• Adoption Reimbursement -  The Adoption Reimbursement program applies to all Coast Guard active duty members, including members of the Selected Reserve on active duty for at least 180 consecutive days. An active duty or reserve Coast Guard service member who adopts a child under 18 years of age may be reimbursed authorized adoption expenses up to $2,000 per adoptive child, but no more than $5,000 per calendar year. In the case of two married service members, only one member may claim expenses for each adopted child and the couple is limited to the $5,000 per calendar year maximum. Visit the Office of Work-Life Programs : Adoption Reimbursement page for more information. 

  • Health Care - The Military Health System provides care for members, retirees, and dependents.

  • Housing - As a member or veteran, you can apply for home loans and grants from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA).

  • Education - You may qualify for education benefits through military and veterans programs. You might even be able to transfer your Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits to your spouse or children. You may also qualify for the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)

  • Death Gratuity Payment   - The death gratuity program provides for a special tax free payment of $100,000 to eligible survivors of members of the Armed Forces, who die while on active duty or while serving in certain reserve statuses. The death gratuity is the same regardless of the cause of death.
  • Employee Assistance Program  -  The USCG provides employees with free resources to help manage personal challenges. The program, called CG-SUPRT, offers confidential services like counseling, financial coaching and wellness coaching.
  • BENEFEDS   - BENEFEDS is the online benefit management portal for federal employees. Access and make changes to your dependent's vision coverage and your long-term care plan.
  • Federal Long-Term Care Insurance Program (FLTCIP)  - Provides long-term care insurance that helps you pay, as an enrollee, for costs associated with executing daily life activities, or severe cognitive impairments, such as Alzheimer's disease.
  • Savings Deposit Program (SDP)  - The Savings Deposit Program (SDP) was established to provide members of the uniformed services serving in a designated combat zones the opportunity to build their financial savings. Amounts up to $10,000.00 may be deposited, earning 10% interest annually. Members must be receiving Hostile Fire Pay and be deployed for at least 30 consecutive days, or 1 day in each of 3 consecutive months in order to participate in the program.
  • Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA)  -  In 1940, Congress passed the Soldiers' and Sailors' Civil Relief Act (SSCRA) to provide protection to those called to military service in the armed forces. The SSCRA was updated after the Gulf War in 1991 but remained largely unchanged as of 2003. In December 2003, President Bush signed into law the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). The SCRA was written to clarify the language of the SSCRA and to update the SSCRA to reflect new developments in American life since 1940. This law is a complete revision and provides a number of significant protections to servicemembers. It also provides protection to Reservists and members of the National Guard (when activated under Title 10 orders).



Afloat Officer Bonus Program:   ALCOAST Commandant Change Notice 105/20 announces two bonus offers for eligible active duty officers to fulfill a full tour critical afloat billet outlined in Paragraph 2.a. on a commissioned ship during Assignment Year 2021 (AY21).

Aviation Bonus (AvB) Program:Aviation Incentive Pay (AvIP) and Bonus (AvB) Program, COMDTINST 7220.20, establishes policies, assigns responsibilities, and prescribes procedures concerning eligibility and requirements for receipt of aviation incentive pays and bonuses. ALCOAST Commandant Change Notice (ACN) 101/19  announced the FY2020 Aviation Bonus (AvB) program, rates and criteria.  The rates are:

[1] Fixed-Wing aviators - $35,000/year for the length of the agreement (2 to 5 years).
[2] Rotary-Wing aviators - $15,000/year for the length of the agreement (2 to 5 years).

C41T/CYBER Officer Bonus ProgramALCOAST Commandant Change Notice 104/20  announces two bonus offers for eligible active duty officers to remain as designated C4IT or Cyber Operations Officers.

Naval Engineer Officer Bonus ProgramALCOAST Commandant Change Notice 103/20  announces a bonus offer for eligible active duty officer to remain as designated Naval Engineers.

Selective Reenlistment Bonuses

Continuation Pay

Reserve Affiliation Bonuses 

Direct Access is the Coast Guard's Human Resource information system. It offers many self-service functions. Military members can start, stop, or change allotments from pay, change their direct deposit banking information, update their home and mailing addresses, change Thrift Savings Plan contributions and much more. Visit our Direct Access user guides web page for more information and procedures.

Direct Access

The most convenient way to view your Retiree/Annuitant Payslip and manage your account is through Direct Access Self-Service, our online account management system. Direct Access Self-Service provides faster service, security, accessibility and reliability to all PPC (RAS) customers worldwide.

Retiree Self Service Guides


The Coast Guard Pay & Personnel Center is the personnel, payroll, human resource systems, advancement, and travel data processing hub for the United States Coast Guard. We have Coast Guard Active Duty, Reserve and retired customers, as well as National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and Public Health Services customers worldwide.

The Military Accounts Support (MAS) BranchLatest Pay Rates and Benefits page provides links to pay charts and information about your pay entitlements and benefits


The more you understand some of the basics of the various pay, special pays and allowances, the better you are able to make sure the information we need to compute your pay each month is up-to-date. The tool available to all military members each payday is the Direct Access Payslip. This single page report lets you know the information our systems use to process your pay, details about the pay and allowances you are eligible for, payroll deductions, as well as your leave balance. The following guide will help you understand your Paysliip.

Understanding My Payslip (Active and Reserve component members)

View My Payslip (Retirees and Annuitants) 

Office of Military Personnel Policy (CG-133)

Under the guidance of the Director of Military Personnel (CG-13), the Office of Military Personnel Policy (CG-133) is responsible for all Coast Guard military personnel management policies. The Chief of the Office of Military Personnel also serves as the President of the Discharge Review Board (DRB), Selective Reenlistment Bonus (SRB) Panel, Special Duty Assignment Pay (SDAP) Panel, Enlisted Officer Accession Bonus Panels and the Critical Skills Retention Bonus (CSRB) Panel.

 Members of the Coast Guard and National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) can manage their Servicemembers’ Group Life Insurance (SGLI) coverage using the SGLI Online Enrollment System (SOES). Coast Guard and NOAA members join the Army, Navy Air Force, and Marine Corps in using the new system.

SGLI provides automatic life insurance coverage of $400,000 to Servicemembers upon enlistment. Members with SGLI also get automatic traumatic injury protection (TSGLI) and life insurance coverage for their dependent children and spouse under the Family SGLI program, unless the child or spouse is already insured under SGLI as a Servicemember. Servicemembers with full-time SGLI coverage will no longer have to complete a paper SGLV-8286 to make changes to their coverage or beneficiary elections. Instead, these Servicemembers can use the online system, SOES, to manage the amount of their SGLI and spouse coverage and to designate or update beneficiaries.

MilConnect Portal-www.dmdc.osd.mil/milConnect

Office of Work-Life

The Coast Guard's Work-Life Program is managed by the Office of Work-Life, a Headquarters program manager staff within the Health, Safety and Work-Life Directorate, reporting to the Assistant Commandant for Human Resources. This staff is responsible for establishing, developing and promulgating Work-Life policy and interpreting program standards for Coast Guard-wide implementation. The overall objective is to support the well-being of active duty, reserve and civilian employees and family members.

Get Help

HSWL Mobile App - You don’t need to go it alone. The Critical Incident Stress Response program can help. This, and information on other Work-Life programs can be found on the HSWL mobile app
CG SUPRT - Is available to provide assistance with stress issues, relationship issues, work issues, depression, and suicide prevention.
Coast Guard Chaplains - Are here to listen to you. Don’t hesitate to reach out.
Phone: 855-872-4242
Coast Guard Mutual Assistance - Is available to provide immediate emergency assistance for food, shelter, and clothing to members of the Coast Guard family affected by a disaster.
Phone: 800-881-2462
TRICARE - Updates for those beneficiaries living in affected regions.
Phone: 1-800-444-5445
Coast Guard Foundation
Phone: 860-535-0786

As a member of the uniformed services, you have the opportunity to participate in the Thrift Savings Plan (TSP), a retirement savings plan similar to 401(k) plans offered to private sector employees. The purpose of the TSP is to give you the ability to participate in a long-term retirement savings and investment plan. Saving for your retirement through the TSP provides many advantages. To learn more about the TSP see "Summary of the Thrift Savings Plan", a comprehensive booklet explaining the TSP, its features, benefits, and generally how it works. (PDF 1.2MB). Also, visit the Blended Retirement System (BRS) web page to learn more about how the TSP will work with the new retirement system.

Topics on our TSP page:

Military Personnel HR Essentials