its missions. The acquisition investment portfolio contributes a unique set of capabilities to each of the three objectives of the National Strategy for Maritime Security.
Preserving the freedom of the seas.
Facilitating and defending commerce.
Facilitating the movement of desirable goods and people across our borders, while screening out dangerous people and materials.

Acquisition Directorate Organization
The Acquisition Directorate has three functional divisions:
CG-91 Head of Contracting Activity
CG-91’s role as the Head of Contracting Activity (HCA) and Director of Contracting and Procurement reaches far beyond the boundaries of CG-9 and Coast Guard headquarters. This executive is responsible for planning, directing, coordinating and controlling all aspects of procurement policy and operational contracting programs throughout the Coast Guard. The HCA manages all of the Coast Guard’s acquisition contracts and other procurements, as well as provides direct contract support for CG-93’s acquisition program managers. The HCA also ensures that the Coast Guard is in compliance with federal contract law and regulations.
CG-92 Director of Acquisition Services
CG-92, the Director of Acquisition Services, is responsible for supporting all aspects of the acquisition enterprise including: new program starts, cost estimation, risk assessment and management, financial management, corporate outreach, and acquisition workforce training and certification. CG-92 also provides acquisition resource management, strategic planning and communication services, and oversees the Research, Development Test & Evaluation Program and the Foreign Military Sales Program.
CG-93 Program Executive Officer
CG-93, the Program Executive Officer and Director of Acquisition Programs, provides certified acquisition management of the Coast Guard’s investment programs. CG-93’s Level 1 (totaling more than $1 billion in lifecycle cost), Level 2 (totaling between $300 million and $1 billion in lifecycle cost) and Level 3 (totaling less than $300 million) programs deliver the service’s next-generation aviation, surface and C4ISR capabilities.