Base Charleston

U.S. Coast Guard Base Charleston


Main Office NHCC

HS1 Sarah Stagner
HS2 Chase Shroder
HS2 Patrick Raph 

Satellite Office FLETC

CAPT Robin Lewis - USCG/PHS MH Provider 
HSC Kenneth Davis - Department Head
SN Ashley Gregory 
SN Antonio Deasis 


Health, Safety, Work-Life  (HSWL) 


Patients must bring their military ID with them to all appointments. Your military ID card and DEERS information indicates your eligibility for care.  Military personnel must be in the appropriate uniform of the day when reporting to the Naval Health Clinic unless you’re in official leave status. Tasteful civilian attire is required.


The Health Services Department is charged with the responsibility for the prevention and control of disease and injury and the treatment of the sick and injured within the scope of the Health Services Technician’s training and experience. The primary mission of the Health Services Department is to maintain Charleston’s area of responsibility (AOR) medical readiness with an emphasis on customer service and to include all autonomous CG commands in the local geographical area.

The HSWL FLRS main office is located at the Naval Health Clinic Charleston on the 2nd deck, just to the left of the Military Medicine Desk. There is a satellite office on the Federal Law Enforcement Training Complex in building 27.

Navy Health Clinic Charleston (NHCC) South Carolina:  The NHCC is designated the Primary Care Manager (PCM) or primary healthcare facility for all CG personnel in and around the Charleston AOR.  NHCC:  Will serve as the PCM for CG enrolled personnel. All Active Duty permanent party health records are maintained at the NHCC.  The Health Services Technicians (HS) assigned to Charleston will coordinate and monitor the fitness for duty of military members.

FLRS Satellite Office/FLRS Medical Office: Is located within the FLETC facility building 27.  The FLRS is authorized to operate only as satellite office to the NHCC and is not an independent duty location.  The FLRS satellite office is isolated from primary care and  is to provide medical administration/readiness tracking, documentation and healthcare coordination.  Providing direct healthcare is not authorized. All CG Reservist and MLEA “A” and “C” school student health records will be maintained at the FLRS satellite office. An over-the-counter medication program will also be maintained in accordance with COMDTINST M6000.1F Chapter 10.

FLETC Health Unit (STUDENTS ONLY):  Is a small facility staffed and funded by DHS FLETC program.  Only minor acute illnesses and injuries for students should be seen at this location.  The FLETC contracted physician shall coordinate all duty status and follow on care with the Duty HS.  The contracted physician shall not care for CG permanent party personnel.  All CG FLETC permanent party shall have health records maintained at NHCC and be enrolled into the NHCC for primary care.

Civilian Emergency Departments (ED) and Urgent Care Centers (UC):  Use of an ED should be reserved for true emergencies, meaning to preserve life, limb, or eyesight as perceived by the patient or medical professional.  The HS will coordinate all referrals with the Navy PCM. It is the member’s responsibility to contact their PCM or the Tricare Nurse Advice Line (1-800-TRICARE) for prior authorization for UC visits.  The member is responsible to report to the Duty HS after receiving services from an ED/UC for duty status and to ensure a 24 hour follow up appointment with the PCM is established.  The Duty HS number is (843) 708-4317.

For after-hours assistance, please call the Duty HS cellphone: (843) 708-4317
The Duty HS will provide you with advice, guidance, and instructions. 
The Duty HS is not to provide medical care or act as a shuttle/taxi service.
They are available 1600-0700 weekdays and 24 hours on weekends and holidays.
Active Duty personnel who visit the Emergency Room will need to follow-up with Naval Health Clinic Charleston as soon as possible. Dependents and retirees requiring non-emergent medical care after hours or weekends should call their doctor’s office for guidance and instructions.


Main office at Naval Weapons Station:                            
Naval Health Clinic Charleston                                        

110 NNPTC Circle
Goose Creek, SC., 29455
Phone: (843) 794-6706    

Satellite Office on FLETC

1050 Register St. BLDG 27

N. Charleston, SC, 29405

Phone: (843) 740-3147 option 1        



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