
USCG ChapelChaplain: LCDR Ethan Everts
Building 3172 2nd Floor
Phone: (508) 968-6341 (Office) or (774) 392-3530 (Cell)

New arrivals often do not realize that Cape Cod is the vacation spot of the Northeast and that each year thousands of vacationers spend hundreds of dollars to spend just a few days of fun in the sun. Getting orders here gives you this free of charge! But this great vacation spot can become a burdensome place as it can be very isolating and alienating. That is why COMMUNITY is so important. The Chaplain's Office is charged with community building and your personal well being.

The chaplain is always available for personal or family counseling as well as spiritual direction. Appointments and other information can be obtained by calling our office at (508) 968-6341 or (774) 392-3530 (Cell).