Domains of HSI - Human Factors Engineering
Human factors engineering (HFE) encompasses the technical consideration and
application of the integration of design criteria, psychological principles,
human behavior, capabilities and limitations as they relate to the design,
development, test, and evaluation of systems. The goal is to maximize the
ability of users to perform at required levels through the elimination of
design-induced errors.
Secondly, it ensures that system operation,
maintenance, and support are compatible with the total capabilities and
limitations of users operating or maintaining those systems.
The goal of HFE is to design systems that require minimal manpower; provide
effective training; can be operated, maintained and supported by users; and
are suitable (habitable and safe with minimal environmental and occupational
health hazards) and survivable (for both the crew and equipment).
For more
information on the Human Factors Engineering domain, refer to the
Defense Acquisitions Handbook, 6.3.4.