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Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Partnership Program

The Coast Guard's Minority Serving Institutions (MSI) Liaison Officer is responsible for facilitating the development of partnerships between MSIs and the Coast Guard. These partnerships usually consist of an Executive Champion (CG Flag officer or SES), Action Unit (CG unit in close proximity to MSI) and an "Ambassador" (CG alumni of the MSI).

What are Minority Serving Institutions (MSIs)?

MSIs are colleges and universities where at least 25% of the student population is made up of underrepresented students. MSIs demonstrate a history of service to first-generation college graduate, underserved, and lower-income students.

Why are we partnering with MSIs?

Decades of research shows that companies with diverse workforce outperformed and out-innovated companies with homogeneous workforce. Building and fostering a diverse and inclusive workforce is imperative to the future success of the CG. MSI partnership is a diversity program that engages CG members all levels and is more effective than passive learning.

What do we offer to MSIs?

Federal recognition as an MSI is a key eligibility criteria for the Coast Guard's College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative. This program helps students pay for college tuition and includes pay and benefits.

How do I get started?

For MSIs interested in partnering with the Coast Guard, please contact "Coast Guard's MSI Liaison Officer" at comdt-cg-1d1@uscg.mil


Recent MSI News: Coast Guard College Student Pre-Commissioning Initiative mentorship aboard the USCGC Seneca