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May 19, 2020

Can a unit install the public/commercial Zoom on their personal devices to call a co-worker just to see how they are doing, but not discuss work and other CG Business?

Yes. The personnel on the phone call needs to be aware and cognizant of the fact that the conversation does not lead to anything related to CG Business.

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May 19, 2020

May a CG member attend a public/commercial Zoom call hosted by an outside partner (federal, state, local, industry, port, academia, etc.)?

Yes, this interaction is similar to a CG member participating in a conference, panel, or roundtable discussion with outside partners. CG members are not authorized to discuss CG Business FOUO or higher while participating in this third party application call.

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May 19, 2020

Can a unit utilize the Zoom for Government video/chat capabilities for a LDAC meeting and review boards?

Zoom for Government users must maintain situational awareness when communicating over this platform. LDAC meetings and boards may take place over this platform. However, USCG sensitive information, FOUO, Law Enforcement Sensitive, other Controlled Unclassified Information, all levels of classified information, and OPSEC are prohibited on the Zoom

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May 19, 2020

With regards to Zoom for Government, can a unit live stream an All-Hands?

Yes. More guidance to follow regarding the use of Live Events and Town Halls with Zoom for Government. You may also host a Live Event in CVR Teams – see CVR Teams FAQ for details. Zoom for Government has the capability of displaying 100 interactive video participants, while CVR Teams displays the most recent four individuals who spoke. Zoom for

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May 19, 2020

What qualifies as CG Business?

CG Business refers to any social interactions pertaining to Coast Guard related business typically to include, but not limited to meetings/conference calls; All-Hands, Boards, and interviews.

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May 19, 2020

While CVR Teams is authorized to discuss FOUO and PII information, what about Zoom for Government

No, USCG sensitive information; FOUO, Law Enforcement Sensitive, other Controlled Unclassified Information, all levels of classified information, and OPSEC are prohibited on the Zoom for Government platform.

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May 19, 2020

Will Zoom for Government be authorized on Government mobile devices (smart phones & tablets)?

Zoom for Government is authorized for use to conduct CG Business with an approved Special Use Information Technology (SUIT) request (CG Form 2180) on a government furnished mobile device (phone/tablet) with or without Blackberry UEM. When using Zoom for Government, CG members are reminded they are NOT authorized to discuss CG Business at the FOUO

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May 13, 2020

What if I haven’t received my invite to CVR?

If you have not received an welcome email from, it is because your DOD and USCG email do not match.Ensure that your (DOD) "CAC Email" matches the email shown in the GAL. Email the USCG CVR Help Desk for assistance as needed – also reachable 24/7 at (202) 341-2398MilConnect RAPIDs Self-Service Website Note: Any Operations that