Decedent Affairs Office

The Decedent Affairs Officer (DAO) is responsible for coordinating support services related to active duty, dependent, and retiree deaths in the First District.  We assist the family in making funeral arrangements and help the next of kin obtain any compensation or entitlements they may be due.

Decedent affairs are coordinated for District 1 through the Personnel Services Division at Base Boston.  Many units within the AOR have at least one Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO).  This page seeks to provide all of the required material for DAOs and CACOs so that they have a resource to turn to at times when quick action is required.

  • For new CACOs, the documents on this page can give you a great overview of your duties and are a great start to learn about your new collateral.
  • Please contact the District DAO with any questions, feedback, or to request assistance upon the death of a member or dependent.

Active Duty death:            

Any Coast Guard unit, specifically a unit in the First Coast Guard District, that first receives a notification of a casualty is required to prepare a personnel casualty report within four hours in accordance with Section 5.A, Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual, PPCINST M1000.2A.

Upon receipt of information that a member on active duty has died, the district DAO in whose jurisdiction the next of kin (NOK) resides shall appoint a CACO.  If the death is not in the First District, contact the local DAO where the NOK is located.

The CACO will normally be an officer or senior petty officer attached to a unit near the locale of the NOK's home. 


 As the representative of the Coast Guard, the CACO shall contact the NOK by a personal visit as soon as possible and render such assistance as necessary until interment.  The Coast Guard has developed the CACO Handbook to assist with these duties. 

 The CACO will also need to take a copy of the Casualty Assistance Guide and the DOD Survivors Guide to the second visit with the family explaining what the Coast Guard will do and what pay and benefits will be forthcoming.

 Although the duties of a CACO are outlined in the Coast Guard Decedent Affairs Manual, COMDTINST M1770.9 (series), it is also imperative that the CACO thoroughly review resources available on the CG Casualty Matters website.

Dependent death:

In cases of the death of a dependent, the CACO will ensure that the required message is released, obtain the death certificate, and collect the SGLI form, SCLV-8283A, for processing.  If needed, the CACO will also arrange for transportation of the remains.  However, the Coast Guard does not pay funeral expenses for dependents.  SGLI will normally issue the insurance check within 48 to 72 hours.  Please see the checklist for dependent death for additional information.


Statement of Disposition of Remains - States reimbursement maximums for internment of a military member

CACO Handbook - Reference for Casualty Assistance Calls Officers

Casualty Assistance Guide - Reference for Next of Kin upon death of an active duty member

Checklist for DAO's and CACO's - For death of a regular or reserve member

Checklist for Dependent Death

CACO Actions broken into phases A through D - Actions/documents to review broken down into 4 time periods from notification to 2 months after death, many tabs in document.

Veterans Affairs - Burials and Memorials

Personnel and Pay Procedures Manual

Personnel Casualty Report Message - Reference to assist with writing message.

Personal Effects Inventory and Disposition - Sample Form CG-3853.

Acceptance of CGMA’s Gift of Membership in AFSC & Information Release Form - For free Armed Forces Services Corporation (AFSC) membership for survivors.

Contact: Base Boston DAO
Office Number: 617-223-3471
Cell Number: 617-785-0461z
Base OOD: 617-223-3333

Contact Information:
These services are located at Coast Guard Base Boston, Building 8, Deck 7.

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