Drill for Reserve Retirement Points Only

(IRR Only)

IRR members may be authorized to perform IDT and ADT for retirement point credit only (no pay). This is commonly referred to as ‘drilling for points’ or ‘DFPO’. Approval from RPM must be obtained prior to an IRR member drilling for points or performing duty of any type. Drills performed prior to RPM authorization will not be approved.

Timeline: Approximately 30 days

DFPO Requirements and Request Process


  • Identifies a unit at which to drill for points. RPM is not responsible for identifying the unit where members will DFPO. Members are encouraged to contact the local RFRS staffs or servicing DXR for DFPO recommendations.
  • Submit a written request to RPM at least 30 days in advance of the desired start date using the DFPO Memo Template . The memo shall be submitted to RPM through the Coast Guard unit at which the IRR member is requesting assignment.
  • Requests should be for no less than 6 months and no more than 2 years. DFPO orders typically end on 30 Sep to align with the Reserve Assignment Year.


  • The receiving command must agree to accept administrative control for the DFPO member and endorse the DFPO request memo. The command endorsement must include: 
    1. A description of duties the member will perform,
    2. The requested duration of assignment,
    3. Any additional information justifying the service need that would be fulfilled by the assignment, and
    4. The proposed evaluation rating chain. 
  • Submit the request via email to the RPM-3 Reserve Officer Query at: ARL-SMB-CGPSC-ReserveOfficerQuery@uscg.mil
  • If approved, the unit acknowledges responsibility for assuming administrative control of the member and will ensure the member meets weight standards, Individual Medical Readiness (IMR), mandated training, and all other administrative requirements.
  • Upon completion of the DFPO period, commands must submit a regular OER(s) to CG PSC-RPM within 45 days in accordance with chapter 5 of CIM 1000.3 (series). The period of report for the regular OER should align with the start and end dates of the DFPO orders.    
  • Ensure the member is transferred back to RPM at the conclusion of the DFPO assignment.


  • Upon receipt, RPM will validate the request, approve or disapprove, and notify the member, command and servicing District (dxr), DOL-1 or PAC-13, as appropriate, of the decision via Coast Guard memo. The process typically takes 30 days after RPM receives a complete request package.
  • If approved, RPM will assign the member to a Reserve unbudgeted position at the requested unit. The position will be within the same department as the proposed rating chain.
  • If approved, RPM-3 will forward PCS orders to the member and receiving District (dxr), DOL-1 or PAC-13, as appropriate.

Approval Considerations

RPM approval is based on, but not limited to, the following criteria:

  1. Needs of the Service.
  2. Availability (or lack thereof) of a SELRES assignment
  3. IRR members will not be assigned to units that do not have unbudgeted SELRES positions on their PAL.
  4. Unit's capacity to train and manage the IRR member.
  5. Proper alignment of proposed duties and training with the skills, pay grade and competencies of the member.
  6. IRR members will not be assigned to cutters, afloat, aviation units or while living overseas.
  7. The proposed rating chain must meet the requirements in CIM 1000.3 (series) for Officers or CIM 1000.2 (series) for Enlisted.
  8. IRR members who are also Coast Guard civilian employees will not be approved to DFPO under the same reporting chain as their civilian position.
  9. IRR members with approved requests must notify their command if traveling OCONUS greater than 30 days.
  10. Reserve enlisted members and Chief Warrant Officers with more than 30 years total service and Reserve commissioned officers with 30 years or more total commissioned service may be authorized to DFPO with an approved waiver.
  11. Requests to DFPO beyond age 60 may be authorized with an approved age 60 deferment per Reserve Policy Manual.
  12. IRR members approved to perform IDT and ADT for retirement point credit must remain in their respective Training/Pay Category (TRAPAY CAT)