Housing Information


Base Cape Cod Local Housing Office Contact Information
Telephone: 508-968-6505
Email: D01-SMB-BaseCapeCod-LocalHousingOffice@uscg.mil


Housing Unit Photos


Useful Links


On behalf of Base Cape Cod and our Local Housing Office, welcome to Cape Cod and the Islands!

Coast Guard and Department of Defense personnel occupy 161 government-owned housing units on Joint Base Cape Cod. The housing area is comprised of single ranch, single flat-top, and multiplex townhouse units with full basements and private yards in a wooded setting. Each housing unit has adequate parking and playgrounds and MWR/CGX amenities are located within a short distance from the housing area. Storage areas are available for recreational vehicle and boat storage through MWR.

Base Cape Cod proudly manages one on base housing site and several off base housing sites in the following geographic areas:

Base Cape Cod Housing Site - our largest local housing area, this 161-unit site contains 2, 3 and 4 bedroom townhomes and single family homes. This local site is located approximately 13 miles from Sector Southeastern New England and located in the town of Buzzards Bay.

Harwich Housing Site - our Harwich housing area, this site contains seven (7) 3 bedroom single family homes. This site is located about 20 miles east of Base Cape Cod and provides housing for Station Chatham and Station Provincetown.

Martha's Vineyard Housing Site - this site contains seven (7) 3 & 4 bedroom single family homes. These provide housing for members at Station Menemsha.

Nantucket Housing Site - this site contains twenty six (26) 3 & 4 bedroom single family homes. These provide housing for members at Station Brandt Point.

On-base housing is mandatory for Coast Guard personnel. Applications for release will be granted on a case by case basis. Members from other services must submit their housing applications to their local housing authority before securing housing in the private sector. For those interested in the local housing market we recommend contacting local realtors or using web search sites for information and resources.

Due to high transfer rates during the summer, you may experience a moderate delay in housing assignment. This is due to the limited housing available, the departure dates of outgoing personnel, and maintenance turn-around time required for each housing unit.

To minimize the wait it is recommended that the Local Housing Office be contacted at (508) 968-6505 as soon as possible after orders are received to the Cape Cod area.

Off-base rental housing, as in many resort areas, is at a premium and therefore very costly. Weekly summer rentals can cost as much as monthly rentals during the winter. The Local Housing Office maintains a listing of yearly/seasonal rentals in the local area.

Base Cape Cod offers temporary quarters at the MWR Wings Inn & Townhomes. Please contact MWR to check on the availability of pet friendly accommodations. They can be reached at (508) 968-6461.

Again, welcome to the Cape Cod area and please feel free to contact our Local Housing Office at (508) 968-6505 if you have any housing questions or concerns. Thank you and have a great Coast Guard Day!

USCG Row House carport

Members With Dependents

Applications for military family housing for both Coast Guard and DOD personnel consist of the forms listed below. These documents should be submitted by email to the Local Housing Office at  D01-SMB-BaseCapeCod-LocalHousingOffice@uscg.mil prior to the member's detachment from their previous unit.

  • Completed and signed DD Form 1746, Application for Assignment to Housing.
  • Copy of your PCS orders (your initial unsigned orders can be submitted first, however assignment to housing cannot be made w/o signed orders).
  • For CG members: A copy of your BAH/Dependency Verification form.
  • Local additional information form

Important Housing Information:

CG Policy currently restricts the number of pets to 2: 2 dogs OR 2 cats OR 1 of each. Exotic animals such as, but not limited to, reptiles, rodents (other than hamsters and guinea pigs), ferrets, hedgehogs, skunks, rats, raccoons, squirrels, pot bellied pigs, monkey, arachnids, rabbits, or any farm animal are prohibited in all government-owned housing.

Members Without Dependents

Single Members E-6 and above: Government quarters are currently available for single E-6 & above enlisted members. Members will be given the choice of living in the barracks, UPH converted housing with a roommate, or being released to the economy. As part of the check-in process members need to request a release from military housing before your Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH) payment can start or you obtain a residence in the local community. Please ensure you complete this requirement, as failure to do so may adversely affect your BAH entitlement.

  • Completed and signed DD Form 1746, Application for Assignment to Housing. We understand you are not applying for housing but this is the required form we must use for official housing releases.
  • Copy of PCS orders.

E-5 & below: Currently, all single members E-5 and below assigned to duty stations in the upper Cape Cod area are required to be assigned to the barracks at Base Cape Cod.

  • Completed and signed DD Form 1746, Application for Assignment to Housing.
  • Copy of PCS orders.

Release To Live On The Economy

Members with dependents that do not desire to live in Coast Guard housing and want to receive BAH to live on the economy may request to be placed on the BAH waitlist by selecting box 1b on the DD Form 1746 and writing "I request a release from mandatory government housing". Special needs/medical situations may require additional official documentation. Please contact the Local Housing Office for more details. These documents should be submitted to the Local Housing Office prior to the member's detachment from their previous unit.

  • Completed and signed DD Form 1746; Application for Assignment to Housing. (check block 1b)
  • Copy of your PCS orders (your initial unsigned orders can be submitted first).
  • For CG members: A copy of your BAH/Dependency Verification form.

Family Leased Housing (FLH) is an option offered to eligible members, primarily in lower pay grades with above average family size, who are generally unable to afford adequate housing because of cost or the lack of government owned housing.

Unaccompanied Personnel Leased Housing (UPLH) is an option offered to eligible members primarily in lower pay grades who do not have dependents.

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