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Commandant (CG-1K3)
U.S. Coast Guard
2703 Martin Luther King Jr. Ave. SE
Stop 7907
Washington, D.C. 20593-7907

Safety Assurance and Risk Reduction Division (CG-1K32)

Mission: Prevent mishaps and improve readiness by developing and advancing adaptive analysis methods, processes, technologies and knowledge management techniques that identify and mitigate system deficiencies.

CG-1K32 Program Areas

Safety Assurance
Advance technologies and processes to maintain project, program, mission, or activity within desired safety margins.

Risk Reduction
Develop, sustain and promote analysis methods, processes, technologies and database management techniques to identify and mitigate hazards throughout the life-cycle of a project, program, mission or activity.

Data Analytics
Develop, standardize, and sustain database and analytics infrastructure to leverage multi-source data, monitor leading indicators, and promote safety awareness.

Mishap Analysis
Direct, oversee, and manage the mishap analysis process. Serve as the Human Factors Analysis and Classification System advisor during the mishap analysis process. Ensure compliance with mishap analysis and data/information management and protection standards. Facilitate the delivery of Mishap Analysis Reports.