Sea Legs - Family Support

Coast Guard Work-Life Programs

The Coast Guard Work-Life Program supports our personnel and their families by providing programs and services that help navigate the challenges of both work and personal life. Work-Life strategies, principles and programs allow Coast Guard personnel to achieve organizational effectiveness and sustain superior mission execution by helping to manage individual and family issues that distract them from their duties.

Find out more about Coast Guard Work-Life services.Work-Life programs and policies are managed by the Commandant (CG-111) staff at Coast Guard Headquarters (HQ) in Washington, DC (Office of Work-Life). Regional Work-Life field staff, located at Coast Guard bases, delivers programs and services within their area of responsibility. Work-Life personnel on the Health, Safety, and Work-Life Service Center (HSWL SC) staff support program implementation and provide a valuable link between HQ and HSWL RP Work-Life components. Details of these programs, points-of-contact and program policy documents can be obtained at the following link: or at under the “Family” icon.

To contact a Health, Safety, Work-Life Practice or detached duty facility closest to you, call 1-202-475-5100 followed by the extension listed next to the following Base locations: 

Alameda (6) Juneau (9) Portsmouth (2)
Boston (1)  Kodiak (9) Seattle (7)
Cape May (2) LA/Long Beach (6) St. Louis (4)
Cleveland (5) Miami Beach (3) Washington, DC (2)
Honolulu (8) New Orleans (4)  


Coast Guard Work-Life programs provide a wide variety of services, each of which is described below.

CG SUPRT Program
 Everyone needs help from time to time. In today’s fast-paced world, juggling work and your personal life and all the associated demands and pressures, can feel overwhelming. Fortunately, you have somewhere to turn to — CG SUPRT. The CG SUPRT Program helps you resolve personal problems and life challenges before they negatively impact your health, relationships or job performance. You can contact the program 24 hours a day, 365 days a year by dialing 855-CG SUPRT (855-247-8778) or TTY: 855-444-8724, visiting or by downloading the CG HSWL app to your mobile device.

CG SUPRT is available to all active duty members, civilian and nonappropriated funded employees, members of the Selected Reserve and their family members. CG SUPRT provides health coaching, money coaching, professional counseling, education, and referral services for a variety of issues such as: 

Marital and family problems Career transition issues
Alcohol and/or drug abuse Personal growth and development
Depression and anxiety Legal and financial challenges
Work-related concerns Health improvement

 Counseling sessions are provided in-person, telephonically or by video. Other services are typically provided telephonically or online. CG SUPRT services are provided at no cost to the eligible members. If you need help beyond the services of CG SUPRT, a counselor will work with you to find additional resources that you can afford or that are covered by your health benefits. 

 Health coaching is a valuable resource provided by CG SUPRT. You can partner with a health coach in a thought-provoking and creative process to promote healthy lifestyle change, including weight management, smoking cessation and stress management. With help from your coach, you will establish a vision, clear goals and action steps to achieve your health goal. 

 CG SUPRT upholds strict confidentiality standards. Participation in the program will be treated confidentially in accordance with all state and federal laws. Limitations on confidentiality are explained when services commence.

Explore the website for thousands of articles, tip sheets and checklists. There are also many self-search tools such as an elder care or childcare locator. You will also find many webcasts, audios and self-assessments.

Ombudsman Program
Since 1986, ombudsmen have served as a vital link between the Coast Guard commands and families. The Coast Guard ombudsman is a highly trained volunteer who is able to offer support and guidance to a unit’s families and acts as an official liaison between the command and its families. The flexibility to evolve with the Coast Guard and to adapt to the uniqueness of each command is the source of strength that allows the Coast Guard Ombudsman Program to fulfill its mission of acting as a liaison between the command and the unit’s families and better prepares families to meet emergency situations. Through their efforts, ombudsmen allow Coast Guard members to better achieve mission readiness by knowing their family members have an available resource when issues or emergency situations arise.

Trained ombudsmen disseminate information both up and down the chain of command, including official correspondence and command information, command climate issues and local quality of life improvement opportunities around the community. Ombudsmen also provide work-life and other resource referrals when needed and are instrumental in resolving family issues before they require extensive command attention. The Coast Guard Ombudsman Program is shaped largely by the commanding officer’s perceived needs of his/her command. The ombudsman is appointed by and works under the guidance of the commanding officer, who determines the priorities of the program, the roles and relationship of those involved in it and the type and level of support it will receive. 

Family members can contact their ombudsmen at

Child Care
Photo of children that take part in Coast Guard childcareThe Coast Guard Development Services (CDS) provides care through Child Development Centers (CDC), Family Child Care (FCC) Providers and Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN) Fee Assistance (FA) program.
There are nine Child Development Centers (CDC) are located at USCG Academy, TRACEN Cape May, TRACEN Petaluma, Base Alameda, Base National Capitol Region, Base Detachment Borinquen, Base San Juan, Base Kodiak and Base Cape Cod. All centers provide care for children six weeks through five years old. Two centers provide school-age care kindergarten thorough –sixth grade with Base Kodiak providing year-around care and TRACEN Cape May providing summer only care.  Each center is licensed to operate by the CG and are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children (NAEYC).  To request a child care space contact the CDC, insert the portal link to contact information
The Family Child Care (FCC) program in operated in Coast Guard-owned housing. The FCC program is a network of CG spouses operating a child care business as a FCC provider, certified by Coast Guard, and supported by the local Coast Guard command.  Provider may care for a maximum of six children. To become a certified provider, must complete the required training, a successful background check and home must undergo regular inspections.  FCC is a cost effective neighborhood child care delivery system, which allows provision of child care in a home environment and employment opportunities for families.   For more information contact a Child Development Services Specialist (CDSS), insert the portal link to contact information
 Coast Guard Military Child Care in Your Neighborhood (MCCYN) Fee Assistance (FA) is available to Active Duty CG Sponsors and CG Reservists on Active Duty Orders for at least 180 days. If the USCG member is married, his or her spouse must be employed a minimum of 20 hours a week, actively seeking employment, or enrolled in higher-education coursework.  The MCCYN FA program offsets the cost of child care for eligible members with dependents ages 6 weeks to 12 years old/6th grade.  The subsidy is paid to the community based licensed child care provider after the sponsor pays the total monthly child care fee, and is not paid in advance. The FA program offsets the cost and does not pay for the sponsor’s portion of their monthly child care fee. Please go to obtain additional information on the Fee Assistance Program.  If you have additional questions about the Fee Assistance program please email and a team member will gladly assist. 
The Department of Defense (DoD) installation based child care programs can be accessed by the CG workforce. is secure DoD gateway to military-operated or military-sponsored child care options. It provides a single online location for families to determine their eligibility, request a space in CDCs, school-age centers and FCC providers or be placed on waitlist for a space.   For additional information go to  If you need assistance with setting up your account Email: or call Toll Free Number: 855.696.2934 and select Option 1 (Family Support)


Adoption Reimbursement
 This program is available to active duty and reserve members who adopt a child or stepchild under 18 years of age. They may be reimbursed authorized adoption expenses up to $2,000 per adoptive child, but no more than $5,000 per calendar year. In the case of two married servicemembers, only one member may claim expenses for each adopted child and the couple is limited to the $5,000 per calendar year maximum. Coast Guard active duty and reserve members must be on active duty for at least 181 consecutive days before applying for adoption reimbursement. For more information, contact the Family Resource Specialist (FRS) at your local HSWL RP.

Special Needs Program
The Coast Guard Special Needs Program was developed and implemented in 1984 to assist families with special needs and address their unique challenges. This program supports family members’ special needs while empowering the active duty member to meet the mission requirements of the Coast Guard.

In concert with other military and civilian agencies, the Special Needs Program provides a comprehensive, multi-disciplinary approach to assure that adequate medical, educational, psychological and community support services for family members with special needs are available near a duty station. Information and referrals to community-based or military resources are provided through the regional HSWL staff before, during and after member’s reassignment. The Coast Guard carefully considers assignment locations for the members enrolled in the Special Needs Program. These efforts allow the member to continue a Coast Guard career, meet mission requirements, and fulfill his or her personal responsibilities.

Enrollment in the Coast Guard Special Needs Program is mandatory for all active duty and reservists on orders for 181 consecutive days or more who have dependent family members diagnosed with medical, psychological, physical or educational special needs. Additionally, enrollment in the program ensures early identification of families with special needs, maximizes provision of quality services to reduce family stress and undue hardship and minimizes costly and disruptive humanitarian reassignments or early return of family members from outside the Continental United States. For more information, contact the FRS at your local HSWL RP. 

School Liaison ProgramDOD School Liaison Officers (SLO) work in partnership with local schools, advise DOD servicemembers and Coast Guard members of school-aged children on educational issues and needs and assist in solving education-related problems. Their goal is to help children succeed in an academic environment by: 

  • Providing education support information, referral and guidance.
  • Assisting parents with locating points of contact in the schools and making referrals as appropriate.
  • Maintaining resource materials.

Visit  to learn more about school liaisons. FRS and Child Development Services Specialists (CDSS) are also available at HSWL RPs to assist Coast Guard members and their families with school-related learn more about school liaisons. Family Resource Specialists (FRS) and Child Development Services Specialists (CDSS) are also available at HSWL RPs to assist Coast Guard members and their families with school-related issues.

Relocation involves moving individuals and families, not just transporting furniture and changing housing.Relocation Assistance Program (RAP)
The Coast Guard has a mobile workforce, with nearly 30% transferring every year. Relocation involves moving individuals and families, not just transporting furniture and changing housing. The primary goal of RAP is to assist Coast Guard employees   and their families through the relocation cycle. During the transfer process, the Coast Guard considers requirements for individual and family support resources. Completing a transfer includes connecting with resources and services in the new local community. Members transferring to new units are provided with relocation packages containing information about housing, schools, education, shopping, medical facilities, community services and spouse employment possibilities in the area. For assistance, contact your Transition and Relocation Manager (TRM) at the nearest HSWL RP or

Family Advocacy Program 

The Family Advocacy Program (FAP) is a congressionally mandated program designed for the prevention, identification, reporting and treatment of Intimate Partner and Child Maltreatment. The Coast Guard is committed to prevent maltreatment within the family and intimate partner relationship, assist commands address incidents of maltreatment and to mitigate the effects of maltreatment on mission readiness. The Coast Guard is also committed to ensure protective factors are in place for the safety of the victim and treatment for the offenders. Family Advocacy Specialists (FAS) are available at each HSWL Regional Practice to assist individuals, families and commands deal with maltreatment.

The Coast Guard offers Restricted and Unrestricted reporting options to adult victims of intimate partner maltreatment. Restricted reporting is a confidential process. It allows the adult victim to receive a FAP assessment, supportive counseling, case management, information and referral and medical services, without command and law enforcement involvement. Adult victims who desire restricted reporting must report the abuse only to a FAS, a Coast Guard Health Care Provider, or a Victim Advocate (VA).

 Unrestricted reporting is the process allowing the victim to report maltreatment incidents using the chain of command, law enforcement and FAP. FAP services are offered to the victim, offender and family members. In addition to an immediate assessment, a full range of protection and safety planning is provided to all family members.. 

All child abuse and child neglect allegations are Unrestricted and must be reported to FAP and Child Protective Services.

Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
TThe Transition Assistance Program provides information and support to all separating and retiring members. Transition assistance services include preparing separating, retiring servicemembers and their families with the skills, tools and self-confidence necessary to ensure successful reentry and effective transition into the nation’s civilian work force. An integral aspect of this goal is to ensure that separating members are made aware of and have access to, the numerous programs and services (military, government, nonprofit and commercial) available to assist them in the transition process. TAP is also intended to improve individual quality of life, enhance personal readiness, speed the attainment of career milestones and return ambassadors to the civilian community that supports the Coast Guard’s recruiting efforts.

Members are required to have Pre-Separation Counseling and a TAP seminar. The TRM at your HSWL RP can provide you with additional information about Transition Assistance and Pre-Separation Counseling. Visit

The Coast Guard is committed to ensuring victims of sexual assault are protected, treated with dignity and respect and provided appropriate ongoing support.Sexual Assault Prevention, Response and Recovery (SAPRR) Program 

Sexual assault is a crime. The Coast Guard is committed to ensuring victims of sexual assault are protected, treated with dignity and respect, and provided appropriate ongoing support. The Coast Guard is also committed to ensuring that persons who commit crimes are held accountable. 

The Coast Guard offers Unrestricted and Restricted reporting options to servicemembers and adult dependents of servicemembers (assaulted by someone outside the family).

Under Unrestricted reporting, a member may receive medical treatment, advocacy, legal assistance via special victims counsel (SVC), counseling, and an official investigation of his/her report conducted by trained Coast Guard Investigative Service (CGIS) agents. The member may report using official reporting channels (e.g., duty watchstander, supervisor, chain of command), or to a Sexual Assault Response Coordinator (SARC) at the servicing WL RP, a Victim Advocate (VA), or a DOD or Coast Guard Health Care Professional (HCP). In addition to the immediate formal investigation, a full range of protections are potentially available to the victim (for example, Military Protective Order, Expedited Transfer, etc.).

Under Restricted reporting, the member is allowed to confidentially report the details of his or her assault to specific categories of individuals and receive advocacy, medical treatment, SVC assistance, and counseling without triggering the official Coast Guard investigative process or notifying the command. For Restricted reporting, the assault can be disclosed ONLY to a SARC, VA, or DOD or Coast Guard HCP.

Health Promotion Program
This program provides policy, evidence-based programs, education and direct services aimed at preventing injury and disease attributed to lifestyle imbalances and maintaining health. Core elements include tobacco cessation, physical fitness, weight management, health risk appraisal, nutrition and stress management.

For more information on the specific program offered please, visit the Health Promotion Program Resource page at

Substance Abuse Prevention Program & Treatment (SAPP)
The purpose of the SAPP is to inform commands about Coast Guard substance abuse policy, provide commands and individuals with substance abuse prevention training, provide substance abuse screenings, implement strategies to prevent alcohol misuse, and work to eliminate illegal drug use within the Coast Guard.

This program encourages responsible use of alcohol by members through accountability and responsibility. It is designed to reduce the abuse of alcohol or other drugs within the Coast Guard through prevention education, identification of members who are substance abusers, education for self-realization of their abuse and rehabilitation when needed.

Information on substance abuse is available at no cost from CG SUPRT at 855-CG-SUPRT
(855-247-8778) or


Casualty Assistance Calls Officer (CACO)
The Casualty Assistance Calls Officer is the Coast Guard representative who notifies the primary and secondary next of kin that a servicemember in the Coast Guard has died. The Coast Guard unit will assign you a CACO who is dedicated to personally assist you in applying for your benefits and answering your questions. Your CACO will provide you with as much information about the cause of death as it becomes available and that is allowed. The CACO will do his/her best to answer any questions you may have. Your CACO will also ensure that your immediate needs are being met during this difficult time. Your CACO will immediately arrange for any available Coast Guard assistance to help you make funeral or memorial arrangements.

Your CACO will help you prepare and submit any forms needed to claim your benefits from different government agencies.

Your CACO will continue to assist you until your claims are filed and settled or until any issues regarding those benefits are resolved to your satisfaction. You may, release the CACO at any time that you feel that their assistance is no longer needed or desired..

Chaplains assist Coast Guard men and women and their families in being mission ready.Chaplains
Chaplains assist Coast Guardsmen and their families in being mission ready. They work to develop spiritually mature, moral and ethical individuals. They utilize innovation in the delivery of religious ministry and provide compassionate pastoral care.

Chaplains are an advocate for you. They have been granted by the courts “privileged communication,” and are the only people who can grant you total confidentiality. They strive to achieve religious accommodation, care and advisement to strengthen faith and values. They do this through four “Core Capabilities:”

  • Providing professional religious ministry through worship services, religious education, weddings, funerals and other religious rituals and rites.
  • Facilitating for the religious needs of our people from other religious traditions by identifying their needs and coordinating support from other chaplains, civilian clergy and lay leaders.
  • Caring for our people with dignity, respect and compassion, regardless of an individual's beliefs, and making informed and professional referrals. Chaplains are available 24/7 with confidential counseling to ensure service members and their families have the spiritual resilience to cope with the inevitable hardships of military life.
  • Advising commanding officers on the accommodation of religious needs; on the moral, ethical and spiritual well-being of our people; and on religious matters that affect the command's mission.

To obtain information about Coast Guard Chaplain, go to:

Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor
Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor is the Navy and Coast Guard’s wounded warrior support program. It provides non-medical support – such as addressing personnel concerns, providing athletic opportunities and sharing employment resources – for more than 4,300 wounded warriors, as well as their families.

Enrollment in the program is available to service members wounded in combat, as well as to those diagnosed with a serious illness or injured in shipboard, training and liberty accidents. Enrollment lasts a lifetime.

Navy Wounded Warrior – Safe Harbor helps Sailors and Coast Guardsmen return to duty. However, when that is not possible, the program helps them successfully reintegrate into their communities.

To learn more, call 855-NAVY WWP (628-9997), email or visit

Additional Resources 

American Red Cross 

The American Red Cross is a worldwide communications network available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. It can place emergency messages to or from Coast Guard servicemembers and their families. When regular communications break down, the Red Cross can also report on the welfare of individuals. 

The American Red Cross works in partnership with the military aid societies, including the Coast Guard Mutual Assistance. This alliance helps to provide financial assistance for emergency travel that requires the presence of the servicemember or his or her family, burial of a loved one or with assistance that cannot wait until the next business day, such as food, temporary lodging, urgent medical needs or the minimum amount required to avoid eviction, utility shut off, etc. 
In addition, the Red Cross collects, processes, distributes and ensures a safe blood supply. Contact the Red Cross at its local chapter listed in your phone directory for more information. 

The American Red Cross 
National Headquarters 431 18th Street, 
NW Washington, D.C. 20006

Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA)

Coast Guard Mutual Assistance (CGMA) is the official relief society of the U.S. Coast Guard. CGMA is an essential resource for the entire Coast Guard community, providing financial assistance through grants, interest-free loans, financial counseling, and other resource programs. Established in 1924, CGMA is an independent non-profit charitable organization operated by Coast Guard people for Coast Guard people. 

CGMA understands the unique sacrifices of the Coast Guard family, especially when they face an unexpected financial need. Some examples of programs available to you through CGMA include:

• Adoption assistance 
• Baby supplies 
• Breast milk shipment reimbursement

• Budget counseling and debt management counseling 
• Disaster assistance 
• Education programs 


The U.S. Department of Defense is committed to making its electronic and information technologies accessible to individuals with disabilities in accordance with Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d), as amended in 1998. DoD websites use the WCAG 2.0 AA accessibility standard.

For persons with disabilities experiencing difficulties accessing content on a particular website, please use the form DoD Section 508 Form.  In this form, please indicate the nature of your accessibility issue/problem and your contact information so we can address your issue or question. If your issue involves log in access, password recovery, or other technical issues, contact the administrator for the website in question, or your local helpdesk.