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Office of Employee Engagement and Culture LogoOffice of Employee Engagement and Culture (DCMS-DPR-4)


Diversity Outreach

“Building Networks & Relationships Across the Nation”


What is Outreach?

The Outreach Program Manager establishes and sustains partnerships, on a national level, with varied organizations to support the U.S. Coast Guard’s Diversity and Inclusion Action Plan 2019-2023 goals and initiatives.

Outreach Objectives:

  • To access each program, policy, recruiting event and strategy to determine where the Coast Guard will receive the best return on its investment.
  • To monitor diversity and inclusion plans, policies, and procedures that empower each person to reach their full potential and remove barriers that hinder an individual/group's progress in accordance with Management Directive 715 (MD 715).
  • To raise awareness of the U.S. Coast Guard missions and employment opportunities for all.

For more information about Outreach events, including conferences in the diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility space, contact "Outreach Program Manager" at comdt-cg-1d1@uscg.mil