Provide quality C5I services throughout the Seventeenth District
Base Kodiak C5I will enable mission excellence by providing dedicated and
Committed customer service and support of CG C5I systems
Base Kodiak C5I: "Connecting the Last Frontier".
Department Head's Intent
Everything we do should be with the goal of helping our customers to
achieve operational excellence through the use of C5I systems
To accomplish this each person at Base Kodiak C5I should:
Do the best job they can do every day. Look out for each other. Have fun while doing their job.
Core Priorities:
Casualty Response
Corrective Maintenance
Preventative Maintenance
Electronic Maintenance Contract Management
Technical Assessments and Surveys
Records and Program Management
Project Management and Execution
Strategic Initiatives:
Product Support: We will provide comprehensive support to customers to prevent casualties from occurring and if they do occur to quickly restore services to minimize mission impact
Customer Outreach: We will proactively engage with our customers’ so they understand the services provided, how to effectively use their C5I equipment and can quickly access technical support when required
Professional Development: We will ensure all Base Kodiak C5I personnel are trained for their own professional development and so they can provide the best possible support to our customers
Operational Efficiency: We will strive to implement best industry and Coast Guard practices in all of our business processes. We will ensure the Base Kodiak C5I follows COMDT and C5I-SC guidance and policies
Leadership Effectiveness: We will ensure that supervisors effectively develop their subordinates and hold them to appropriate standards. We will ensure that personnel receive timely and appropriate performance recognition