(619) 278-7117
Base Los Angeles/Long Beach Work-Life Division Transition Assistance Program

Transitioning from the Coast Guard to civilian life can be more challenging than expected. To prepare members separating or retiring from the Coast Guard for this transition, the VOW Act of 2011 and ALCOAST 383/14 requires that all eligible members complete the standardized components of the Transition Assistance Program (TAP).


Read this first          View the Schedule          Submit a TGPS request

Transition Goals, Plans, Success (TGPS): TGPS, formerly known as TAPS, is required of all members separating or retiring from active duty. This five-day course is designed to provide you with information to help ensure a smooth transition from military to civilian life. Information offered in the class includes career assessments, employment and resume preparation, benefits info, financial planning, and other valuable resources. 

Standardized components of the TAP:

  • Pre-Separation Counseling - Pre-Requisite for TGPS
  • Department of Labor (DOL) Employment 3-day Workshop - Included in TGPS
  • Veteran Affairs Benefits Briefing - Included in TGPS 
  • e-Benefits Premium account enrollment -  Pre-Requisite for TGPS 

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