09 AUG 2022 ALCGPSC 099/22 SUBJ: FY23 LONG-TERM NON-CONTINGENCY ACTIVE DUTY FOR OPERATIONAL SUPPORT (ADOS) A. Active Duty for Operational Support (ADOS), COMDTINST 1330.1 (series) B. COMDT COGARD WASHINGTON DC 28 JUL 22, ALCOAST 279/22 1. Per REF A, the Personnel Service Center, Reserve Personnel Management Division (PSC-RPM), manages the following long-term, non-contingency ADOS: a. Long-term ADOS-AC authorized by CG-8 for a given fiscal year as part of the annual ceiling. Fiscal year ADOS-AC ceilings were announced by REF B. b. Long-term ADOS-AC authorized by CG-8 in support of an approved reimbursable agreement. c. Long-term ADOS-RC authorized by CG-R82. 2. The long-term non-contingency ADOS assignment process mirrors the established permanent change of station (PCS) assignment process and is managed within Direct Access. Procedures for long-term non-contingency ADOS are outlined below. a. ADOS Requestor responsibilities: (1) The ADOS requestor acquires funding from CG-8 as per REF B. IAW REF A, the sponsoring unit or program is responsible for all ADOS costs, such as, pay and benefits, travel and per diem, and PCS transfer costs (when applicable). Per REF B, requestors must work with their respective ADOS cap managers to request ADOS position creation from CG-8 and submit the approved and funded ADOS requirements to PSC-RPM-2. A valid position number is critical to the ADOS request, as it ensures that funding has been approved by CG-8 for ADOS-AC or by CG-R82 for ADOS-RC. ADOS requestors are required to contact their ADOS cap manager, as identified in REF B. (2) Once funding and position number(s) are acquired, the unit may submit a “Long-term Non-Contingency ADOS Request for Personnel Support” form to: ARL-SMB-LTNon-ContingencyADOS(at)uscg.mil. ADOS cap managers may submit this information on the requestor’s behalf. Allow a minimum of 75 days in advance of the requested start date for sufficient processing. The form is available on the PSC RPM-2 website under the “ADOS Requestor” section: https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our-Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human- Resources-CG-1/Personnel-Service-Center-PSC/Reserve-Personnel-Management-PSC- RPM/RPM-2/ADOS-Management/. (3) If the same non-contingency, non-reimbursable ADOS requirement will exist for three consecutive years, then the sponsoring unit or program shall submit a waiver request to CG-R to continue resourcing the requirement as outlined in article 10.c. of REF A. (4) The sponsoring unit or program must completely exhaust all alternatives to filling an ADOS requirement prior to submitting a waiver request for a reservist they elect as a by-name- candidate who requires a waiver (e.g., 16/18 years active duty, age 60, etc.) IAW article 10.c. of REF A. b. ADOS Applicant responsibilities: (1) All applicants, including those currently on long-term non-contingency ADOS, shall follow this application guidance. (2) Interested applicants shall apply for ADOS positions in Direct Access Mobilization System. (3) ADOS applicants must comply with the requirements outlined in article 10.d. of REF A, to include obtaining any waiver approvals (e.g., 16/18 years active duty, age 60, etc.) within the required timeframe. (4) All applicants must obtain Command approval via Direct Access Mobilization System prior to being considered for long-term non-contingency ADOS. (5) Reservists accepting ADOS orders must contact their Assignment Officer (AO) to inform them of their assignment status. For AO contact information, see PSC-RPM website: https://www.dcms.uscg.mil/Our- Organization/Assistant-Commandant-for-Human-Resources-CG-1/Personnel-Service-Center- PSC/Reserve-Personnel-Management-PSC-RPM/RPM-2/, under the “Points of Contact” section. (6) IAW with REF A, reservists on long-term ADOS must compete for assignment to a permanent position on PAL as part of the deactivation process. Reservists who fail to compete will be released from active duty to the Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) until successfully competing for an assignment to a permanent reserve position on PAL. (7) Reserve members, particularly officers, must carefully weigh long-term career considerations, including potential impact on SELRES assignments, against short-term benefits of performing ADOS, and are encouraged to contact their AO for assignment guidance. c. PSC-RPM responsibilities: (1) Solicit applications for all funded ADOS positions via Direct Access Mobilization System. (2) Input position data, position requirements and unit POC information into Direct Access Mobilization System. (3) Create a slate of candidates based on Direct Access Mobilization System applicants. PSC-RPM assignment officers will use the criteria outlined in article 10.h. of REF A to assign members to long-term non-contingency ADOS on a best-qualified basis from among candidates responding to Coast Guard-wide solicitations. (4) Notify members Servicing Personnel Office (SPO), drilling unit, and the sponsoring unit of the selection. (5) Provide applicable information to the members SPO to create ADOS orders in conjunction with the ADOS assignment. (6) Function as final authorizing official for long-term non- contingency ADOS orders. (7) Obtain PCS TONO and line of accounting from DCMS-831 as required for orders. (8) Correspond with SPO on all order related issues. d. P&A Office/SPO responsibilities: (1) Provide PCS entitlement counseling and verify personal readiness requirements have been met to the selected member in conjunction with receipt of PCS orders. (2) Create ADOS orders in accordance with applicable procedures. 3. PSC-RPM POC: YNC Jessika Garay, (202) 795-6530, Jessica.M.Garay@uscg.mil or YNC Clevon Walker, (202) 795-6516, Clevon.R.Walker@uscg.mil. 4. Released: RDML D. C. Barata, Commander, Personnel Service Center. The Service Center for our most important resource – Our People. 5. Internet release authorized.