Base Seattle

U.S. Coast Guard Base Seattle


Cutterman's Dining Facility

The Coast Guard Base Seattle Dining Facility (CGDF) is available to all uniformed service members, drilling reservists, Coast Guard civilian employees (including NAFA and Auxiliarists in training or supporting CG units), contractor employees working under a contract with the Coast Guard, official visitors, and sponsored guests.

We encourage comments and evaluations of our performance. Expressing your concerns helps us to improve our service to our customers, and your satisfaction improves our morale. Please fill out a satisfaction survey, available on the galley's mess deck to share your thoughts with us.

    Standard Meal Rate Full Meal Rate
Breakfast 0545-0730* $2.85 $4.85
Lunch 1100-1230 $5.70 $9.70

 *0730 - 0830 Saturday, Sunday & Federal Holidays.

The galley offers a dinner-to-go option; orders must be placed in-person no later than 1300 day-of. Phone and email orders will not be accepted.