R 10 JUL 19 BT UNCLAS //N01301// ALCGRSV 033/19 SUBJ: AY19 OFF-SEASON RESERVE ASSIGNMENT OPPORTUNITIES FOR JUNIOR OFFICERS, CHIEF WARRANT OFFICERS, AND SENIOR ENLISTED PERSONNEL A. Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28 (series) B. RFRS Staff Element Responsibilities, COMDTINST 5320.4 (series) C. Temporary Separations, COMDTINST M1040.6 1. Off-season assignment opportunities exist for qualified Reserve personnel. Shopping lists and supplemental assignment information are available on the PSC-RPM website at: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/ Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/ Personnel-Service-Center-PSC/Reserve-Personnel-Management-PSC-RPM/ RPM-2/Assignments/ 2. Assignment priority are members in the IRR, members with an approved Regular-to-Reserve commission, members with an approved TEMPSEP IAW REF C, and over-billeted members. 3. Members who received AY19 orders or are not tour complete will not be considered for an off-season assignment, unless in an over- billeted position. 4. Command endorsement criterion: a. Members who are over-billeted and not tour complete shall obtain a Command endorsement addressing early departure. b. Members in the IRR are not required to obtain a Command endorsement. c. Members applying for Senior Enlisted Reserve Advisor (SERA) position must include a command endorsement addressing the member’s suitability to serve as a SERA as per REF B. 5. Assignments are standard tour length as described in REF A. 6. Interested applicants must submit a Direct Access (DA) e-Resume NLT 11 Aug 19, using the PCS e-Resume module available at: http://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Portals/10/CG-1/PPC/GUIDES/GP/SelfService/ Member/Self%20Service%20-%20eResume.pdf Members without access to DA shall complete a CG-2002 and email the completed form to the appropriate contact listed below. The form is available at: https://media.defense.gov/2017/Sep/18/2001811533/-1/ -1/0/CG_2002.PDF. 7. Estimated report date is 01 Oct 19. 8. Assignment Officers: a. LCDR assignments: LCDR Erin Bennett, (202) 795-6525, Erin.M.Bennett@uscg.mil. b. CGD ONE, FIVE and SEVEN ENS - LT assignments: LT Jacqueline Bethel, (202) 795-6498, Jacqueline.M.Bethel@uscg.mil. c. CGD EIGHT and NINE ENS - LT assignments: LT Tim Waldt, (202) 795-6528, Timothy.C.Waldt@uscg.mil. d. CGD ELEVEN, THIRTEEN, FOURTEEN and SEVENTEEN ENS - LT assignments: LT Luke D'Lima, (202) 795-6534, Luke.T.D'Lima@uscg.mil e. Chief Warrant Officer (W2-W4) assignments: MAT4 Donald Slowik, (202) 795-6503, Donald.J.Slowik@uscg.mil. f. CGD ONE enlisted assignments: YNCM Andray James, (202) 795-6531, Andray.S.James@uscg.mil. g. CGD FIVE and SEVEN enlisted assignments: MAT4 Donald Slowik, (202) 795-6503, Donald.J.Slowik@uscg.mil. h. CGD EIGHT and NINE enlisted assignments: YNCS Otmane Karim, (202) 795-6521, Otmane.Karim@uscg.mil. i. CGD ELEVEN, THIRTEEN, FOURTEEN, and SEVENTEEN enlisted assignments: YNCS Angelica Ingham, (202) 795-6524, Angelica.L.Ingham@uscg.mil. 9. CAPT Michael Batchelder, Chief, CG PSC-RPM, sends. 10. Internet release authorized. BT