Readiness Management Periods (RMPs)

In accordance with the Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28, Ch. 2.B.3 RPM may authorize certain RMPs.

RMP Request Process

1) No later than 10 working days before the appointment the member should request the RMP through command and District RFRS staff (or equivalent) to as follows:

Subject: Member name – RMP request

Request RMP as follows:

          a.  EMPLID - member name: 9999999 – RANK FIRST LAST

          b.  Date and Time of appointment: DD MMM YYYY/0000

          c.  Provider full name: TITLE First Last, Practice

          d.  Provider Address: Address, City, ST 55555

          e.  Provider phone: (999) 999-9999

          f.  Paid/Unpaid

          g.  Reason: (See table below)


2)  Within 5 working days of date of receipt of RMP request, PSC-RPM-3 will review and approve/disapprove request.  If approved, PSC-RPM-3 will provide a RMP authorization memo to District RFRS staff (or equivalent) for forwarding to member and command.  PSC-RPM-3 will enter RMP into Direct Access into a “pending” status.

3)  No later than 48 hours before the scheduled RMP, if member is unable to attend the RMP, member must notify command. PSC-RPM-3 must be notified to update or cancel the RMP as appropriate.

4) On the date of the RMP, the member must attend the RMP appointment and must bring the RMP memo. The member must also obtain the verification documentation as directed in the RMP memo.

5)  No later than 10 working days from completion of appointment, member must submit verification of the appointment through command to and District RFRS staff (or equivalent) to

6)  Within 5 working days from receipt of verification, PSC-RPM-3 will “complete” the RMP in Direct Access.

7)  No later than 10 working days from scheduled RMP date, if no verification of appointment is received and /or the member does not meet the criteria of Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28B, Ch. 2.E., PSC-RPM-3 may enter the RMP as "unexcused" in DA. In accordance with Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28, Ch. 4.C.1, commands shall document all counseling for unexcused absences, starting with the first absence.  

As a reminder:

1) Only one RMP shall be performed in a calendar day;

2) The RMP is equivalent to a single IDT drill for pay and one retirement point;

3) The RMP must be a minimum of three hours in duration per period, but not exceed 24 hours in one calendar day, not inclusive of travel to and from regular drilling site. If scheduled duties do not meet the minimum three-hour duration, the unit must assign other appropriate tasks (e.g., Mandated Training (MT), annual screening questionnaire, emergency data validation, weigh-in, etc.) to fulfill the requirement.

4) The RMP will not be performed on the same day as any other active or inactive duty type.

5) Except as authorized by Reserve Policy Manual, COMDTINST M1001.28, Ch. 2.B.3, RMPs will not be used for medical care and treatment authorized by the reserve incapacitation system.

6) All RMPs must be approved before the duty is performed.

7) Reservists requesting RMP travel shall request a Travel Order Number (TONO) from their District RFRS staff (or equivalent) through their chain of command per Joint Travel Regulations (JTR).

8) RMP travel is not authorized for PHA, dental, or RSWE.

Description RMP
(1) Command directed medical screenings necessary for evaluating suitability for continued retention in the CG (e.g., Physical Disability Evaluation System (PDES) evaluations, Formal Physical Evaluation Board (FPEB), Fit for Full Duty (FFD) determinations, physical examinations for the purpose of evaluating an injury or illness reported during Post-Deployment Health Reassessment (PDHRA) screening, etc.) X  
(2) Medical appointments in conjunction with a Notice of Eligibility (NOE) for obtaining command directed monthly physician’s reports.
Members who receive incapacitation pay are not eligible for a RMP for the same day. *A TONO to cover travel expenses, for members with an eligible NOE may be requested from PSC-RPM-3.
(3) PHA for determining fitness for transfer back to the SELRES from ASL, ISL or IRR.   X
(4) Dental exam for determining fitness for transfer back to the SELRES from ASL, ISL or IRR.   X
(5) Participation in the RSWE by members assigned to the IRR and ASL.   X
(6) Medical appointments in conjunction with a NOE for medical treatment related to line-of-duty injury/illness/disease.
Members who receive incapacitation pay are not eligible for a RMP for the same day. *A TONO to cover travel expenses, for members with an eligible NOE may be requested from PSC-RPM-3.
(7) Other cogent medical (e.g., retirement), dental or mental health evaluations.   X


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