Personnel Services Division
Base Miami Beach
Branch Chief - CWO Travis M. Snyder
Please contact (305) 535-4598 to make an appointment for service
- DEERS/ID Cards
- Base Miami Beach new personnel Check-in
- Government Travel Card Coordinator
- Weekend Services
ID cards are issued the 3rd weekend of every month. Our hours of operation are from 0730-1500 on those Saturdays and Sundays. Appointments are required for weekend services.

The Coast Guard Retiree Services Program apprises the regular and reserve retired military community of their benefits, entitlements and services available. Key program components includes: Commandant of the Coast Guard National Retiree Council (CCGNRC), Regional Retiree Councils, Coast Guard Bases, volunteers, and retiree services desks.
- Seventh District Retiree Services Desk at Base Miami Beach (305) 535-4509