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 Scholarship Program

Current Announcements

  • Coast Guard Foundation Scholarships season will be open from 1 February – 01 April.  Click here to apply

  • ONLY online applications will be accepted. No mail, fax, or email applications will be accepted.​


  • Purpose of Program
  • The Scholarship Program provides information and resources on financial assistance to members of Team Coast Guard.

Who is Eligible for this Program?
The Scholarship Program is available to the following members of Team Coast Guard:

NOTE: Eligibility for CGF Scholarships, a non-profit organization, differs from below.

  • Active Duty, Reserve, Retirees and their dependents
  • Civil Service employees
  • Exchange System and MWR employees

Program Confidentiality
Discussions of the Scholarship Program with Work-Life personnel are confidential.

Definitions relating to scholarships are provided within the reference sources and applications packages for each specific scholarship.

Services and Resources Available
The following services and resources are available within the Scholarship Program:

Related Program Information
These resources are provided to assist USCG employees with finding information in regard to scholarships, grants and loans in support of higher education.

BE AWARE OF SCHOLARSHIP SCAMS! It is important to check references and to research programs found on the web. DO NOT send money to unidentified sources. Information provided is not intended to endorse or recommend organizations listed.

Point of Contact
Please contact your Family Resource Specialist (FRS) on your Regional Work-Life Staff at 1-202-475-5100. If you need additional assistance, please contact Office of Work-Life HQ at HQS-SMB-FamilySupportServices@uscg.mil