Sexual Assault Prevention, Response, &
Recovery (SAPRR) Program


Coast Guard Service Links

Military Sexual Assault Resource Links

  • Safe Helpline - Confidential and anonymous, 24/7 sexual assault assistance for DoD and Coast Guard service members and their dependents. 
  • National Center for PTSD (U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs) - Information and resources about types of trauma, assessment for PTSD, types of treatment, self help and coping, PTSD and sexual assault, resources for family and friends, and other online resources such as informational videos, phone apps, and links.

Military Prevention and Response Links

Civilian Prevention and Response Resources

  • End Violence Against Women International (EVAW) - Hosts an Online Training Institute, where you can register for on-demand trainings on a variety of sexual assault topics.
  • Male Survivors: Overcoming Sexual Victimization of Boys & Men - Devoted to addressing the unique needs and concerns of male victims of sexual assault through online and in-person support groups, myths and facts, discussion boards, and an online resource library.
  • Men Can Stop Rape - Seeks to mobilize men to use their strength for creating cultures free from violence, especially men’s violence against women. Their website offers a variety of resources, including downloadable handouts on a variety of topics.
  • 1in6 - The mission of 1in6 is to help men who have had unwanted or abusive sexual experiences live healthier, happier lives, which also includes serving family members, friends, and partners by providing information and support resources on the web and in the community
  • Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN) - The nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. Their website also provides a variety of information on sexual assault statistics, the effects of and recovering from sexual assault, risk reduction tips, national and state resources, computer safety tips, and civilian reporting options.

Transition Resources for Victims of Sexual Assault

For additional information as you transition out of the Coast Guard, visit and

Legal Resources

  • American Bar Association Home Front: Legal Resources for Military Families - The Home Front Legal Information Center provides both general and military-specific legal information. The Directory of Programs includes information on Military Legal Assistance Offices, Legal Aid and Pro Bono Programs, and Lawyer Referral Programs, and is searchable by state.
  • - Provides legal information and support to victims of domestic violence and sexual assault, including information on Federal, State, and Tribal laws and statutes, staying safe, preparing for court and how to find a lawyer.

Policy and Research Resources

  • National Alliance to End Sexual Violence - National advocacy group seeking to advance and strengthen public policy on behalf of state coalitions, individuals and other entities working to end sexual violence.
  • National Center for Victims of Crime (NCVC) - Provides an extensive “Get Help Series” of general information for crime victims and providers. NCVC also hosts the Stalking Resource Center, a press center and information on civil litigation and public policy.
  • National Institute of Justice (NIJ) - Information on research and evaluation priorities, effective responses, victims and perpetrators and downloadable NIJ and NIJ-sponsored publications.
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center (NSVRC) - Hosts a variety of resources, including factsheets, guides, toolkits, articles, and NSVRC-exclusive publications. There is also a calendar of events, listing sexual assault trainings, conferences, and local events.
  • Office on Violence Against Women (OVW) (U.S. Department of Justice) - Administers financial and technical assistance to communities across the country that are developing programs, policies and practices aimed at ending domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault and stalking.
  • Sexual Violence Information and Resources (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Provides general information about sexual violence, prevention strategies, consequences, risk and protective factors, as well as downloadable resource guides and reports.

Other Resources

  • Military Sexual Trauma (MST) (Department of Veterans Affairs) - The Department of Veterans Affairs provides free, confidential counseling and treatment to male and female veterans for mental and physical health conditions related to experiences of MST.
  • Military Sexual Trauma - Issues in Caring for Veterans (by the National Center for PTSD) - This Department of Veterans Affairs webpage provides useful information and fact sheets for veterans and their families.
  • Myths, Facts and Trends of Sexual Assault
  • National Sexual Violence Resource Center - Provides an extensive on-line library and coordinates National Sexual Assault Awareness Month initiatives.
  • Office for Victims of Crime (OVC) (Department of Justice) - Provides information for victims of all crimes, including sexual assault. Also has has publications on a variety of general crime victim topics, including crime victim services, crime victimization, health, international issues, legal resources, specific populations and victim advocacy, as well as publications specifically addressing sexual violence.
  • Sexual Violence Prevention (Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) - Provides extensive information on the problem of sexual violence including prevention strategies and a large number of related web links.
  • Stalking Resource Center - Information and resources for victims of stalking, hosted by the National Center for Victims of Crime.

Book Resources

  • The Gift of Fear, by Gavin de Becker
  • Telling: A Memoir of Rape & Recovery, by Patricia Francisco
  • After Silence: Rape & My Journey Back, by Nancy Venable Raine
  • I Never Called It Rape: The Ms. Report on Recognizing, Fighting, and Surviving Date & Acquaintance Rape, by Robin Warshaw
  • Resurrection After Rape: A Guide to Transforming from Victim to Survivor, by Matt Atkinson
  • Recovering from Rape, by Linda Ledray
  • Voices of Courage: Inspiration from Survivors of Sexual Assault, by Michael Domitrz
  • The Macho Paradox: Why Some Men Hurt Women & How All Men Can Help, by Jackson Katz
  • Victims No Longer: The Classic Guide for Men Recovering from Sexual Child Abuse, by Mike Lew
  • Joining Forces: Empowering Male Survivors to Thrive, By Howard Fradkin
  • Life, Reinvented: A Guide to Healing from Sexual Trauma for Survivors & Loved Ones, by Erin Carpenter

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